About Classic Vehicle Registration.
If your vehicle is 30 plus years old and has some modifications which take it outside the Historic Registration rules, then Classic Vehicle (CVS) registration is for you.
Click here for the RMS VSI-6 Guidelines on what you can do to your vehicle without needing to have those changes certified by an engineer who is on the VSCCS list. You can state that the mods to the vehicle are safe and done properly and that should be enough.
If your vehicle goes beyond those VSI-6 rules, a VSCCS Engineer has to certify your vehicle. Once you have completed the NSW engineering process and have received your engineered number it will then be able to go onto the Classic Vehicle Registration scheme.
Please Note: After the vehicle is registered as a CVS and further modifications are made to this vehicle the owner must notify the Mini Car Club of NSW Club Plate Registrar. A further blue slip may be needed and a further VSCCS certification. In that case, copies of both updated documents must be supplied to CMC CVS.
You MUST also be a member of a car club such as the Mini Car Club of NSW which is affiliated with the Council of Motor Clubs.
CVS registrations are registered and processed through Council of Motor Clubs, CMC
Council of Motor Clubs (CMC) Information
For more information please refer to the following:
- CLASSIC VEHICLE SCHEME Letter for New Applications
- CLASSIC VEHICLE SCHEME Letter for Renewals
- CLASSIC VEHICLE SCHEME Letter for Registrars
Please Note: The CMC and Transport for NSW require ORIGINAL documents for registration. Emails and photocopies are not allowed.
To start the process:
- Read and print the MCC NSW Classic Vehicle Scheme (Modified Vehicles) Eligibility and Rules and Process Click HERE
- Print and fill out the Mini Car Club of NSW’s CP “Inspection & Eligibility Checklist” CPM 02 Form, please click HERE to download.
For NEW CVS Registrations only:
You will need to complete Transport for NSW Application for Conditional Registration, form 1246. Please Click HERE to download 1246 Form
You will need to also complete the Transport for NSW form 1021 “Change of Records” to apply for inclusion in the 60-day logbook trial. Please Click HERE to download 1021 Form.
- A blue slip MUST be obtained for certification of the vehicle for the initial application for CVS. This applies regardless of whether the vehicle is currently registered or not.
On subsequent renewal of your CVS registration a pink slip is sufficient.
Note: Transport NSW insist that to start off CVS, an AUVIS or Unregistered Vehicle Inspection Report (blue slip), must be obtained for the vehicle, no matter what registration the vehicle is currently on. This isn’t our rule, it comes from Transport NSW, and you should note that not all authorised inspection stations (AIS) can do these.
When any of your fellow club members wish to register their vehicles on the CVS, please ask them NOT to send to the CMC CVS administrator the original of the AUVIS or blue slip.
A photocopy is sufficient for our records.
This avoids the relatively expensive document going astray in the mail.
Note also that they only last for 42 days, so promptness is required.
For ALL applications, including New and Renewals
Note: On renewal of your CVS registration a pink slip is sufficient.
- You must complete Section 1 and 2 of the 1835 form provided by Transport for NSW. Please Click HERE to download 1835 Form.
Please do not fill in or sign section 3 of this form.
This is for the CMC to fill in and sign as they are our approved organisation and the authorised person.
- This 1835 form must be stamped (in the box provided on the form) by your primary club (Mini Car Club of NSW). By stamping this form your club is attesting to the fact that you are a financial member of the Mini Car Club of NSW and the vehicle is eligible for registration under the Transport for NSW CVS rules.
Without that stamp, CMC CVS administrator will not process the application. The stamp should be legible for all to read, as Transport NSW is very strict on such things.
- (A new form for 2022) For ALL applications, including New and Renewals please complete all your information on the “Check list of requirements of the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS)” form, Please Click HERE to download.
- Both of these forms must then be signed and stamped by Rob Burns our Club Plate Registrar. Contact Rob by phone, on 0414 193 798 or email at historicregistrar@miniclub.com.au or Warwick Butt our Assistant Club Plate Registrar by phone 0425 304 154 or email at asshistoricregistrar@miniclub.com.au
- Once these forms are completed by you and the Mini Car Club of NSW Club Plate Registrar has returned them to you, please post to CMC CVS administrator, for further verification and stamping.
