New date Sunday 6th March 2022
Minis DownUnder 2021 Visitor tickets
Admission fee for visitors to the Minis DownUnder 2021 is $10 per person. Under 16’s will be free if accompanied by an adult.
Admission tickets can now be purchased at the entrance to the Grand pavilion. We can accept cash or card payments.
Note: All mini Entrants in Grand Pavilion will receive 2 Adult entry passes as part of their entry fee.
Minis DownUnder 2021 Update 29th January 2022
Dear Mini Enthusiasts
Let’s Go!
With just under 6 weeks to go until the date for the postponed Minis DownUnder 2021 we have now committed to proceed with the event on the 5/6th March 2022. We will continue to monitor the Covid situation and will only postpone again if cases dramatically escalate or Government regulations change. In the meantime, we are continuing with final event organisation.
If you have entered and are unable to make the 6th March then please contact me to discuss a refund and I can allocate your space to someone on the waiting list.
We are looking for volunteers to assist on the weekend with parking of Minis and various other jobs to help the event run smoothly. Jobs will include parking and car security, entry door, merchandise store, wandering stewards, etc.
Please email or phone Michael and we can add your name onto the roster. Please state any preferred job. The more names we have the shorter the roster period will be. The roster will be made available on Saturday 5th but may be changed as required.
Don’t forget the Minis DownUnder 2021 celebration dinner will be held on Saturday 5th March 2022. There is an online booking form on our Minis DownUnder website page;
Mini only parking: A priority parking area will be available in the Members car park for Minis only. (Disabled parking is also in this area). This area which will be accessed over the rail bridge via Grand Avenue and first turn right into the venue. Participants or spectators with Minis are free to park in this area which is adjacent to the event venue.
All general vehicle parking will be in the Car Parks accessed via James Ruse Drive
Entrants and sponsors can bring their cars into the Grand Pavilion for setup on Saturday afternoon 5th March from 1pm till 5pm and Sunday morning 6th March from 7am till 9:30am
All pre ordered MDU merchandise and entry tickets will be pre-assembled and handed to you when you arrive at the event. No articles will be posted out prior to the event.
Don’t forget all cars will require a drip tray under the engine and gearbox. You can purchase one of our exclusive Minis DownUnder 2021 drip trays for $15 or bring your own.
All entrants and assistants are required to wear a high viz vest during bump-in and bump- out. Bring your own or we can provide one if pre-ordered.
The event Program is almost complete. Time is running out if you want your mini featured. Just send a few photos and brief description via email to
Please note: to enable the display of over 160 Minis in the Grand Pavilion the cars will be lined up in rows with each model grouped. Each classic mini will have an area of 2.5m x 4m and New Minis 3m x 5m. This will allow for a car door to be opened with space to the next car and space behind for 2 chairs. If you wish to park as a group the cars must be the same model and you must drive in at the same time.
Show and Shine entrants can fill out their show entry form on Sunday morning.
There will be a Raffle at Minis DownUnder with some great prizes. Each sponsor is providing a raffle prize and the profits will be donated to ‘Canteen’. Cash and contact-less payments will be available.
We have been given some autographed (by famous mini drivers) photos which have had framed, and these will be sold via silent auction with profits donated to ‘Canteen’.
Canterbury MINI Garage are our major sponsor and will have a number of new MINIs for viewing and for sale.
We have several Mini Specialists and Sponsors offering parts, services and advice.
Mini Bits ‘n Pieces: An area just outside the Pavilion for Mini enthusiasts with Mini bits for private sale will be available.
Minis DownUnder exclusive merchandise can be pre ordered or will be for sale on the day. There will be onsite Food stalls and a breakout area for entrants and visitors.
A small Children’s entertainment area is included with face painting.
Special Mini guests have been invited
Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates. down-under-2021/
Please follow Covid-19 regulations and get vaccinated or boosted as soon as you can. We will be adhering to Covid-19 security arrangements required by Rosehill Gardens and the NSW government at the time. Our preference anyway is for all entrants and visitors to be vaccinated and wear a mask.
Stay safe and continue with your Mini preparations. Let’s make this the best Mini event in Sydney for years.
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis downUnder 2021 Merchandise
We are planning to have a range of MDU 2021 special merchandise for sale at the event.
To ensure you receive your special merchandise and avoid disappointment please place a pre order on our Merchandise webpage.
Follow this link to our Merchandise page
Fill in the details below.
Exclusive Merchandise >> MDU 2021 Order Form
We are still in the process of completing designs and quotes
MDU 2021 Black Polo shirt (colour sublimation) $40
If paying with PayPal please click on the highlighted PayPal price below to pay for each item.
Exclusive MDU 2021 Polo Shirt Black Price $40 (confirmed cost)
Exclusive MDU T-shirt White Price $20 (for entrants only)
Exclusive MDU T-shirt Black. Price $20
Exclusive MDU Rugby jumper Black. Price $45
Exclusive MDU 2021 Cap. Price $15
Exclusive MDU Key Fob. Price $15
Exclusive MDU Hat pin. Price $10
Exclusive MDU sticker. Price $1 each
Exclusive MDU 2021 Exclusive Oil Drip tray. Price $15
Mini Only Parking Entry Form
Please follow the link to register for Mini Only Parking at Minis DownUnder 2021
Click here >>> Mini Only Parking Entry Form
Entries received now the pavilion is full will have their names added to a wait list in case anyone cancels their entry.
We do continue to encourage registrations for the Mini Only Parking area as this will enable us to manage the space depending on short stay or all day parking.
Minis DownUnder 2021 Show ‘n Shine
Show n Shine entry forms will be available on the day and must be submitted to the entry desk prior to 9:30am on Sunday 1st August 2021.
• Judges are comparing cars against each other and not looking at cars as they would be straight out of the showroom.
• Cars will be judged for the workmanship, detailed tidiness and cleanliness.
• Please don't leave unnecessary items in your car, presentation is a must.
