Sunday 15th September 2019
Mini Car Club of NSW Annual Show and Shine
A new date this year for the annual All British Day, in conjunction with The Kings School Art Show, is held at the Kings School, Pennant Hills Rd, North Parramatta.
Once again this event will be the main Show and Shine for the Mini Car club so clean and polish up your mini and come along for a great day with prizes and trophies awarded for various categories.
- Morris 850, Mini Minor, Mini Deluxe, Mini Matic, Mini K
- Cooper, Cooper S
- Clubman all models, including GT
- Commercials, Vans, Pick-ups & Variants
- Mokes,
- Best Modified, Competition
- Post 1980 – 2000 Minis, including Rover and JDM
- Most Original and Unrestored
- BMW Minis
All entries for the Show and Shine must be returned to the Officials desk before 10:00am
- Judging of all classes will begin at 10.30am. No allowances will be given for cars not ready at this time (no entries after judging has commenced).
- Cars will be judged for the workmanship, detailed tidiness and cleanliness. For example, a Cooper S or Mini K that is driven every day or built to the owners requirements and is presented well, will have the same chance as a Cooper S or Mini K that has been fully restored to original specifications.
- Please don’t leave unnecessary items in your Car or in your boot, Presentation is a must.
- Displaying your car with merchandise, pictures etc. is encouraged to make it a whole presentation of the vehicle on the day.
- You do not have to be at your car when it is judged but you must ensure that the car is unlocked and the judges have access to the boot and engine bay. It will not be judged if there is no access.
- All car entrants to the Show-n-Shine will make themselves available to judge another class, other than the class they have entered or as nominated by the organisers.
- Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place in each class
- Car of the Show for MCCNSW members only
- Display only cars are very welcome
For entry to Kings School prepaid tickets costing $10 each are required, and the numbers will be limited as the Kings school has asked for entries to be limited to 1500, so get in early.
The Mini Car Club has again purchased a block of tickets which for members are free and non-members $10. Trailer tickets are also required if you are towing your car into the site.
Please Note: The Association of British Car Clubs has this year requested for all non-car club members to contact one of the associated clubs for the purchase of tickets.
Gates open at 6.30am with the aim to have all cars in place by 9.00am and entry for all competitors this year is only via Masons Drive, if you attempt to enter via Hunterford Cres you will be turned around as this entry will be blocked for entrants.
To aid the free flow of traffic into the site all tickets must be firmly fixed to the inside of your windscreen. If you lose your ticket or don’t have a ticket then you will be directed to a separate parking area until traffic marshals can attend and provide a ticket at a cost of $15.
This year NSW Police will be stationed on Pennant Hill Road to direct traffic as required and all associated car clubs will be providing traffic marshals within the school grounds to assist with the speedy entry of cars.
For more information or to arrange for your entry ticket please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
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