The Mini Car Club of NSW Come & Try Day is 23rd March 2025
The Come & Try Day is open to all Senior & Junior members 12 years & older.
You can Come & Try a Motorkhana if you have not participated in one previously.
It’s a lot of fun & for Juniors it gives them a chance to learn how to handle a car with an instructor or parent in the car with them. All before they get their Learners Permit & get out on the open road.
Come & enjoy a relaxed day of grass roots Club Motorsport & learn what is involved & have a go!
There will be a free sausage sizzle for all members attending. For catering purposes please confirm your attendance by SMS to Glynis Heydon on 0408 865 955 with numbers coming.
The location of the Motorkhana is 370 Lower Colo Road, Lower Portland.
Stay on the Putty Road & turn off just before the Colo river bridge. It is sign posted.
Gates open at 8am, Drivers briefing 9.30am & start 10am.
Come & have a go!