• Displaying your car with merchandise, pictures etc. is encouraged to make it a whole presentation of the vehicle on the day.
• Entrants may be asked to judge a class other than the one they are entered in.
• Original class will be judged on originality, tidiness, cleanliness and presentation
Please read the instructions and good luck.
Show n Shine entry form can be downloaded here: Show and Shine Judging Form v3
60th Anniversary Dinner
Saturday night 5th March 2022 Dinner at Rosehill Bowling Club is now confirmed and will be $45 per person for a 2 course set menu dinner.
Meals will be served alternatively
Dietary requirements will be catered on request.
Menu includes dinner rolls and butter
Main course.
Slowly braised lamb shank with garlic mash, wilted greens and rich brown sauce (gf)
Roasted loin of pork with baked apple, rosemary roasted potatoes and seasonal vegetables (gf)
Vanilla panacotta with strawberry coulis and cream
Pavlova with mixed berries and passionfruit
Dinner Booking
If you would like to join us for dinner then please fill out this >> Dinner RSVP form
Then make your payment via one of the following options.
PayPal. via this link>>> PayPal
- Direct Debit – Direct Debit to National Australia Bank, Auburn, NSW
Account Name: Mini Car Club of NSW
BSB No. 082-112 Account No. 50916 1229
Reference: “your surname” + “MDU dinner"
Please don't forget to include your surname in the Direct debit Reference
• Credit Card – payments can be made via the PayPal link or please phone the Secretary, Joan, on 02 9153 7635
• Cheque – please make cheques payable to “Mini Car Club of NSW” and post to MM21 Secretary, PO Box 164, Mortdale NSW 2223
Rosehill Bowling Club, Cnr James Ruse Drive & HassalL Street, Rosehill, NSW 2142
For more information please contact:
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Ph 0411 019 112
Local Accommodation
We have arranged a number of accommodation packages with special discounts for entrants and spectators for venues close to Rosehill.
Details can be downloaded here>>>>: Minis DownUnder 2021 accommodation March 2021
Secure overnight parking for tow cars and trailers is available onsite at Rosehill Gardens.
Conditions of entry
- Early bird entry is prior to 1st May 2021
- Any entries received after 1st July or on the day will not be eligible for judging or receive a competitor show bag, but may display only.
- Vehicle entry into the Pavilion will be subject to available space.
- Entries on the day cannot be guaranteed as places inside the pavilion are limited. Once capacity is reached entrants will be directed to park in the outside “mini only parking area”.
- Judging of vehicles may still occur in the outside “mini only parking area”.
- Vehicle entry into the Pavilion will be subject to the condition of the vehicle and at the discretion of the committee.
- All fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. Unpaid entries will not be processed.
- During bump-in and bump-out phase all people in the vicinity of the pavilion MUST wear high visibility safety vests and enclosed footwear during these times, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 8-9:30am, Sun 4:00-5:30pm.
- All event organisers and entrants are required to undertake an ATC* online site safety induction prior to entry to the site.
- No person under the age of 15 years is permitted on site or to remain in a vehicle during bump-in and bump-out of the event.
- All vehicle movement on the Rosehill Gardens site must adhere to direction of ATC* staff.
- NO vehicles must be moved with-in the pavilion on Sunday between 9:30am and 4pm while the event is in progress.
- Motor vehicles on display must have the ignition keys removed.
- Ignition keys must be left with event security to prevent starting by unauthorised users.
- Do not start vehicles on display without ATC* approval.
- The running of cables through, or in front of, fire services, exit pathways and exit doors is prohibited.
- All rubbish and other waste material are to be cleaned up and removed from the site for disposal in a responsible manner.
- Putrescible garbage must be placed in garbage bins outside any building area.
- All ATC* sites are “smoke free”. Smoking is only permitted at designated smoking areas.
- I understand the date for MDU 2021 may change due to Covid-19 requirements.
*ATC – Australian Turf Club
Minis DownUnder 2021 Update 7th January 2022
Dear Mini enthusiasts,
Wow! With just over 8 weeks to go until the postponed Minis DownUnder 2021 will we be able to hold our event this time? We are monitoring the out-of-control Omicron virus and will make a decision as to whether to go ahead with 6th March 2022 date by the end of January. In the meantime, we are continuing with final event organisation.
If you have filled out the entry form and not paid your entry fee, then your space is not guaranteed, so please contact us to make payment as soon as possible. I have sent out a reminder to those who have not paid. If anyone who has already entered are unable to make the 6th March then please contact me to discuss a refund and I can allocate your space to someone on the waiting list.
Our subcommittee members continue to meet and work behind the scenes to make this the best Mini event in Sydney for years.
Even though the date has changed to March 2022 the event will still be called Minis DownUnder 2021.
We are looking for volunteers to assist on the weekend with parking of the Minis and various other jobs to help the event run smoothly. Jobs will include parking, entry door, merchandise store, wandering stewards, etc. Please email or phone Michael and we can add your name onto the roster. We are working on a list of jobs for the weekend including parking attendants, merchandise assistance, general car security. Please state any preferred job. The more names we have the shorter the roster period will be.
The Minis DownUnder 2021 celebration dinner will be held on Saturday 5th March 2022. There is an online booking form on our Minis DownUnder website page;
Current event status
- We have now received all the Minis DownUnder 2021 event merchandise.
- The limited-edition Minis DownUnder 2021 merchandise can be pre ordered via our website; please fill in the online form:
- All pre ordered MDU merchandise and entry tickets will be pre-assembled and handed to you when you arrive at the event. No articles will be posted out prior to the event.
- We received update stickers with the new March 6th, 2022, date to place on the existing laminated posters. I visited most of our sponsors to update their signs and will update the remainder in the next few weeks.
- Don’t forget all cars will require a drip tray under the engine and gearbox. You can purchase one of our exclusive Minis DownUnder 2021 drip trays for $15 or bring your own.
- All entrants and assistants are required to wear a high viz vest during bump-in and bump-out. Bring your own or we can provide one if pre-ordered.
