Friday, 21st December 2018
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
Usually in room 4A starting at 7:45pm. (please check the club notice boards as the room location occasionally changes)
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 25th December
Christmas Day
Saturday 15th December 2018
Bring the tinsel!
Gerringong Street Parade
Once again the Mini Club of NSW has been invited to participate in the Christmas street parade. Join the celebrations when the Rotary Club of Gerringong presents the Christmas Street Parade and Party with food stalls, market and craft stalls. Santa will help bring the main street and the Old School Park to life as the street parade is led by the Illawarra Pipe Band followed by vintage cars, hot rods, trikes and community and sporting groups as they travel down the main street. Have photos taken with Santa by a professional photographer, buy unique and unusual gifts for Christmas from one of the many craft and specialty stores including clothing and toys. Other highlights include face painting for the kids and a baby animal farm. This is a Rotary Club of Gerringong Sunrise – a fundraiser for community projects.
There is a convoy for this event which will meet at Heathcote McDonalds, cnr Heathcote Road and Princess Hway. Leaving at 8:30am travelling south to meet up with Minis in the Gong members around 9:30 am at Albion Park McDonalds. Leaving here at 9:45am for the remainder of the journey to the Mick Cronan Oval, Blackwood St, Gerringong.
At the oval we will decorate our cars and form up for the procession around10:45am. The parade starts at 11am and lasts for about 10minutes after which we will park in the main street for a casual display of our cars. At this point we are free to wander around the town and look at the festivities and local market stalls and queue up for a steak sandwich and drink.
For more details and to register your interest please contact Michael Benton phone 0411019112
Gus Staunton points
Friday, 7th December 2018
General Meeting
As this is our last meeting for the year and we will not meet again until Feb 2019, why not coma along early 6:00 to 6:30pm, and join with fellow members for an early Christmas Dinner at the Arena Cub Bistro.
Meals and snacks start from $7.00 or you could try the Friday special; Roast of the Day. A table has been reserved for Mini Club members. After dinner we will go upstairs for a quick meeting and then socialising with some Christmas drinks provided by the Mini club.
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s General Meetings which are held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, Yagoona. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Meeting starts at 8:00pm
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 9th December 2018
Christmas picnic & Club Plate Inspection
Mini Car Club Christmas Picnic and Annual Club Plate Inspection Day, will be an early morning with BBQ breakfast and drinks being served in the picnic grounds at Warragamba Dam.
Meet at the venue at 8:00am or convoy from McDonalds Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road.
The convoy will leave Edmondson Park at 7:15am and be led by Rob Weir.
At Warragamba after passing the sport centre and tennis courts on your left then turn left into the large parking area and picnic area.
The club will be catering for this event so you MUST RSVP by the 6th December otherwise you will miss out.
Contact Michael 0411019112, send an email
or complete this Form
Free to Mini Car Club members
Bring your own chairs, although there are some picnic tables available.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
Gus Staunton points
Saturday 24th November 2018
Motorkhana – Pipeline Park (inaugural event) –
Organized by the Christian Autosports Club of Aust.
The Mini Car Club of NSW has been invited to attend.
Details on their website.
- Adults $70
- Juniors (12-18) $35
- Come & Try $35
To download Supp Regs click here: Supp Regs Form
To download Entry Form click here: Entry Form
For further Regs click here: Further Regs
Payment form click here: CACA-Event-Payment-Form-2018-for-24th-Nov-MK-Pipeline-Park
The upcoming Motorkhana at the new grounds at Pipeline Park, Ferrers Road Eastern Creek on the 24th November 2018 is fast approaching and we are now taking registrations of interest for this event. The grounds are on Ferrers Road, just past the second entrance to the dragway. If coming south on Ferrers Road pass the usual gate to get to the skidpan and past the next dragway entrance. The new grounds are about 200-300m past this on the right hand side on the outside of the next sweeping left hand corner, the gate is at the end of the guardrail. We will have banners on the gated entrance on the day. The safest way to turn into the grounds is probably to drive past the grounds to the next roundabout and come back up the road, so you don’t have to turn across oncoming traffic. We would also love to know if you can help out by being an official on the day, please let me know in order that we can ensure we have sufficient officials for the event. This is a Come and Try event, so if you have a friend or family member who wants to have a go, but doesn’t have a CAMS licence this is their chance!
What To Bring: On the day make sure to bring:
- Your club membership
- CAMS Licence
- Your entry form and payment
- Sunscreen, Hat and plenty of water
- There will be a BBQ lunch and drinks provided for a small fee, otherwise don’t forget to bring your lunch!
- Most importantly bring your car! (No rally tyres on drive wheels please).
Arrival – Please be at Pipeline Park (Map location) by 8:30am to complete forms and get your car scrutineered. Drivers Briefing at 9:15. Entry forms are attached as are the supp regs are also on this email.
Please note: All competitors will be required to register with me on 0419 242 264 or by email to , preferably by the Wednesday before, 21/11/18. Or last minute entries on the day.
We hope to see you there!
Kind Regards, Neil Blackbourn
Christian Autosports Vice President
Mobile – 0419 242 264 Email –
Non pointscore event.
Tuesday 27th November 2018
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for the upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd on 0412 521 058 for venue details.
Friday, 16th November 2018
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
Usually in room 4A starting at 7:45pm. (please check the club notice boards as the room location occasionally changes)
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 17th November 2018
Blue Mountains drive – Dinner at Cricketers Arms
Saturday afternoon drive to the Blue Mountains via Bells Line of Road returning via the Great Western Highway for a meal at the Royal Cricketers Arms, 385 Reservoir Road, Prospect.
Meet at McDonalds, Marsden Park, Richmond Road, just past Bunnings 12:00pm for a 12:30pm departure. We will travel west to Richmond then the Bells Line of Road to Bell. A few stops along the way at Bilpin for Apple pies and Cider then Mt Victoria and Blackheath before returning to Sydney via the Great Western highway and M4 to Reservoir road where we veer left near the Caltex and follow the signs turning right onto Reservoir road and proceed to arrive at the final destination of the Royal Cricketers Arms hotel. at approx. 5:30 – 6pm for drinks and dinner.
For more information and to RSVP please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Please note: I will pre booked a table and require members to RSVP by Friday 16th November so I can confirm the booking and numbers with the Cricketers Arms Hotel
Sunday, November 18th.
49th Annual HAC Interclub Motorkhana – Victoria
Please find attached Entry details for the 49th Annual HAC Interclub Motorkhana to be held at Pakenham on
Apologies if you have already received these details, or if you receive them more than once, but we are keen for all members to know about our event.
We hope your members might be interested in this traditional fun event, and encourage you to organise a group to form a Club team.
We encourage you to include these details on your Club Calendar, website and/or magazine.