- Forms for posting are:
- Completed and MCC Stamped ORIGINAL 1835 Form
- Completed “Check list of requirements of the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS)”
- A copy of your Blue Slip or Pink Slip
If the complete set of documents, with all relevant information, are not received, the paperwork won’t be processed.
- Post to CMC CVS administrator, Box 174, Bexley, NSW, 2207.
- Then make a payment of $25 to the CMC for a processing fee which includes the cost of a return domestic letter with tracking envelope for posting back to the member. This then gives us a way to find documents should they go astray.
We will no longer be providing express post envelopes as they are expensive, and there isn’t a guarantee of the speed of that service anymore.
You can pay the $25.00 fee by cheque or money order made payable to CMC CVS, or you can EFT the funds to:
BSB 633 000
Account 186322772
Please identify the payment in the reference field with YOUR surname and initials.
(Please DO NOT put cash in the envelope. It is against the law.)
- On receipt of the documents by the CMC CVS administrator, Section 3 of the 1835 form will be completed and signed by a representative of the CMC (as per the example on page 4 of the guidelines) The “Check list of requirements of the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS)” form will be retained for their records.
- The completed and stamped Original 1835 form will be posted back to you and must then be taken to a Service NSW office for processing.
Transport for NSW Processing:
- For new applications you must fill in the 4-page RMS Application for Conditional Registration, form 1246.
- For new applications you must complete a form 1021 Change of Records to apply for inclusion in the 60-day logbook.
Your club is automatically included in the log book system due to its affiliation with one of the CMC member associations.
For ALL applications, New and Renewals:
- Take the original 1835 & 1021 forms plus the Completed and stamped ”Application for Conditional Registration” (form 1246), and your Original blue slip to a Service NSW office for processing. You will also need to produce your licence for ID.
- The 1021 form will require your new registration number noted on it before the RMS can process it and give you your log book.
The cost of CVS registration is:
- $22 Conditional Registration administration fee
- $29 CTP insurance premium
- $44 Number plate fee (one-off)
- $95 Total
New number plates are mandatory.
Conditional registration cannot use ordinary number plates or personalised plates.
The new plates should have 5 numbers followed by a ‘E’. They are green numbers and letters on white background.
- You should also notify your comprehensive insurer of the new registration details or establish an insurance policy if you do not already have one for the vehicle.
- Read the Mini Car Club’s rules and by laws, to understand the club event process for trips which do not require an entry in the 60-day log book.
- Please Note: If further modifications are made to a vehicle the owner must notify the Club. A further blue slip may be needed and a further VSCCS certification. In that case, copies of both updated documents must be supplied to CMC CVS.
For any Further Information regarding the Classic Vehicle Registration or to arrange for an inspection of your car please contact
Rob Burns our Club Plate Registrar by email at historicregistrar@miniclub.com.au or call Rob on 0414 193 798 or
Warwick Butt our Assistant Club Plate Registrar by email at asshistoricregistrar@miniclub.com.au or Call 0425 304 154
To download and print this page, Click >>: HERE
Fact Sheet
Transport for NSW has created a new historic and classic vehicle log book and club runs fact sheet.
Please share the fact sheet with your members and relevant contacts via copying and pasting this link: historic and classic vehicle log book and club runs fact sheet
The fact sheet is now available on Transport for NSW website, however the webpage is currently undergoing some edits to align with new NSW Government branding and to enhance customer usability. This is due to be completed in the new year, 2023.
Please also encourage your colleagues and contacts to sign up to receive DRIVE, our quarterly newsletter for road safety and regulation updates. The latest edition of DRIVE features an article about the Shannons Sydney Classic at Eastern Creek NSW, where many historic and classic vehicles were on display (use the links in this sentence to share as you see fit).
Kind regards,
Matthew Cafe
Transport for NSW
Recent News
Updated Calendar of Events January 29, 2025
Club Motorkhana October 28, 2024
Minis on Safari October 21, 2024
AGM Committee Results October 21, 2024
Vale – Barry Walsh September 3, 2024