- We currently have 58 people registered for the Saturday night dinner. Bookings and online form are available via our website:
- The event Program is almost complete. Time is running out if you want your mini featured. Just send a few photos and brief description via email to Also a couple of our sponsors are yet to submit their advertisements.
- I will review the floor layout over the next few weeks and will send out an email to people on the wait list to fill any vacant positions.
- Please note: to enable the display of over 160 Minis in the Grand Pavilion the cars will be lined up in rows with each model grouped. Each classic mini will have an area of 2.5m x 4m and New Minis 3m x 5m. This will allow for a car door to be opened with space to the next car and space behind for 2 chairs. If you require more space, please contact me to discuss.
- We have been given some autographed (by famous mini drivers) photos which have had framed, and these will be sold via silent auction with profits donated to ‘Canteen’.
- Each sponsor is providing a raffle prize and the profits will be donated to ‘Canteen’. Raffle tickets will be for sale at Minis DownUnder 2021 so don’t forget to bring some cash and there will be contact-less payments available.
- Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates.
Please follow Covid-19 regulations and get vaccinated or boosted as soon as you can. We will be adhering to Covid-19 security arrangements required by Rosehill Gardens at the time.
Stay safe and keep up your mini preparations as we will eventually hold this event – Promise!
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis DownUnder 2021 Update 5th December 2021
Dear Mini enthusiasts,
The new date for Minis DownUnder 2021 is Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th March 2022.
Even though the date has changed to March 2022 the event will still be called Minis DownUnder 2021.
With just 3 months to go until Minis DownUnder 2021 we are ramping up final event organisation. It looks like we made the correct decision to postpone as a few State borders were still closed iat the end of November 2021. Hopefully high vaccination rates will mean continued low numbers of Covid-19 cases into 2022.
We have had a few cancellations due to the latest date change and a couple have re-joined us as they no longer have a date clash. If you have filled out the entry form and not paid your entry fee, then your space is not guaranteed, so please contact us to make payment as soon as possible. I will send out a reminder to those who have not paid. If the latest change of date affects anyone who has already entered, then please contact me to discuss a refund.
Our subcommittee members continue to meet and work behind the scenes to make this the best Mini event in Sydney for years.
We are looking for volunteers to assist on the weekend with parking of the Minis and various other jobs to help the event run smoothly. Jobs will include parking, entry door, merchandise store, wandering stewards, etc. Please email or phone Michael and we can add your name onto the roster. Please state any preferred job. The more names we have the shorter the roster period will be.
If you are staying in any of the local accommodation options, then please contact them and confirm your new booking date. They are aware of the event date change.
The Minis DownUnder 2021 celebration dinner will be held on Saturday 5th March 2022. There is an online booking form on our Minis DownUnder website page;
We wish to thank ATC, Rosehill Gardens for their ongoing support and co-operation.
Current event status
- We have recently ordered a small quantity of limited edition children’s MDU T-shirts if you would like to reserve one then please fill out an online order form. They feature their own exciting display motif.
- Some of our merchandise items will feature the original logo with the August 1st date. For most of the items, we were lucky to change the logo just before they went into production. We figure if the wrong date was alright on Olympic merchandise, it’s good enough for us too.
- All limited-edition Minis DownUnder 2021 merchandise can be pre ordered via our website; please fill in the online form:
- All pre ordered MDU merchandise and entry tickets will be pre-assembled and handed to you when you arrive at the event.
- Don’t forget all cars will require a drip tray under the engine and gearbox. You can purchase one of our exclusive Minis DownUnder 2021 drip trays for $15 or bring your own.
- All entrants and assistants are required to wear a high viz vest during bump-in and bump-out. Bring your own or we can provide one if pre-ordered.
- We have designed and now received a number of update stickers with the new March 6th 2022 date to place on the existing laminated posters. These will be sent out in the next few weeks.
- We currently have 56 people registered for the Saturday night dinner. Bookings and online form are available via our website:
- We thank our generous sponsors who will be in attendance with Canterbury MINI Garage our major sponsor with 4 or 5 new MINIs on display. Andrew and Graham at Mini & Moke World and Wayne at Mini Works Australia will each have large trade stands exhibiting several of their Minis plus a range of spare parts. Also, in the pavilion will be Shannons and SU-Midel with Link Automotive providing sponsorship although no display. Permanent Painted Coatings Pty Ltd (PPC) are supporting our event and E-Valence has now joined us to display their new ecological friendly cleaning products.
- There will be a number of ex mini race drivers attending our event. I am sure they will be happy to talk about their mini exploits or pose for a photo or provide an autograph.
- BMC-Leyland Australia Heritage Group will be attending to promote their group and sponsoring trophies for Best Original class.
- The show n shine trophies for the 9 classes have been delivered and entry forms will be on our website and placed into each entrants show bag.
- We will have a children’s activity area with face painting, sculptured balloons and mini picture colouring.
- We have been given some autographed (by famous mini drivers) photos which have had framed, and these will be sold via silent auction with profits donated to ‘Canteen’.
- Each sponsor will provide a raffle prize and the profits will be donated to ‘Canteen’. Raffle tickets will be for sale at Minis DownUnder 2021 so don’t forget to bring some cash and there will be contact-less payments available.
- The event Program is almost complete. Time is running out if you want your mini featured. Just send a few photos and brief description via email to Also a couple of our sponsors are yet to submit their advertisements.
- A few entrants have had to withdraw and have been refunded their entry fee. I am reviewing the floor layout and will send out an email to people on the wait list to fill any vacant positions.
- Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates.
Please follow Covid-19 regulations and get vaccinated or boosted as soon as you can. We will be adhering to Covid-19 security arrangements required by Rosehill Gardens at the time.
Stay safe and keep up your mini preparations as we will eventually hold this event – Promise!
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis DownUnder 2021 Update 6th November 2021
A small update for this month as we have gone back into cruise mode for the Minis DownUnder event until January when we will again start to ramp up. Looks like we made the correct decision to postpone as most State borders are still closed and a number of regional areas are experiencing covid outbreaks due to low vaccination rates.
