2025 Committee Members
If you would like to contact any of the committee, please click on their name and send them an email or alternately give them a call.
Rob Weir 0418 161 918
Carol Durrant 0415 655 063
Bruce Keyvar 0417 049 625
Club Captain
Glenn Dorrenboom 0438 909 999
Competition Secretary
Glynis Heydon 0408 865 955
Assistant Competition Secretary
Vacant position, Can you help?
Competition Department
Darryl Heydon 0418 664 635
Julie Witcombe 0419 266 620
1x vacant positions can you help?
Please Contact Carol at secretary@miniclub.com.au
Social Secretary
Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Assistant Social Secretary
Lynne Benton 0411 247 653
Ron Adlam 0427 043 854
Webmaster and Facebook Administrator
Dean Cook 0409 794 364
Historic Plate Registrar
Rob Burns 0414 193 798
02 4630 8202
Assistance Club Plate Registrar
Warwick Butt 0425 304154
Club Plate Examiners
Warwick Butt ( Kirrawee) 0425 304 154,
Wayne Witcombe ( Picton) 0412 110 919
Rob Weir ( Belmore) 0418 161 918
Graham Hepworth (Central Coast) 0405 151 751
David Wheatley (Roseville) 02 9416 2751
Brock Heydon (East Ryde) 0421 043 842
Ian Thompson (Windsor) 02 4575 1776
Phil Boye (Wollongong) 0429 671 649
Rob Diamante (Blue Mountains) 0412 916 099
James Lucas (Taree) 0428 663 747
Michael Benton (Gordon) 0411 019 112
Mini Enthusiasts Chairman
Joe Zulian 0439 485 352
Promotions Officer
Vacant position, Can you help?
Magazine Editor
Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Merchandise Officer
Lynne Benton 0411 247 653
Catering & Meetings
Laurelle Adlam
Delegate to Motorsport Australia
Vacant position, Can you help? 2 positions
Delegates to Council of Motor Clubs
Carol Durrant 0415 655 063
Joe Zulian (02) 9808 2670
Delegate to Assn of British Car Clubs
Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Mid North Coast Sub-Branch
Meaghan Lucas (02) 6553 7244
Postal Address for Club Mail
PO Box 164, Mortdale NSW 2223.
Club Web Page: www.miniclub.com.au
Visit our web page to download forms, get club information, lodge magazine articles, For Sales, and send correspondence direct to the committee.
Address for Magazine Articles
Please Contact Michael at editor@miniclub.com.au
Or post to PO Box 164, Mortdale, 2223
General Meetings
Viking Sports Club
35 Quarry Road, Dundas Valley, NSW
Please leave the premises clean, neat and tidy. No loud or exuberant driving on leaving the premises.
Club Motorkhana Grounds