Download 2018 HAC Interclub Supp Regs
And Entry Form Interclub 2018 Entry Form-xx
Features of the Event include:
- Compete as part of a Club Team or as an Individual
- Pre-entry is required – NO entries taken on the day
- 45 minutes’ drive from Melbourne via the Princes Freeway
- Full catering (breakfast & lunch) and toilet facilities
- Enquiries to John Rosengrave on 0425 722 706 or David Isherwood 0418 440 758
- Organise a Club Team now to compete for the coveted HAC INTERCLUB TROPHY
It is important to note that entries close on the Friday before the event, and no entries will be taken on the day.
Kind regards,
John Rosengrave
Huntingdale Auto Club
0425 722 706
Sunday 11th November 2018
Linnwood House All British Day Car Display
The Friends of Linnwood have invited our car club to take part in this special Open Day at historic Linnwood, in 2018.
Centenary of Armistice Day – 11th November 1918. The “Last Post” will be played and the flag will be raised at 11am, followed by a minute’s silence.
Mini Club members to meet in Byron Road at 8:30am and enter as a group
“Linnwood” is a NSW State Heritage Listed house (1891) sitting on approx. 5ha of ground at 25 Byron Road, Guildford.
Gates are open from around 8:30am and the house is open to the public from 11am till 4pm. Entry fee of $3 per person
A sausage sizzle and Devonshire Teas are available inside the house, where there is a variety of craft stalls on display as well. Something for everyone! There will also be a band or musical group performing on the day.
There are 4 Open Days per year and this event will have the following car clubs: Rolls Royce, Rover, Jaguar, Range Rover, Alvis, Wolseley, Morris Register, Antique & Classic Car Club plus The Trevor Thomas Big Bikes Day. The front lawn at Linnwood can accommodate 100+ vehicles, so space is usuall not a problem.
All money raised by the Friends on the day goes towards continued restoration and conservation of the house.
Please see the website at for information about the house and the Friends or have a look at our Flickr page to see some of our previous Open Days.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Friday, 2nd November 2018
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s General Meetings which are held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, Yagoona. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Arena Sports Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 3rd November 2018
Track Day
Marulan Drive Day, organized by the Christian Autosports Club of Aust.
Details on their website.
Entry fee $175
It’s a great way to blow the cob webs out of your exhaust and have a bit of fun driving your car to the limit without being fined and loosing demerit points.
There will be instructors on hand if you need help to know which way to exit pit lane and let you know which pedal is the go pedal.
Don’t forget your helmet and fire extinguisher.
Non pointscore event.
Tuesday, 30th October 2018
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Note: Now held at – Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA
24 – 28 October 2018
Moke Roundup Tamworth
Moke Round Up 2018 is the 5th biennial event of it’s kind held in Tamworth NSW.
The aim of the event, as always, is to provide an opportunity for like minded Moke enthusiasts to come together and go for a few drives, swap ideas, and generally just socialise together.
That said, the Round Up is more of a driving event than a “Show ‘n’ Shine” event.
We are based at Austin Tourist Park in Tamworth which is where we meet up each morning and return to each afternoon, but there is always a drive around the countryside arranged for each day to enable us to show off some of the great roads and scenery in the Tamworth area, whilst also giving our guests the opportunity of driving their Moke on some roads they may not normally experience.
There is always plenty of time before, during, and after the drives to socialise and catch up with old friends or make some new ones.

Sunday 28th October
Anniversary Heritage Group Reunion
Here is an invitation to attend lunch with ex-employees of BMC- Leyland Australia, at their 20 year reunion at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club.
Cost is $45.00 Per Person for two course meal with Tea and Coffee, be quick RSVP to Kay DeLuca 02-8812 2479.
See below flyer for entry and payment details.
Roger Foy also arranges a BMC-Leyland car display In the Car Park from 10:30am.
So even if you don’t want to have lunch you might contact Roger Foy 02-94491524, or email and put your car in the display for all the ex-employees to see.
I have attended these lunches in the past and found them to most interesting and informative, see you there.
Rob Weir,
Mini Enthusiast Chairman,
Friday, 19th October 2018
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
Usually in room 4A starting at 7:45pm. (please check the club notice boards as the room location occasionally changes)
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 20th October 2018
Cataract Khanacross, organised by the Christian Austosports Club of Australia at their ground at the Scouts Park at Cararact Dam.
Khanacross Championship Pointscore.
Saturday20th /Sunday21st October 2018
Mudgee Italian Job Weekend
Members and mini enthusiasts are invited to join in for a great mini drive and weekend in the mid-west of NSW where we will visit a few wineries on Saturday afternoon followed by a great Italian feed on Saturday night at Isabella’s Trattoria. Sunday morning breakfast will be at a local café followed by a visit to Mudgee Honey Haven before leaving for home. Please book your own accommodation but be aware due to the time of the year accommodation appears to be limited. At this stage I have found the Horatio Motel in Mudgee has King suite rooms available for $210 per night for a group booking and rooms are available at Ningara Motel from $148 per night if the booking is made before 22nd July, plus the Park View Hotel has vacancies from $259 . There are other options at caravan parks, hotels or motels although a number will only take weekend bookings for 2 nights. Please advise me if you are attending by 30th September and where you will be staying so we can ensure the best communications. Meet at M4 Westbound McDonalds, 8:00am for 8:30am departure. We will travel west via M4 and the Great Western Highway until Lithgow where we will have a brief stop. After Lithgow we turn off onto the B55 Castlereagh Highway which will take us all the way to Mudgee. Estimated arrival time is 12:30pm. Please RSVP by 30th September so I can confirm numbers with the restaurant and for the other events. For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton points
Friday, 12th October 2018
Annual General Meeting @ Bankstown Sports Club
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s Annual General Meeting and annual trophy and service award presentation which will be held at the Bankstown Sports Club, 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown. Burwood Room
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
Presentation of Annual trophies and Service Awards
Election of the Club’s 2019 Committee
Please support the Club and help elect the new office bearers. You too could be part of the organising committee for our club.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 14th October 2018
Sydney Motorsport Park State Supersprint, to be held on the Gardner Circuit. Round 7 of the NSW Supersprint Championship and organised by the AustralianRacing Drivers Club.
Speed Events Championship points.
Friday, 21st September 2018
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
Usually in room 4A starting at 7:45pm. (please check the club notice boards as the room location occasionally changes)
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
22/23 September 2018
Australian Motorkhana Championship, to be held at Nirimba. Peter Batt from the Hills District Car Club will be Clerk of Course.
Our Club is to run one “test area”, covering three tests. This will involve three officials. Phil Boyd, Alan Hagarty and Keith Ross will run this test on behalf of our Club.
Non pointscore event
Sunday 23rd September 2018
All British Day
Mini Car Club of NSW Annual Show and Shine
A new date this year for the annual All British Day, in conjunction with The Kings School Art Show, is held at the Kings School, Pennant Hills Rd, North Parramatta.