The new date for Minis DownUnder 2021 is Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th March 2022.
We have had a few cancellations due to the latest date change and a couple have re-joined us as they no longer have a date clash. If you have filled out the entry form and not paid your entry fee, then you space is not guaranteed, so please contact us to make payment as soon as possible. I will send out a reminder to those who have not paid. If the latest change of date affects anyone who has already entered, then please contact me to discuss a refund.
Our subcommittee members continue to meet and work behind the scenes to make this the best Mini event in Sydney for years.
If you are staying in any of the local accommodation options, then please contact them and confirm your new booking date. They are aware of the event date change.
The Minis DownUnder 2021 celebration dinner will be held on Saturday 5th March 2022. There is an online booking form on our Minis DownUnder website page;
We wish to thank ATC, Rosehill Gardens for their ongoing support and co-operation.
Current event status
- We are in the process of ordering a small quantity of limited edition children’s MDU T-shirts if you would like to reserve one then please fill out an online order form. They feature their own exciting display motif.
- Some of our merchandise items will feature the original logo with the 1stAugust date. For most of the items, we were lucky to change the logo just before they went into production. We figure if the wrong date was alright on Olympic merchandise, it’s good enough for us too.
- All limited edition Minis DownUnder 2021 merchandise can be pre ordered via our website; please fill in the online form:
- All pre ordered MDU merchandise and entry tickets will be pre-assembled and handed to you when you arrive at the event.
- Don’t forget all cars will require a drip tray under the engine and gearbox. You can purchase one of our exclusive Minis DownUnder 2021 drip trays for $15 or bring your own.
- All entrants and assistants are required to wear a high viz vest during bump-in and bump-out. Bring your own or we can provide one if pre-ordered.
- We have designed and ordered a number of update stickers with the new March 6th 2022 date to place on the existing laminated posters. These will be sent out in the next few weeks.
- We will be looking for volunteers to assist on the weekend with parking of the minis and various other jobs to help the event run smoothly. Please email and we can add your name onto the roster.
- We currently have 56 people registered for the Saturday night dinner. Bookings and online form are available via our website:
- We thank our generous sponsors who will be in attendance with Canterbury MINI Garage our major sponsor with 4 or 5 new MINIs on display. Andrew and Graham at Mini & Moke World and Wayne at Mini Works Australia will each have large trade stands exhibiting several of their Minis plus a range of spare parts. Also, in the pavilion will be Shannons and SU-Midel with Link Automotive providing sponsorship although no display. Permanent Protective Coatings (PPC) are supporting our event and E-Valence has now joined us to display their new ecological friendly cleaning products.
- There will be a number of ex mini race drivers attending our event. I am sure they will be happy to talk about their mini exploits or pose for a photo or provide an autograph.
- BMC-Leyland Australia Heritage Group will be attending to promote their group and sponsoring trophies for Best Original class.
- The show n shine trophies for the 9 classes have been delivered.
- We will have a children’s activity area with face painting, sculptured balloons and mini picture colouring.
- We have been given some autographed (by famous mini drivers) photos which have had framed, and these will be sold via silent auction with profits donated to ‘Canteen’.
- Each sponsor will provide a raffle prize and the profits will be donated to ‘Canteen’. Raffle tickets will be for sale at Minis DownUnder 2021 so don’t forget to bring some cash and there will be contactless payments available.
- The event Program is around 90% complete. There is still space for a few more entrant’s stories and a couple of our sponsors are yet to submit their advertisements.
- A couple of entrants have had to withdraw and have been refunded their entry fee. I am reviewing the floor layout and will send out an email to people on the wait list to fill any vacant positions.
- Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates.
Please follow Covid-19 regulations and get vaccinated as soon as you can. All guests attending events in NSW are required to be fully- vaccinated or show medical documentation for non-vaccination due to health requirements.
Stay safe and keep up your mini preparations as we will eventually hold this event – Promise!
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis DownUnder 2021 Update 6th October 2021
We are on the move “again”!
We have hit another “Covid roadblock” to the biggest gathering of Minis in Australia. Over the past few weeks, the Minis DownUnder 2021 sub-committee has been looking at the ongoing COVID-19 roadmap to freedom and unfortunately not everyone is as far down the road as others.
Whilst we could still proceed with our event on the 21st November 2021 under NSW Covid restrictions, there is still concern this date will limit numbers overall and prohibit interstate, regional entrants and some visitors from attending. With this in mind and the fact that we want this event to be remembered as how good it was, not how small it was, we have made the difficult decision to move the date again.
We have discussed new dates in early 2022 with Rosehill Gardens and we have now selected the new date for Minis DownUnder 2021 of Sunday 6th March 2022. (with setup on Saturday 5th)
We still have a spaces for a few more minis to display at Minis DownUnder 2021 in 2022 so if you know someone thinking about joining us please let them know. If this change of date affects anyone who has already entered, I will offer them a refund.
Our subcommittee members continue to work steadily behind the scenes to make this the best Mini event in Sydney for years. We also wish to thank ATC, Rosehill Gardens for their ongoing support and co-operation.
I will contact each of the sponsors and local accommodation providers listed on our website and advise them of the date change.
The Minis DownUnder 2021 celebration dinner will be held on Saturday 5th March 2022.
Current event status
- All the merchandise has now been delivered.
- Some items will feature the original logo with the 1stAugust date. For a number of the items, we were lucky to change the logo just before they went into production. If the wrong date was alright on Olympic merchandise, it’s good enough for us too.
- I have been working on the event Program and it is around 90% complete. There is still space for a few more entrant’s stories and a couple of our sponsors are yet to submit their advertisements.
- A couple of entrants have had to withdraw and have been refunded their entry fee. Over the next month I will revisit the floor layout and need to fill any vacant positions.
- Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates.
