All British Day Show and Shine August 2016

Well what a great turn out for the All British day and the Mini Car Clubs Show n Shine, Almost 90 cars on display what a great effort to all that turned up and the weather turned it on for today. We must thank Michael Benton, Rob Weir and our Secretary Joan for a great effort to organise all of this and make it run smoothly, our show n shine judges and any one i have forgotten…. well done

Show and Shine results 2016

Morris 850, Mini Minor, Mini K
Winner: Alan Olson
Runner Up: Rob Diamante
3RD: Rod Van Eck

Cooper, Cooper S,
Winner: Lynne Benton
Runner Up; Meaghan Lucas( Kevin Lucas)
3RD: Ron Adlam

Clubman All Models
Winner: Michael Klocovski
Runner Up: Rob Bradshaw
3RD: Jason Martin

Commercials, Vans, Pick-ups and Variants
Winner: Grant Freeman
Runner Up: Michael Wilks
3RD: Robert Hayes

Winner: Julian Atkinson
Runner Up: Dean Cook
3RD: David Durrant

Modified, Competition
WInner: Michael Benton
Runner Up: Collin Mallet
3rd: Steve Pearse

Post 1980-2000 Minis, including Rover
Winner: Meaghan Lucas
Runner Up: Barry Campany
3RD: Tom Griffiths

Most Original and Unrestored
Winner: Phil Boye
Runner Up: Chris Barwik
3RD: David Hemsley

BMW Minis
Winner: Scott Enman

And the Winner of the Show Michael Benton
Once again thank you all for coming out to enjoy a great day. and congrats to all the winners