Once again this event will be the main Show and Shine for the Mini Car club so clean and polish up your mini and come along for a great day with prizes and trophies awarded for various categories.
- Morris 850, Mini Minor, Mini Deluxe, Mini Matic, Mini K
- Cooper, Cooper S
- Clubman all models, including GT
- Commercials, Vans, Pick-ups & Variants
- Mokes,
- Best Modified, Competition
- Post 1980 – 2000 Minis, including Rover and JDM
- Most Original and Unrestored
- BMW Minis
- All entries for the Show and Shine must be returned to the Officials desk before 10:30am
- Judging of all classes will begin from 10.30am. No allowances will be given for cars not ready at this time
- Cars will be judged for the workmanship, detailed tidiness and cleanliness. For example, a Cooper S or Mini K that is driven every day or built to the owners requirements and is presented well, will have the same chance as a Cooper S or Mini K that has been fully restored to original specifications.
- Please don’t leave unnecessary items in your Car or in your boot, Presentation is a must.
- Displaying your car with merchandise, pictures etc. is encouraged to make it a whole presentation of the vehicle on the day.
- You do not have to be at your car when it is judged but you must ensure that the car is unlocked and the judges have access to the boot and engine bay. It will not be judged if there is no access.
- All car entrants to the Show-n-Shine will make themselves available to judge another class, other than the class they have entered or as nominated by the organisers.
- Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place in each class
- Car of the Show for MCCNSW members only
- Display only cars are very welcome
For entry to Kings School prepaid tickets cost $10 each and the numbers will be limited so get in early.
The Mini Car Club has again purchased a block of tickets which for members are free and non-members $10. Trailer tickets are also required if you are towing your car into the site.
Please Note: The Association of British Car Clubs has requested for all non-car club members to contact one of the associated clubs for the purchase of tickets. So if you have a mini and want to be part of this event please contact us for your entry ticket
Entry for Mini Car Club members is only via Masons Drive.
Gates open at 6.30am with the aim to have all cars in place by 9.00am.
To aid the free flow of traffic into the site all tickets must be firmly fixed to the drivers side inside of your car windscreen.
Please remember there will be other cars behind you also entering so please try to keep moving forward until you are on the field where there will be people to direct you to your clubs area. Please also remember which club has provided the ticket as some other clubs also have minis in their area.
Please Note: If you lose your ticket or don’t have a ticket then you will be directed to a separate parking area until traffic marshals can attend and provide a ticket at a cost of $15.
Spectator entry is after 10am via the main entrance. $10 per car on the day
For more details check out the Kings School webpage:
Download a 2018 Field Map : Here
For more information or to arrange for your entry ticket please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Please note changes for this year:
Due to Occupational Health and Safety requirements there will be NO vehicular entry permitted onto any field after 9.30am.
Late vehicle arrivals after 9.30am will need to enter via The Kings School Main Gate located at Wade Road. You will be directed to park your vehicle with the general Kings Schools Art Show public parking area or park within the designated support vehicle parking area.
N0 vehicles allowed off the field until 3.00pm for any reason.
Gus Staunton Points

Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for the upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd on 0412 521 058 for venue details.
Tuesday, 9th October 2018
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Note: Now held at – Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA
Saturday 15th September 2018
Sydney Motorsport Park State Motorkhana, to be held on the skidpan. Will be organised by the Lower Blue Mountains Christian Car Club.
Motorkhana Championship points.
Tuesday, 4th September 2018
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Note: Now held at – Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA
Friday, 7th September 2018
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s General Meetings which are held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, Yagoona. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Arena Sports Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 9th September 2018
Phil Brigg’s Memorial Run
The annual Phil Brigg’s Memorial Run this year is to St Albans
This year we are to meet at McDonald’s Vineyard / McGrath’s Hill, CNR Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 10:00am for 10:30am departure
Travelling via Windsor Rd, Wilberforce Rd, Turn right to King/Sackville Rd then take Sackville ferry across the Hawkesbury river. Turn onto Sackville Ferry Rd, Turn left onto Old Northern Road then as entering the town of Wisemans Ferry, Turn Left and take Webbs Creek ferry across Hawkesbury River, onto St Albans Rd then cross bridge to our destination Settlers Arms Hotel.
Arrive at (approx 12noon)
Pub food is available at the Settlers Arms Hotel (although reports are they are a little slow to serve?) or bring your own picnic lunch
Contact: Tammy or Ian Thompson 4575 1776 to confirm your attendance.
Gus Staunton points
Saturday 18th – Sunday 19th August 2018
Rylstone Classic
Refer to website and facebook page for details and updates
Sunday 19th August 2018
NSW State Motorkhana – Nirimba
Round 7 of the NSW State Motorkhana Championship held at Nirimba TAFE. run by Thornleigh Car Club
Sunday, 12th August 2018
Sydney Motorsport Park Eastern Creek Presented by the Council of Motor Clubs, Over 1900 Veteran & Classic vehicles from over 150 clubs will be on display.
A limited number of tickets are available on a first paid, first received basis. Please reserve your tickets with Robert Bradshaw 9973 2203 0418 463614 once confirmed pay the Mini Car Club direct BSB 082-112 Account Number 509161229, please include you name with your payment
Contact Robert Bradshaw to reserve the last few tickets
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 8th July 2018
Southern Highlands backroads cruise
The Mini Car Club members will enjoy a cruise along the back roads from Sydney to Mittagong before reaching our destination for lunch at Mittagong RSL.
Convoy: Meet at McDonalds, Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road, 9:00am for 9:30am departure. We will avoid the main Motorway and travel down Camden Valley way and the Old Hume Highway through Picton, Bargo to Mittagong.
Please note this is a pre booked event and I will require RSVP by 2nd July .
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 1st July 2018
NSW State Motorkhana – Run by Mini Car Club
Round 5 of the NSW State Motorkhana Championship which will be held at Nirimba. Run by Mini Car Club of NSW, contact Clerk of Course, Ron Adlam on 0427 043 854 for further information.
Entry forms are available here:
Drivers Championship Points
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 17th June 2018
Gosford Classic Motor Museum
Mini Club cruise to Gosford Classic Car Museum and meet up with Minis on the Coast and Hunter Valley mini club members.
Meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 9:00am for 9:30am departure. Travel up Pennant Hills road to Hornsby then onto the old Pacific Highway for the journey to the museum at West Gosford.
If you are not interested in viewing the museum you are most welcome to still come along for the cruise and lunch.
Now open with a collection of over 400 Cars, The Gosford Classic Car Museum is home to vintage heroes and Modern classics and everything in between.
Special area reserved for car club parking available. Car Club members $17:50 each
We have been requested to enter as a single group although we can pay individually.