At this stage all we can really do is make sure we follow Covid-19 regulations and get vaccinated as soon as you can; being vaccinated may not stop you getting or spreading the Covid-19 virus but will minimise or eliminate its effects on your health and should keep you out of hospital.
All guests attending events in NSW are required to be fully- vaccinated or show medical documentation for non-vaccination due to health requirements, so please make sure you are fully vaxxed by March 2022.
Stay safe and keep up your mini preparations as we will eventually hold this event – Promise!
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis DownUnder 2021 - Update 1st September 2021
Hi Mini enthusiasts! Hope you are all staying safe and surviving the latest lockdown. I have kept busy by undertaking a major rust repair on one of the family minis but I must admit I am almost over the lockdown limitations. As I have discovered it is still relatively easy to obtain Mini parts and Car care products as the suppliers are still open for click and collect or delivery, so we can continue to work on our mini projects and finish off those last-minute repairs before our big event on Sunday 21st November 2021.
We are monitoring the NSW Government Covid announcements. They are talking about opening up and reducing restrictions in mid-October so hopefully by mid-November we will be able to proceed with our event as long as NSW has 80+% of the eligible population double vaccinated.
There are now increasing stories about needing a vaccine certificate to enter venues so if you have not already done so I suggest you all aim to be fully vaccinated by November.
Thankfully the new date has not caused many entrants to cancel and the additional time has enabled a number of entrants to finish their mini projects but if the change of date does affect any entrant who has already entered, then please contact me to discuss a refund.
Highlights over the past month:
- All the merchandise has now been delivered to me.
- All of our limited and exclusive MDU merchandise can be pre ordered via our website, please fill in the online form:
- A summary of limited Minis DownUnder 2021 merchandise:
- Special entrant MDU plain white T-shirt - provided as part of vehicle entry fee
- Special MDU Black polo cotton T-shirt
- Special MDU Black Polo (colour sublimation)
- Rugby Jumper - Black with red - JB wear – MDU logo
- MDU Black cap
- MDU Lapel or cap badge
- MDU Leather Key fob
- MDU Pen
- MDU Stickers
- MDU Drip trays
- We have so far received 50+ orders for MDU merchandise.
- All pre ordered MDU merchandise will be pre-assembled and handed out when you arrive at the event.
- We have 56 people registered for the Saturday night dinner. Bookings and online form are available via our website:
- The show n shine trophies have been manufactured and waiting for pickup.
- We have arranged for the children’s activities – face painting, sculptured balloons and mini colouring.
- We have been given some autographed (by famous mini drivers) photos which have had framed, and these will be sold via silent auction with the profit going to Canteen.
- Each sponsor is providing a raffle prize and the profits will be donated to Canteen. Tickets will be for sale at Minis DownUnder 2021 so don’t forget to bring some cash and there will be contactless payments available.
- I have been working on the event Program and it is around 90% complete. There is still space for a few more entrant’s stories and a couple of our sponsors are yet to submit their advertisements.
- A couple of entrants have had to withdraw and have been refunded their entry fee. I have reviewed the floor layout and where we have vacancies I have sent out emails to people on the wait list to offer any vacant positions. If you know a mini enthusiast who would like to register to enter then please let me know.
- Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates.
As previously mentioned I am hoping most of the major Covid restrictions are relaxed by November as there are now a lot of events moving to this month, including Bathurst 1000, Rylstone Classic and of course Minis Downunder 2021.
We will confirm the event date in mid October 2021.
Stay safe and keep up your mini preparations as we will eventually hold this event.
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis Down Under 2021 Update 1st August 2021
Interesting times! On a positive note: postponing our event until later in the year was obviously the correct call as the Covid-19 infection numbers in NSW are still escalating as I write this and since our move to November a number of other major motoring events have announced November dates including Bathurst 1000 on 5-7th and Rylstone Classic 13-14th. Sadly, the lockdown limitations in Sydney look likely to remain until at least September so all we can really do is make sure we follow the current Covid-19 regulations and get vaccinated as soon as we all can.
At the moment most of the Mini parts and car care product suppliers are still open so we can work on our mini projects and finish off those last-minute repairs or maintenance items and still have plenty of time to enhance that shine before the new date of Sunday 21st November 2021.
Thankfully the new date has not caused many entrants to cancel so there will be little change to the final entry list of cars. Fortunately the additional time has enabled several entrants to finish their mini projects so there was a collective sigh of relief when I sent out the last update with the change of date. If this change of date does affect anyone who has already entered, then please contact me for a refund.
Although I have contacted each of the local accommodation providers listed on our website and advised them of the date change please contact your accommodation and confirm your new booking date.
Highlights over the past month:
- Just before the lockdown we ordered all the event merchandise. Busy time checking and approving final proofs and arranging for payments.
- Some items will feature the original logo with the 1stAugust date. For a number of the items we were lucky to change the logo just before they went into production. If the wrong date was alright on the Olympic merchandise its good enough for us too.
- All the merchandise has now been manufactured and delivered to Sydney. Just that I can’t access most of it due to lockdown.
- The items I have so far received look great: caps, key fobs and badges.
- A summary of available exclusive Minis DownUnder 2021 merchandise:
- Special entrant MDU plain white T-shirt - provided as part of vehicle entry fee
- Special MDU Black polo T-shirt
- Special MDU Black Polo (colour sublimation)
- Rugby Jumper - Black with red - JB wear – MDU logo
- MDU Black cap
- MDU Lapel or cap badge
- MDU Leather Key fob
- MDU Pen
- MDU Stickers
- MDU Drip trays
- All merchandise can be pre ordered via our website, please fill in the online form:
- We have so far received 40+ orders for MDU merchandise.
- All pre ordered MDU merchandise will be pre-assembled and handed out when you arrive at the event.
- So far we have 56 people registered for the Saturday night dinner. Bookings and online form are available via our website:
- BMC-Leyland Australia Heritage Group have confirmed they will be a sponsor for our event and attending to promote their group and present trophies for Best Original class.
- The show n shine trophies for the 9 classes have been manufactured and waiting for pickup.
- We have arranged for the children’s activities – face painting, sculptured balloons and mini colouring.
- We have been given some autographed (by famous mini drivers) photos which have had framed, and these will be sold via silent auction with the profit going to Canteen.
- Each sponsor will provide a raffle prize and the profits will be donated to Canteen. Tickets will be for sale at Minis DownUnder 2021 so don’t forget to bring some cash and there will be contactless payments available.
- I have been working on the event Program and it is around 85% complete. There is still space for a few more entrant’s stories and a couple of our sponsors are yet to submit their advertisements.
- A couple of entrants have had to withdraw and have been refunded their entry fee. Over the next month I will revisit the floor layout and where we have vacancies I will contact people on the wait list to offer any vacant positions.
- Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates.
At this stage all we can really do is make sure we follow Covid-19 regulations and get vaccinated as soon as you can; being vaccinated may not stop you getting or spreading the Covid-19 virus but will minimise or eliminate its effects on your health and should keep you out of hospital. It will also help us all enjoy the event knowing we have been vaccinated. It is certainly my preference that all attendees are vaccinated if eligible.
Hoping most of the major covid restrictions are relaxed by November as there are now a lot of events moving to this month, including Bathurst 1000, Rylstone Classic and of course Minis Downunder 2021.
Stay safe and keep up your mini preparations as we will eventually hold this event – Promise!
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis Down Under 2021 Update 7th July 2021
“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” Winston Churchill.
Minis DownUnder 2021 is on the move.
Due to the latest outbreak of Covid 19 in Sydney the NSW government is keeping us in lockdown for at least 3 weeks to try to contain it. The very low national two-dose levels of vaccination means the 1st August is no longer viable for our event. According to the latest government projections a larger percentage of the population will be vaccinated by the end of the year.
I have discussed options to move the event to the end of the year with Rosehill Gardens and the Mini Club’s Committee and we have decided on the new date of >
Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 November 2021.
If this change of date affects anyone who has already entered, then please contact us for a refund.
Note: I have contacted each of the accommodation places, listed on our website, and advised them of the date change. Please contact your accommodation and confirm the new date. A full list of recommended accommodation venues is available on our website:
Highlights over the past few weeks:
- Just before the lockdown, we ordered event merchandise some with the 1stAugust date. (collectors’ items now)
- A summary of available Minis DownUnder 2021 merchandise:
- Special entrant MDU plain white T-shirt - provided as part of vehicle entry fee
- Special MDU Black polo T-shirt
- Special MDU Black Polo (colour sublimation)
- Rugby Jumper - Black with red - JB wear – MDU logo
- MDU Black cap
- MDU Lapel pin
- MDU Leather Key fob
- MDU Pen
- MDU stickers
- MDU Drip Trays
- All merchandise can be pre ordered via our website, please fill in the online form:
- We have so far received 40 orders for MDU merchandise.
- Merchandise has started to arrive and for those who have placed orders we will be in touch to ask if you would like some of your ordered items posted out.
- So far we have 56 people registered and paid for the Saturday night dinner. Bookings and online form are available via our website:
- BMC-Leyland Australia Heritage Group have confirmed they will be a sponsor for our event and attending to promote their group and present trophies for Best Original.
- I have ordered the show n shine trophies for the proposed 9 classes.
- We have arranged for the children’s activities – face painting, sculptured balloons and mini colouring.
- We have been given some autographed (by famous mini drivers) photos which I am having framed, and these will be sold via silent auction with the profit going to Canteen.
- I have asked each sponsor to provide a raffle prize and the profits will be donated to Canteen. Tickets will be for sale at Minis DownUnder 2021.
- I have been working on the event program and it is around 85% complete. There is still space for a few more entrant’s stories and a couple of our sponsors are yet to submit their advertisements.
- A couple of entrants have had to withdraw and have been refunded their entry fee. Note: with the latest change of date, I will contact each of these people to see if they wish to reconsider. People on the wait list will be offered any vacant positions.
- Remember to please contact your accommodation and confirm the new date. A full list of recommended accommodation venues is available on our website:
- For Nesuto Parramatta Apartment Hotel please contact:
- Email:
- Contact number: (02) 8837 8000
We will, of course, be mindful of covid safe regulations and will call upon attendees to also be respectful of one another’s space.
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Minis Down Under 2021 Update 29 June 2021
Hi to all mini enthusiasts,
First, the good news. Yes, Minis DownUnder 2021 will still be held.
Second, the date of 1st August 2021 is being reviewed.
As you are all aware we have had a major outbreak of Covid 19 in NSW and it is now spreading around to most Australian states. This has caused the NSW government to place us into lockdown for 2 weeks to try to contain the outbreak and limit its impact.
At this stage it is too early to know if this outbreak will be under control by 1st August. I have been in touch with Rosehill Gardens and discussed our date options for the event. For now we will continue to monitor the NSW government health advice with a plan to review and lock in the Minis DownUnder date by 9th July.
I will discuss options for the event with our committee and will give you another update by 9th July.
Thank you all for your patience and hope to see you all when we finally do get to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Aussie mini.
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Update 6th June 2021
As previously announced Minis DownUnder 2021 is full with 15 sponsor cars joining the 144 Minis entered for a place in the Grand pavilion. We have one very full pavilion of nearly 160 cars inside which guarantees this event the biggest collection of minis in the one room in Sydney for over a decade. While the cars are packed in, I have been mindful to ensure each entrant will have space around their minis, you will be able to open a door, place a sign in front and a chair or two behind.
We thank our generous sponsors who will be in attendance with Canterbury MINI Garage confirming they will be our major sponsor with 4 or 5 new MINIs on display. Andrew and Graham at Mini & Moke World and Wayne at Mini Works Australia will each have large trade stands exhibiting several of their Minis plus a range of spare parts. Also, in the pavilion will be Shannons and SU-Midel with Link Automotive providing sponsorship although no display. Permanent Protective Coatings (PPC) are supporting our event and E-Valence has now joined us to display their new ecological friendly cleaning products.