Lunch will be at Gosford RSL Club in Yallambee Ave, West Gosford, opposite Bunnings
If you would like to be involved in this event and bring your mini along then please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or email to
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 17th June 2018
Cams NSW Supersprint Championship – Run by NSWRRC
Round 3 of the NSW Cams Supersprint Championship held at Sydney Motorsports Park, Druitt North Circuit. This event is run by NSWRRC, contact the event secretary.
***Saturday, 16th June 2018
NSW State Motorkhana – SMP
Round 5 of the NSW State Motorkhana Championship which will be held at Sydney Motorsports Park on the skidpan. Run by Christian Auto Sports Car Club, contact Clerk of Course, Les Oliver on 0439 971 734 for further information.
*** Please note this event is on a Saturday.
Friday 8th June 2018
Welcome BBQ.
Are you a member of the Mini Car Club of NSW?
Are you making the trip to the 51st Australian Hay Mini Nationals in June?
Would you like to enjoy a BBQ dinner after the long drive?
Then, we’d like to invite our members to the official “Welcome to Hay BBQ/get together”.
When? Friday 8th June 2018
Where? At the Cobb Inlander Motel – 83 Lachlan St Hay NSW.
Kicks off at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm dinner.
Please RSVP Julie 0419 266 620 by 31/5/18.
8th to 10th June 2018
51st Australian Mini Nationals – Hay
The biggest event on our clubs event calendar each year. An event to be experienced, at least once by every Mini enthusiasts, this year we will celebrate the 51st with a long weekend full of fun and activities so come along to the April General Meeting to get all the latest gossip and discus this years fancy dress theme.
Drivers Championship Points
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 2nd June 2018
Swap Meet
Hi Mini Enthusiasts.
As the last swap meet was so successful The Mini Car Club of NSW is holding another swap meet and this one will be even bigger and better. This time the event will be held in the yard of Mini Kingdom Online where John Smidt will also have for sale much of his spares and old stock. Unit 2/32 Groves Avenue, Mulgrave, NSW
Open to ALL mini enthusiasts (you don’t need to be a mini club member) collect up all your surplus mini parts and come along for the morning.
Please Note: Swap meet sites MUST be pre-registered
Gates open at 9:00am for the Swap Meet and will run until around 1:30 pm: $15 entry fee per trader.
Sausage sandwich’s and drinks will be available onsite for a nominal cost.

Please contact Rob Weir to book your space, ph 0418161918.
Please Note: Mini Kingdom Online will NOT be open for normal trading.
Please RSVP to book your car space as there are a limited number available.
Important: Please keep an eye on our website ( and Facebook page for event updates or contact Rob.
Sunday, 3rd June 2018
NSW State Khanacross – Hampton
Round 4 of the NSW State Khanacross Championship which will be held at Hampton. Run by Hills District Car Club, contact Clerk of Course, Gavin Herman on 0427 948 367 for further information.
Saturday, 26th May 2018
V Dub Supersprint – SMP
Held at Sydney Motorsports Park at Eastern Creek, starting at 8:00am and finishing at 5:00pm. Contact David Birchall for more information on 9534 4825
Club Championship Points
Tuesday, 29th May 2018
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Note: Now held at – Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA
Sunday, 20th May 2018
Cams NSW Supersprint Championship – Run by Mini Car Club
Round 2 of the NSW Cams Supersprint Championship held at Wakefield Park. This event is run by The Mini Car Club of NSW, contact the event secretary Joan Vaughan on 9153 7635 or Ron Adlam on 0427 043 854 for more information.
Drivers Championship Points
Gus Staunton Points
Links to print out entry documents are below:
SSP 11 Supplementary Regulations P2
SSP 05 CAMS NSW Speed Event Declaration
Sunday, 20th May 2018
NSW State Motorkhana – Nirimba
Round 4 of the NSW State Motorkhana Championship which will be held at Nirimba. Run by Renault Car Club, contact Clerk of Course, Bob Sprague on 0414 670 320 for further information.
Sunday 20th May 2018
CMC National Motoring Heritage Day
National Motoring Heritage day is where the Council of Motor Clubs, asks members of all affiliated car clubs to drive their cars to pre-determined locations around NSW to celebrate the history of the motor car, this year the Mini Car Club of NSW will have a choice of convoys travelling to multiple venues.
SYDNEY, based members will be visiting, Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum, at 86 Menangle Rd, Menangle.
Convoy Details: Meet at the McDonalds Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road, 7:45am for an 8am departure.
For more details please contact Robert Bradshaw 0418 463 614 or Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
WOLLONGONG, “Mini’s in the Gong” have invited Mini Car Club of NSW to join them on their convoy from Key Batteries to Berry Showground.
Convoy details: Meet at Key Batteries, Cnr of Abercrombie St and Mt Keira Rd, West Wollongong, 8:30am, for a 9:00am departure.
For more details please contact Phil Boye on 0429 671 649.
BLUE MOUNTAINS and WESTERN SYDNEY based members are invited to attend celebrations at Museum of Fire, Penrith.
Convoy Details: Meet at McDonalds Cnr Layton Ave & Great Western Hwy Blaxland, leave at 9:00am, travelling down Old Bathurst road to arrive at Penrith by 9:30am.
For more details please contact Rob Weir 0418 161 918
CENTRAL COAST, members are invited to attend the celebrations at Toukley: Village Green,
Please Note: – as of 28-March space is limited. We need numbers of your club members intending to participate in the National Heritage Day event at Toukley.
Hosted by The Central Coast Historic Car Club with Greater Toukley Vision (Contact Ian Bull 0407 437 590.)
Convoy Details: Meet at Red Rooster Erina at 7.30am to depart at 7.45am, travelling to Toukley, to arrive at around 8.30am.
For more details, please contact David Hemsley, 0403-913 840
NEWCASTLE and HUNTER REGION, members are invited to attend celebrations at Toukley: Village Green,
Please Note:- as of 28-March space is limited. We need numbers of your club members intending to participate in the National Heritage Day event at Toukley.
Hosted by The Central Coast Historic Car Club with Greater Toukley Vision. (Contact Ian Bull 0407 437 590.)
Convoy Details: Meet at McDonald’s Swansea, Cnr Pacific Highway & Wood Street, Swansea leaving at 8:00am, travelling down the Pacific Highway to Toukley, to arrive at around 8:30am.
For more details contact, Michael Wilks 0413-015 429 or James Wiseman 0448-813 192.
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday 15th May
Nulon Factory Tour
Members and friends of the Mini Car Club are invited to visit Nulon at Moorebank for a tour of their factory followed by pizza and drinks.
Date: Tuesday night 15th May
Venue: Nulon’s state of the art facility at 17 Yulong Close, Moorebank NSW 2170. (Just off the M5 take Moorebank Ave exit)
Time: 6.00 pm start, finishing by 9 – 9.30
Overview: A minimum of 25 – 30 and a maximum of 50 people. Split into 2 groups for the tour of the factory. Included is an overview of lubricants, types and purpose they keep it light but also helpful, with a break before touring the factory. At the end they have pizzas and coffee to finish up and give out prizes.