BMC-Leyland Australia Heritage Group will be attending to promote their group and present trophies for Best Original. Craig Watson will be attending to promote his Mini Experienced Reloaded and new Mini jigsaw puzzles and John Sneddon will be selling his well-researched book, Australian Mini & Moke.
We also have several entries for the swap meet area including John & Harrison Smidt (The Mini King) so don’t forget to bring your money.
There are many fantastic Minis entered including a group of concourse 1961 850,s a number of ex Bathurst minis, two immaculate Monaco’s and hopefully Laurie Stewart’s Broadspeed.
We encourage registrations for the free parking in the “Mini Only Parking area” and if we receive any cancellations then any entries previously received will be offered a position.
The MDU organising committee visited the recent Hot Rod show on 29th May at Rosehill Gardens to get a few ideas on the bump in process and layout. Very interesting and lots of expensive machinery.
Bob Holden, and a few other ex-mini racers, have expressed interest in attending as special guests, Lakis Manticas will probably be driving one of Joe Zulian’s Minis, so more details to come in the coming weeks.
We are now taking bookings for the Saturday night dinner at the Bowling Club for a 2-course dinner @ $45 per person which will require a pre-payment. You can now book for the dinner via our online RSVP form and PayPal payment link on the Mini Car Club of NSW’s website.
Each entrant and the sponsors will receive a special Minis DownUnder 2021 event T-shirt which cannot be purchased by the general public. The subcommittee is also working to have event T-shirts and other types of merchandise available for pre-order and for sale on the day. (Hat pins, Key rings and drip trays). Entrants will be required to provide their own high-vis vests and drip trays, or they can pre order special Minis DownUnder souvenir items which can be picked up on the day. Further information is now available on the Mini Club website including an online order form with a link for payment.
The sub-committee has agreed to use this event as a fund raiser for Canteen with profits from the event and the raffle being donated so bring your money as there are some great prizes. Raffle prizes are being donated by our sponsors.
I am working to compile an event program and still looking for entrants to provide a short story and a few photos about their Mini, plus any interesting Mini historical articles which could be included. Thanks to Watto and John Sneddon and several entrants who have already provided articles.
I will email out details and an entry form in the next few weeks to those interested in entering the Show n Shine, the form is now available to download from the club’s website page.
Nesuto apartments, across the road from Rosehill Gardens, will be our base accommodation for Minis DownUnder 2021 so give them a call for a great deal. The latest accommodation details are on our Minis DownUnder 2021 website page.
Please check out the latest Rosehill Gardens onsite requirements for Entrants and spectators as you will all be required to comply before entering the premises.
We will, of course, be mindful of covid safe regulations and will call upon attendees to also be respectful of one another’s space.
Start polishing!
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
Ph 0411 019 112
Update 17th May 2021
WOW! We are FULL!
Thanks to over 135 people who have entered over 147 minis to help make this event the biggest collection of minis in the one room in Sydney for over a decade. There may be bigger gatherings of minis in Australia, but not on display in a high-profile venue. Entries received now that the pavilion is full will have their names added to a wait list in case anyone cancels their entry.
We have some great minis entered for the event including a group of immaculate 1961 850,s the Paddy Hopkirk ex Bathurst mini and Laurie Stewart’s Broadspeed and two immaculate Monaco’s.
We do continue to encourage registrations of interest but will not take any more prepayments unless there are cancellations. All additional entries will be offered free parking in the “Mini Only Parking area”.
The MDU organising committee is hoping to visit the upcoming Hot Rod show on 22nd May at Rosehill Gardens to get a few more ideas on layout and entertainment.
Canterbury Mini Garage have now confirmed to be our major sponsor. Over the next few weeks we will be working out what cars they will have on display and other details about their space.
A big thank you to the sponsors who have confirmed their attendance. Andrew and Graham at Mini & Moke World and Wayne at Mini Works Australia have agreed to join us as Gold sponsors and will have large trade stands inside the pavilion. Also, in the pavilion will be Shannons and possibly SU Midel as Silver sponsors with Link Automotive providing Silver sponsorship but will not have a display. Permanent Protective Coatings (PPC) are supporting our event as a Bronze sponsor and Craig Watson will be attending to promote his Mini Experienced Reloaded as will John Sneddon with his amazing book, Australian Mini & Moke, in the trader area. A number of other businesses are still very interested to join us on the day or sponsor the event. We also have a few entries for the swap meet area, so don’t forget to bring your money.
Bob Holden, and a few other ex-mini racers, have been approached and they have expressed an interested in attending as special guests, Lakis Manticas will probably be driving one of Joe Zulians minis, so more details to come.
Nesuto apartments, across the road from Rosehill Gardens, will be our base accommodation for Minis DownUnder 2021 so give them a call for a great deal. The latest accommodation details are on our Minis DownUnder 2021 website page.
We are now taking bookings for the Saturday night dinner at the Bowling Club for a 2-course dinner @ $45 per person which will require a pre-payment. You can now book for the dinner via our online RSVP form and PayPal payment link on the Mini Car Club’s website.
The subcommittee has been discussing several options for event T-shirts and other types of merchandise which will be available for pre-order and for sale on the day. (Hat pins, Key rings and drip trays). Further information will be emailed to entrants. Entrants will be required to provide their own high-vis vests and drip trays, or they can pre order special Minis DownUnder souvenir items which can be picked up on the day. Details to be provided via an update email and on the Club’s Minis DownUnder website page.
We have laminated A3 posters and A2 posters which are being distributed to our sponsors and mini businesses around Sydney for them to hang in their reception areas to help to promote our event. Fletch (Mark Fletcher) has been booked to provide pre-event publicity via his online presence and will be roving the room during the day filming the event and interviewing a number of entrants for an episode of Classic Car Restos.
I am still working to compile an event program and are looking for entrants to provide a short story and a few photos about their Mini, plus any interesting Mini historical articles which could be included. Watto and John Sneddon are providing articles.
I will email out details and an entry form in the next few weeks to those interested in entering the Show n Shine, this will also be available to download from the club’s website page.
Arrangements for children’s entertainment, photography, signage including a fence banner for James Ruse Drive and a visual file is to be complied by Aaron Ruig for playing on the in room screens, food and other details are also all well under way.
We will, of course, be mindful of covid safe regulations and will call upon attendees to also be respectful of one another’s space
MDU2021 December Update
Since our last update, planning for Minis DownUnder 2021 has continued. Our subcommittee members are involved in discussions with Mini related businesses about their agreed or potential involvement in our event. At this stage we have 3 Gold, 2 Silver and a few other interested businesses interested. If you know any business either mini related or selling merchandise who would like to be involved, then please don’t hesitate to let us know.
I have been in contact with the editor of Mini World magazine and provided event details including a few photos for an article in the January 2021 edition of the magazine so keep an eye out for that. The planning sub-committee met at Rosehill Gardens on November 9th to do a photo shoot for the Mini World and other promotional articles. Some of those photos are throughout the December magazine. We are continuing discussions with a MINI Garage for them to be a major sponsor and display a number of their MINIs on the day. I had a planning meeting with the Rosehill Gardens Event’s manager where we discussed the finer details of our proposed layout and logistics to get all of our Minis in and out in a timely manner on the weekend of the event. He also confirmed a few items re the location and requirements of the cars. Please note: We are not required to have locking fuel caps but must remove the ignition keys and leave with event management.
Entries are arriving at a steady pace with a variety of some great looking Minis, Classic and New. Following a request, we have changed the early entry cut off from Jan 1 to Feb 1. We are also taking entries from Mini related cars, Morris 1100, Morris Minor. Entry details and an application form are available inside the December magazine and an online version with payment links is on this website.
We are investigating an option for dinner at a local club on Saturday night and I have now posted details of local accommodation options on our website.
Continuing to be concerned about Covid-19 we still have everything crossed so that at least suppression of Covid-19 continues into early next year before the vaccine arrives.
Michael Benton
MDU 2021 Director
To download a copy of this advertisement click here: MDU 2021 Advertisement
As at 2nd May payment is not being accepted due to the indoor space being full
No longer valid
- Mini Car Club member Not Valid
- Non Mini Club member Not Valid
(Please note you do not need a PayPal account to pay via credit card)
Update January 2021
The Mini Car Club of NSW is on track to host Minis DownUnder 2021 Show ‘n Shine at Rosehill Gardens on Sunday 1st August 2021 to celebrate the 60th anniversary release of the Australian built Morris 850 in March 1961.
Minis DownUnder 2021 is planned to be the biggest gathering of Minis in Sydney for the decade. It is open to ALL Minis and variants, classic or new. They do not need to be in pristine condition, although they must be in a clean and safe condition. Entry to be judged is optional.
Mini Car Clubs and Mini owners from all states and territories are invited to enter and display their Minis and MINIs. Membership of our club is not required.
All entrants must pre book and there are discounted entry fees for early bird entries prior to 1st May 2021.
- Members entry fee $50)
- Non-members entry fee $70)
The general public are invited to view the display on Sunday 1st August from 10am till 4pm.
There is an admission charge of $10 per Adult with children under 16 free.
Pricing for sponsors and traders is available on request.
The family-friendly event will also include:
- Mini Trade area: Mini Specialists offering parts and services.
- Mini Bits ‘n Pieces: An area for Mini enthusiasts to display Mini bits for private sale.
- Mini Merchandise
- Mini only parking: A priority parking area in the car park for Minis only. Once the Grand Pavilion is fully booked, interested participants or spectators with Minis will be invited to park in this area.
- Food stalls and a break out area for entrants and visitors.
- Children’s entertainment area.
Our MDU team has been busy over the past few months contacting most of the Mini related businesses in Australia to seeking their involvement. So far we are excited to welcome on board Mini and Moke World, Mini Works Australia, Shannons Insurance, Classic Mini Car Covers and PPC who will all have a trade display inside the pavilion.
Entries to Minis DownUnder 2021 are now open and you will find an entry form on our website and inside the latest East West magazine.
Original details
The Mini Car Club of NSW is proud to announce the staging of “Minis DownUnder2021”. The Mini Car Club of NSW has been involved with similar significant events over the past 30 years including Minifest ’91, Minis Down Under in 2001, Minis Down Under in 2006, Oz50 in 2011 and now “Minis DownUnder 2021”.
“Minis DownUnder 2021” to be held at Rosehill Gardens on Sunday 2nd May 2021, will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Minis’ manufacture in Sydney and the release of the Australian built Morris 850 in March 1961.
Minis DownUnder 2021 is primarily a Show ‘n Shine: The biggest gathering of Minis in Sydney for the decade, it is open to ALL minis and variants, classic or new. They do not need to be in pristine condition although they must be clean. Entry to be judged is optional.
We are investigating other events such as mini cruise around Sydney, Saturday night dinner and Motorkhana if there is interest.
Mini Car Clubs from all states and territories are invited to enter and display their Minis and MINIs. Membership of our club is not required.
All entrants must pre book and there will be a discounted entry fee for early bird entries. Booking dates, costs and details will be provided mid-2020. Spectator admission will be open to the general public.
The family friendly event will also include:
- Mini Trade area: Mini Specialists offering parts and services.
- Mini Bits ‘n Pieces: An area for mini enthusiasts to display Mini bits for private sale.
- Mini Merchandise
- Mini only parking: A priority parking area in the car park for minis only. Once the Grand Pavilion is fully booked interested participants or spectators with minis will be invited to park in this area.
- Foods stalls and break out area for entrants and visitors.
- Rocker Cover racing
- Children’s entertainment area.
For more information please email:
Michael Benton
Event Director
Minis DownUnder 2021
Mini Car Club of NSW
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