RSVP: Bookings are essential in order to cater for food and refreshments, we need you to advise us by Friday 11th May if you wish to attend.
Contact Ross Freeman to advise of your attendance. Ph 0412 239 118
Cost: Free!
Please look at supporting your Club by coming to this event. A chance to get your Historic plated car out for a sanctioned run. It will also be a very interesting night. Some of their technology may even save your older engine over time.
6th May 2018
Wings over Illawarra
The Mini Car Club of NSW, will be attending “Wings over Illawarra” on Sunday 6th of May, and invites all “Mini’s in the Gong” members to join us this year, and be in one large group.
There is limited space for the car display, so please apply for your tickets early.
As a special thank you for those displaying cars, drivers of participating vehicles will be issued with a complimentary entry ticket and admitted at no charge.
To obtain a complimentary ticket for the driver, you will need to follow the instructions on the “Wings over Illawarra” website, and register your vehicle, under the “Get Involved” box
When you “Register Your Vehicle” in the area “Club Member of”, use the drop down box, and select “Mini Car Club of NSW” as the club you are attending with. Only 1 vehicle per email address.
For all other people attending, including vehicle passengers, an entry ticket will need to be purchased; details are also available on “Wings over Illawarra” website, under the “Tickets box.
Purchase tickets online before 31st January 2018 to receive a substantial “Early Bird Discount” on ticket prices.
Before registering please ensure you are able to attend for the full duration of the show, as the vehicle access gates will be closed at 8:45am and will NOT be re-opened until the conclusion of the air display at approximately 4.00pm.
Registration of Vehicles and ticket purchasing will be up to each Individual.
Convoy: Travel to Albion Park Airport early on Sunday morning, meeting at McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway, and leaving promptly at 7:00am, with a pickup for Minis in the Gong members at, Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay, leaving there at 8:00am sharp, to arrive by 8:15am, and in place by their 8:30am deadline.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or Rob Weir 0418 161 918.
Sunday, 6th May 2018
NSW State Khanacross – SID
Round 3 of the NSW State Khanacross Championship which will be held at SID. Run by Hills District Car Club, contact Clerk of Course, Jon Thomson on 0418 641 959 for further information.
29th April 2018
Mudgee Aero Club hosts a great day full of entertainment,
market stalls with food , wine tasting, car show & action packed
programme with aerial displays.
For further info call Robert Bradshaw 9973 2203 0418 463614
Tuesday, 1st May 2018
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Note: Now held at – Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA
Friday, 4th May 2018
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are now held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 22nd April 2018
Convoy to Norah Head Lighthouse
Event details updated
Mini Club cruise via the old Pacific Highway and Gosford to Norah Head Lighthouse and Soldiers Beach, meet up with Minis on the Coast and Hunter Valley mini club members.
Lunch will be a BBQ provided by one of our club members at the local Norah Head Caravan Park, I will therefore require RSVP for catering purposes and the booked lighthouse tour.
Please contact me by Friday 20th April to confirm your attendance.
Meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 9:00am for 9:30am departure.
Travel up Pennant Hills road to Hornsby then onto the old Pacific Highway for the journey to Kariong where we will have a very brief stop for the Mini on the Coast members join the group.(approx 10:40am),
The group will then travel up the M1 to Tuggerah past the twin Caltex servos and take the Sparks Road exit and turn right towards Gorokan and Toukley before reaching our destination Norah Head Lighthouse, 40 Bush Street, Norah Head at around 12noon.. Approx. duration will be just under 2 hours
I have booked a lighthouse tour of approx. 40 minute for our group, cost is $5 per person by pre booking so if you are interested please let me know by 19th April.
Step back in time to feel what it was like to be a Lighthouse Keeper at Norah Head Lighthouse. Climb the 96 stairs and enjoy the 360 degree views from the tower balcony. Marvel at the optics prism and imagine polishing the 700 lenses of the prism. Learn about the duties of a lighthouse keeper. Learn how the light was originally operated, compared to how it works today. Hear the stories of shipwrecks in days gone by.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending for catering purposes or participate in a lighthouse tour please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 15th April 2018
MotoRRetro is hosting a Cars, Bikes & Coffee event
The Mini Club has received an invite from MotoRRetro to bring along your Mini to display or just come along to view the other display vehicles and check out their workshop.
Sunday 15th April 9am -12pm
MotoRRetro, E2, 22 Powers Rd, Seven Hills NSW, 2147
They will be giving away 3 hour welding classes for best car and best bike.
Their workshop will be open to all to check out what they do.
Sunday 15th April 2018
Hunter Valley Steam Fest
Maitland Park
All Welcome from 6:30am
Presentation at 1:30pm,
An annual feature of Steamfest, held in Maitland Park on Sunday 15 April 2018, the Show ‘n’ Shine is a spectacular display of motoring history.
Featuring over 400 cars of all makes and models from classic cars and hot rods to vintage beauties and muscle cars, as well as live Rock n’ Roll music and dancing, the Steamfest Show ‘n’ Shine is sure to be hit with car enthusiasts both young and old.
For further information or to become involved please visit Maitland Street Rodders website.
Sunday 15th April 2018

MotoRRetro is hosting a Cars, Bikes & Coffee event on Sunday the 15th April.
Please bring along your Mini car to display or just come along to view the vehicles.
Sunday 15th April 9am -12pm
MotoRRetro, E2, 22 Powers Rd, Seven Hills NSW, 2147
We will be giving away 3 hour welding classes for best car and best bike.
Our workshop will be open to all to check out what we do.
Sunday 15th April 2018
Hi All Car, Bike & machinery enthusiasts,
Oakville Fire Brigades Family Fun Day & Car Show,
Click here for the Car Show 2018 event Poster
The following form is the one we ask you to fill at the entrance desk, when arriving at the show. Car Show entry forms 2018
If you can print one of these out for yourself, fill it out ready to hand in to the people on the gate, holdups will be minimised.
Clubs might be able to organise some for their members.
Oakville Volunteer Fire Brigade is 72 years old and as a brigade are working to making this years event special. Looking forward to catching up again , see you there.
Hoping to see you there with your toy of choice to help make our day another beauty. We have organised the venue and have had a short word to the weather God and I’m sure he said the weather would be great for our day. Spread the word; bring a friend with their toy. With your help we hope to make this years the best yet.
At the Pitt Town and District Sports Club 139 Old Pitt Town Road Pitt Town. This year’s Car Show & Fun Day again, has all the fun of the fair with all sorts of rides for the youngsters & the young at heart plus all sorts of vehicles from all eras. What will be the People’s Choice this year? With the line-up of cars including Off Road Buggies & Trucks, Micro Cars, Motor Cycles (Indian, Moto Guzzi, Vintage Japanese etc.) Morris Minors , Datsun’s , Anglia’s, Prefect’s , Ford GT’s , Holden HSV Club cars,, Mustangs, Chevy Classics , Dodges, Valliant’s, VWs ,Ute’s, you name it, even Buses . Most of these vehicles and machines call the Hawkesbury, Nepean Valley home plus some from surrounding areas and it is the best chance to get a look at some pretty amazing toys locally in the one place. This year it we are expecting more of the later model modified cars to make their presence felt. The double Decker Buses will be taking the younger children for maybe their first ride, & the older ones (30 & over) to days gone by. There will be Trike rides as well The Car Show Starts from 10am & the Rides start around 10am. Presentation for the Judging of the cars will take place about 1.30pm .
For the Car entrants , it will be a $10 entry fee, and a Gold coin donation for spectators. Gates open at 8am for the entrants.
Various food and novelty stalls will be in attendance. This is the Brigades Fund raiser for the Year. A Great chance to check out the facilities at the Pitt Town & Districts Sporting Club who host this event for the Brigade. The Show starts at 10am with something for everyone Some rides for the Kids to entertain them. Come along and bring the family and be a part of a great day of fun, whilst checking out some amazing cars and machines. If you need any more info ring Ian’s mob 0407 774 348
Friday, 6th April 2018
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are now held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 7th – Sunday 8th April 2018
NSW State Motorkhana – Armidale
Round 3 of the NSW State Motorkhana Championship which will be held at Armidale. Run by New England Sporting Car Club, contact Clerk of Course, Richard Opie on 0418 668 174 for further information.
*** Note this event will be held on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.
Sunday 8th April
Breakfast Run with Sprite Club
The Sprite club has invited the Mini Car Club to enjoy Sunday morning breakfast at Melaleuca House Café in the Mt Annan Botanical Gardens located near Campbelltown.
There are 2 start points to enjoy a short convoy to the café or meet us at the café at 8:30am.
(for those who want to head straight there) Mt Annan Drive, Mt Annan (off Narellan Rd)
RSVP is required by Thursday 5th April
Mini Car Club start: McDonalds Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road,
Time: 7:45am for an 8am departure.
Mini Club will drive along Camden Valley Way and Narellan Road before turning onto Mt Annan Drive.
Arrive: 8.30am Mt Annan Botanical Gardens
Sprite Club Start: McDonald’s Penrith Panthers, Mulgoa Rd, Penrith.
Time: 7.15 for 7.30am departure
Enjoy a drive through the country side before sitting down to breakfast at the Melaleuca House Café in the Botanical Gardens located near Campbelltown.
Arrive: 8.30am Mt Annan Botanical Gardens
RSVP for Sprite club start, Avis 0412051594 or email
After breakfast take the opportunity to explore the gardens at your leisure. These gardens are part of the Botanical Society’s estate which protects Australian Native Flora.
For Mini Club please contact Michael Benton 0411019112, for more information and to RSVP. Numbers are required by the café with seating.
Sunday, 8th April 2018
The Robertson Heritage Railway Station is again hosting a Classic Car Show and Shine Event on our our picnic area in April.
It is a lovely time to visit the Southern Highlands with the autumn colours on show.
There will be a sausage sizzle, gourmet coffee van, tea and home made cakes, model train exhibitions and vintage farm machinery on display.
Also an art show in our gallery and the monthly village markets are on around the corner. It is a fund raiser for our volunteer non-profit railway association.
A gold coin donation would be appreciated.
There are no prizes but it is usually a fun relaxed day for all concerned.

You may like to see some of the cars from our 2017 event, click this link:
For info call Steve on 4885 2323 or
email me:
or visit our website
Steve Carey
RHRS Committee
Friday, 16th March 2018
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown. In room 4A starting at 7:45pm. All club members and visitors are invited to discuss all aspects of the Mini. For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 9718 6575.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 17th March 2018

The third Mini Kingdom Online Open day and Show and Shine is on Saturday 17th March 2018, at Mini Kingdom Online premises Unit2/ 32 Groves Avenue, Mulgrave, NSW 2756.
Gates open at 8:30am with judging to commence from 10:30am, Raffle draw at 1:30pm with show and shine results and trophy presentation at 2:00pm.
Mini Kingdom Online will be open and selling all of his mini goods plus have a number of specials for the day.
Special mini guests along with rare and race minis will be on display
Sausage sizzle and drinks will be available for purchase with money being raised donated to the Kidney Foundation of Australia.
Once again this event is being promoted and run by the Mini Car club so clean and polish up your mini and come along for a great day with prizes and trophies awarded for these categories.
- Morris 850, Mini Minor, Mini Deluxe, Mini Matic, Mini K
- Cooper, Cooper S
- Clubman all models, including GT
- Commercials, Vans, Pick-ups & Variants
- Mokes,
- Best Modified, Competition
- Post 1980 – 2000 Minis, including Rover and JDM
- Most Original and Unrestored
- Larry Howard tribute (chosen by John from all cars displayed on the day)
Free entry for cars, drivers and general public
- Cars will be judged for the workmanship, detailed tidiness and cleanliness. For example, a Cooper S or Mini K that is driven every day or built to the owners requirements and is presented well, will have the same chance as a Cooper S or Mini K that has been fully restored to original specifications.
- Please don’t leave unnecessary items in your car as presentation is a must.
- Displaying your car with merchandise, pictures etc. is encouraged to make it a whole presentation of the vehicle on the day.
- Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place in each class
- Your car is not required to be entered into the Show and Shine to be part of this event.
- Show and Shine entries close at 10:30am
- Display only cars are very welcome
- Trailer parking will be required off site in the street or at nearby business parking areas as directed.
- Please advise prior to arrival if you require trailer parking
- Gates open at 8.30am with the aim to have all cars in place by 10.00am
For more information please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 18th March 2018
NSW State Motorkhana – Awaba
Round 2 of the NSW State Motorkhana Championship which will be held at Awaba. Run by Westlakes Auto Club, contact Clerk of Course, John Newton on 0412 170 259 for further information.
Saturday 10th March 2018.
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Motor Fest
On Saturday 11th March, Members of the Mini Car Club who are attending this event will have an early start meeting at McDonalds Thornleigh at 6:30am and leaving promptly at 6.45am to travel to Hawks Nest. There will be a brief stop and a pick up for the Newcastle & Hunter Valley members at approx 8.15am at McDonalds on the north side of Raymond Terrace, we will need to travel through Raymond Terrace to reach this stop location. Then leaving here at 8:30am and arriving at around 9.15am for the start of the Motorfest 2018, at Myall Park Sports Oval, off Yamba St.
Note: Distance from Thornleigh to Raymond Terrace is approx. 150km then to Hawkes Nest is a further 56km, Total distance is 206km.
There are over 350 cars on display with the usual Marques including vintage cars, British MGs, Austins, Minis, large American cars and the usual Australian Holdens, Fords and Chrysler with a smattering of hot rods and motor bikes. The Mini club had over 15 cars on display in 2017. Food and drinks are available onsite or bring your own lunch.
Returning home at your leisure on Saturday afternoon after 2pm or Sunday after Breakfast.
If you are planning to stay overnight on Saturday then accommodation can possibly be arranged at Hawkes Nest Motel, 3/5Yamba St, Hawks Nest, Ph 4997-1166.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or Rob Weir 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 11th March 2018
NSW State Khanacross – Awaba
Round 2 of the NSW State Khanacross Championship will be held at Awaba. Run by Westlakes Auto Car Club, contact Clerk of Course, John Newton on 0423 170259 for further information.
Sunday 11th March 2018
Linnwood House Car Display
The Friends of Linnwood have invited our car club to take part in one of their Open Days at historic Linnwood, in 2018.
The Social committee has notified the organisers for Mini Club members to attend on the 11th March and to show of our minis.
Mini Club members to meet in Byron Road at 9:45am and enter as a group at 10am
“Linnwood” is a NSW State Heritage Listed house (1891) sitting on approx. 5ha of ground at 25 Byron Road, Guildford.
Gates are open from around 10am and the house is open to the public from 11am till 4pm. Entry fee of $3 per person
A sausage sizzle and Devonshire Teas are available inside the house, where there is a variety of craft stalls on display as well. Something for everyone! There will also be a band or musical group performing on the day.
There are 4 Open Days per year and they invite different car and bike clubs to come along and enjoy a day to show their vehicles. The front lawn at Linnwood can accommodate 100+ vehicles, so space is not a problem. They usually try to have a few different clubs on show on the same day, to give the visitors a variety of vehicles to look at.
All money raised by the Friends on the day goes towards continued restoration and conservation of the house.
Please see the website at for information about the house and the Friends or have a look at our Flickr page to see some of our previous Open Days.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Friday 2nd March 2018
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings, which are now held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, YAGOONA. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
“At the completion of tonight’s General Meeting, Rob Weir will give a brief update about travelling to Bristol, England in August 2019 for the International Mini Meet, with question and answer time to follow.
Rob will update accommodation details for hotels in the Bristol region and show some slides about ideas for a self-drive tour of southern England, as well as some travel tips, everyone welcome “

Saturday 3rd March 2018
NSW Supersprint Championship
Round 1 of the Cams NSW Supersprint Championship which will be held at SMP at the Gardner Circuit (GP).
Run by ARDC, contact the event secretary for more info.
The CAMS NSW Supersprint Championships are State level events and have slightly higher scrutineering and driver skill requirements than Club and Multi-Club level events. The reward is that entrants in these Championships are eligible to become State Champions in both Type and Class as well as setting official lap records at the various circuits.
Vehicles competing must either be road registered or have a CAMS log book. Competitors must be able to lap circuits less than the maximum flying lap time limits of: 2 minutes & 15 seconds (SMSP Gardner); 1 minute & 30 seconds (SMSP Druitt); 1 minute & 20 seconds (SMSP Amaroo) or 1 minute & 25 seconds (Wakefield Park).
Competitors need to register for the following years Series once registrations open late in November. If you arent a current Registrant, please click here to submit an Expression of Interest to register and an invitation to register will be emailed to you at the same time they are emailed to current registrants.
Registration is limited to the first 230 registrations accepted.
The Championship is open to a wide range of vehicles that are grouped in Classes within the below Types. For more information please go to the Competitor Information page in this website and download a copy off the SSP 03 Technical Regulations.
Type 1: Unmodified Road Registered Vehicles
Type 2: Road Registered Vehicles with Limited Modifications
Type 3: Modified Improved Production Cars
Type 4: Modified Group 2F Prodsports
Type 5: Modified Sports Sedans and Group 2B Prodsports
Type 6: Time Attack Cars
Type 7: Clubmans, Racing and Sports Racing Cars
The benefit of registering for these Championships is that (a) only registrants are eligible to complete in the CAMS NSW Supersprint Championships; (b) registrants receive priority entry to each round (ie two weeks before general entries open) and (c) registrants receive direct Championship updates by email.
***Sunday, 4th March 2018
Motorkhana–Riverstone Last event on Club Ground
Please check Mini Club of NSW face book page to see if the event will go ahead.
To be held at our club grounds, Bandon Road, Riverstone (cross the railway line and follow the road down to the end, (please shut the gate).
Scrutineering starts at 8:00am, drivers briefing at 9:45am, event starts at 10:00am. No rally, hand cuts, mud and snow tyres etc.
Contact Ron Adlam on 0427 043 854 or Club Captain Glenn Dorrenboom on 0438 909 999 to check the event is on.
Drivers Championship Points
Gus Staunton Points
Friday 16th February 2018
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
Please check the room on the club notice boards.
Meeting starting at 7:45pm.
Come along early and join the group for dinner in the clubs restaurant before the meeting.
All club members and visitors are invited to discuss all aspects
of the Mini. For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 18th February 2018
Australian Reptile Park – Gosford
On Sunday 18th February, The Mini Car Club will be cruising to the Australian Reptile Park at Somersby for a fun day to meet the animals.
The Australian Reptile Park is the best family FUN day out! Exciting wildlife shows, loads of animal interaction and great customer service is what we are famous for!
- Meet Elvis, the crankiest crocodile in Australia
- See reptiles up-close and meet loads of cuddly Aussie animals
- Professional photos with furry and scaly new friends
- Venomous snake and funnel web spider milking’s
- Children’s reptilian adventure playground
- Animal Encounters – get up close and personal with our animals
- Behind the Scenes tours
- Hand feed friendly free-range kangaroos
- Great value – just $90 for a family of four! (2 adults + 2 children)
Ticket Prices
- minimum group of 15 people
- Group bookings $28 per adult and $16 per child, with Seniors (65+)$19
Meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 8:30am for 9:00am departure. Travel up Pennant Hills road to Hornsby then onto the old Pacific Hway to Somersby. Approx 1hour
If you want to meet the group at the Reptile Park and take advantage of the group entry price then please wait in the car park for the members from Sydney to arrive at approx. 10am. We all need to enter as a single group to obtain the discounted price.
Bring your own picnic, BBQ or food is available from the onsite Hard Croc café.
Please Note: I will require numbers of people who will be attending so I can arrange for the group booking prices, please RSVP by Sunday 11th February
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or Rob Weir 0418 161 918
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 18th February 2018
NSW State Khanacross – Awaba
Round 1 of the NSW State Khanacross Championship will be held at Awaba. Run by Westlakes Auto Car Club, contact Clerk of Course, John Newton on 0423 170259 for further information.
Tuesday 20th February 2018
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for the upcoming events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd on 0412 521 058 for venue details.
Sunday 11th February 2018
Motorkhana – Riverstone
To be held at our club grounds, Bandon Road, Riverstone (cross the railway line and follow the road down to the end, (please shut the gate).
Scrutineering starts at 8:00am, drivers briefing at 9:45am, event starts at 10:00am. No rally, hand cuts, mud and snow tyres etc.
Contact Ron Adlam on 0427 043 854 or Club Captain Glenn Dorrenboom on 0438 909 999 to check the event is on.
Check or Mini Club of NSW face book page leading up to the event to be sure it is on.
Drivers Championship Points
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 4th February 2018
Come & Try Day – Riverstone
A day for those wishing to gain more experience in motorkhanas or to just “have a go” for the first time. Some of the experienced drivers in the club will be on hand to offer tuitions. This event will be held at our club grounds, Bandon Road, Riverstone (cross the railway line and follow the road down to the end, please shut the gate). There are no costs to enter and food will be available at a small cost.
Scrutineering starts at 8:00am, drivers briefing at 9:45am, events starts at 10:00am. No rally, hand cuts, mud and snow tyres etc.
Contact Ron Adlam on 0427 043 854 to check event is on or check or the clubs facebook page leading up to the event to be sure it is on.
Gus Staunton Points
Friday 2nd February 2018
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are now held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, Yagoona. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 4th February 2018
Show and Shine of Hot Rod and Historic cars @ Lake Macquarie.
The 34th Motorists Appreciation Day is annual event run by the Rickshaws Hotrod Club and will again be held in the Historic Bargoed House by the shores of Lake Macquarie at Swansea, which is on the Old Pacific Highway 1.3 km south of Swansea roundabout. There is one basic rule to allow your entry, that is, your vehicle must be considered by the organisers to be collectable.
Come along and be part of the largest gathering of enthusiast’s vehicles in one place within the Hunter Valley. Last year’s event attracted vehicles of all shapes and sizes from far and wide.
Gates open at 8am – presentation at 1.30pm (may vary) hot food and drinks will be available on the day. $5.00 entry fee per car.
Meeting at the Cowan Rest Area Truck Stop, Berowra at 6:15 am for a 6:30am departure and driving up the M1 Motorway to arrive at Swansea for the gates opening at 8am.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 Sunday 29th October
CARnivale 2018 – Australia Day.
City of Parramatta Council, in partnership with the Australia Day Council of New South Wales, has invited members of the Mini Car Club to register for CARnivale, which will be held in Parramatta Park on Australia Day, Friday, 26 January 2018.
The closing date for all entries is Friday 17 November 2017 or earlier if the total allocation of space has been filled.
To Register for CARnivale 2018 go to:
To display your veteran, vintage or classic vehicle, it must be over 30 years old and built before 31 December 1987 or be an identical model run-on.
For further information on the event please contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 or Rob Weir 0418161918
CARnivale showcases a wonderful collection of classic vehicles including cars, fire engines, trucks, coaches, military vehicles, motorbikes and vintage speedway cars.
This is the third year CARnivale has been held in Parramatta Park and the location has proved to be very popular. There was a large increase in the number of people coming to the Park specifically to see CARnivale after the first year and again after the second year and we expect the 2018 event to attract an even larger crowd.
CARnivale 2017 saw some major changes to the event based on information gathered from entrants and visitors. For 2018 organisers are again making changes to improve the experience for CARnivale participants.
In addition to CARnivale, other activities in the Park will include a spectacular hot air balloon display from 6am, followed by the Parramatta BBQ Festival, a family zone with concert and kids’ rides in The Crescent, the Hottest 100 Party in the Park, concert acts on the Main Stage and a fireworks spectacular to finish the day-long celebrations.
For updates on all the day’s activities visit: and
To Register for CARnivale 2018 go to:
• Vehicles arrive at the convoy assembly area at designated times from 6 – 9 am.
• Free breakfast will be provided by the Rotary Club of Granville at the assembly area
• Vehicles are arranged in convoys by marshals.
• Convoys leave the assembly area and drive to Parramatta Park where they will be directed to their parking position by marshals according to the space available.
• For crowd safety reasons vehicles must stay in their allocated position until 5pm when they may leave under the direction of police and marshals.
• Entrants displaying flags or banners must fix them securely to their vehicles only.
• No portable cooking facilities may be used in or around vehicles on display.
The windscreen sticker, without which you will not be allowed entry, sunscreen, or raincoats and umbrella – the event goes on whatever the weather.
For further information on the event please contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 or Rob Weir 0418161918
Sunday 1st January 2018
New Years Day

Happy New Years day to all or our Members, Families and friends
Saturday 13th January 2018
Fish and Chip Run to Woy Woy
The annual Sprite / Mini Fish and Chip run is on again
Organised by the Sprite Club and the Mini Car Club will be participating.
This year we are to meet at McDonalds Vineyard / McGraths Hill, CNR Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGraths Hill 2.00pm for 2.30pm departure
Travelling via Wisemans Ferry and Peats Ridge to Woy Woy Fish and Chip Co-op.
Arrive at Woy Woy (approx 4:00-4:30pm)
Contact: Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or Avis Fowler Sprite Club Avis Fowler 02 4729 3726. (email)“
Gus Staunton Points
Last minute update!
For anyone interested in purchasing mini parts on this Saturday only? As a special one off, John Smidt will be opening Mini Kingdom Online from around 9:30am till mid afternoon so if you need any last minute parts prior to the drive up to Woy Woy then stop by
Unit 2, 32 Groves Avenue,
Mulgrave, NSW, 2756Â (At the rear of British Motor Imports)
Friday 19th January 2018
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade,
Bankstown. In room 4A starting at 7:45pm. All club members and visitors are invited to discuss all aspects
of the Mini. For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 21st January 2018
Minis in the Gong Show N Shine
Show and Shine for minis with entry FREE for exhibitors and public, no registration required.
For Mini Car Club members attending this event we will be travelling to Dapto early on Saturday morning to convoy down.
There are two meeting locations, first you can join the Sydney Minis group, along with Mini Car Club Members at Padstow Maccas 7.15 to leave at 7.30 sharp, second location is McDonalds Engadine, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway meeting at 8am and leaving promptly at 8.15am to cruise to Motorlife Museum to arrive around 9:15am – 9:30am.
All Minis, Mokes, MINIs and Mini variants (Elf, Hornet, Buckle, Marcos, Sports Racing etc)
Entry FREE for exhibitors and public, no registration required.
Sausage sandwiches and Soft drinks available
Awards: Car of the Year (voted by exhibitors only) + People’s Choice (public and exhibitors)
Awards presentation: 12.30pm – 1.00pm.
Dont be fussy about the condition of your car. If its driveable then bring it.
For more details contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or Rob Weir 0418 161 918.
Australian Motorlife Museum Exhibition Lawn, Integral Energy Recreation Park, Darkes Road, Dapto.
Gus Staunton Points
Recent News
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