Past events 2021
Cancelled due to Covid escalation
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion. Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting. Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation of a table in the Bistro. Note: Please email Rob or ph 0418161918. Plenty of undercover parking. Gus Staunton Points
Cancelled due to Covid
The 2022 Show and Shine is still in the planning stage and may be held later in the year. For updates please refer to their website.
Australia Day & Charity Event at the Car Shed
Cancelled due to Covid escalation
Come and celebrate Australia Day at this amazing property in Wilton, while enjoying the surrounding sights with over 150 Classic Cars and Bikes, all under the one roof. Entries close on the 19th January 2022. Entry Fee for our members will be collected by the Mini Car Club of NSW. A number of other car clubs have been invited and entry will be limited to the first 350 cars to register. For further information please Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112
No event for 2022
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Friday, 10th December 2021
General meeting
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Joan for a table in the Bistro. Note: Please email Joan Vaughan, or ph 9153 7635 Plenty of under cover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 12th December 2021
Christmas Picnic/ Club Plate inspections
Mini Car Club Christmas Picnic and Annual Club Plate Inspection Day, will be an early morning with BBQ breakfast being served in the picnic grounds just outside Warragamba Dam.
All members attending on the day must sign in for contact tracing requirements. PLEASE STAY HOME IF YOU FEEL UNWELL.
Meet at the venue at 8:00am or convoy from McDonalds Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road.
The convoy will leave Edmondson Park at 7:15am and travel via Camden Valley Way then Bringelly Road. If travelling along Farnsworth Ave then after passing the sport centre and tennis courts on your left veer left into the large parking area and picnic area. If travelling along Production Ave then turn right into the car park and picnic area just before the entrance into the dam grounds.
To comply with Covid-19 requirements and for catering you must RSVP by Thursday 9th December otherwise you will miss out on breakfast.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or email
Gus Staunton Points
December 7th
Event and venue to be confirmed
Regards, Les
Ph: 9838 8063
Sunday 5th December 2021,
Terribly British Day
10am to 2pm Where: Queanbeyan Park, Lowe and Campbell street
The Best of British Car and Bike Show
Donations to, Respite Care For QBN. “Yvonne Cuschierie’s dream”
2021, celebrates the 46th running of this event, once again this year is a special challenge because of the Covid 19 Delta virus, so we encourage all visitors to abide by and follow the latest State Health rules and guidelines. We will have the Covid QR code, and plenty of hand sanitiser around the site.
This year we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the iconic E type Jaguar
There will be several special first time displays, of fine British vehicles.
Terribly British Day is organised by the Triumph Car Club of the ACT, and is supported by the Council of ACT Motor Clubs.
Over 200 Cars & Bikes from the ACT and region, Bathurst, Sydney, Southern Tablelands, Snowy Region, South Coast, Newcastle and the Riverina will be on display.
Our event is supported by the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council.
We will have council representatives, and local hero’s to assist with the judging
Shannons Insurance have supported us for many years and will again be onsite to help with all insurance queries.
Food and drinks will be catered by Rotary Club Queanbeyan and local small businesses.
More information on the Jaguar website
For further information please contact,
To download a promotional brochure click here -> promo21
Tuesday, 7th December 2021
MEET: Tench Reserve, Tench Avenue, Jamisontown (Penrith)
TIME: From 10.30am onwards for B.Y.O. morning tea. Some seating available but bring a chair
DEPART: 12.00 noon
LUNCH: 12.30 – 15.00pm Booking
WHERE: O’Donoghue’s Irish Pub 99 Great Western Hwy. Cnr. Station St. Emu Plains
Wear your best Christmas shirt & hat & bring along some small table decorations to add some colour & atmosphere to our luncheon.
To help with catering & seating I would like names & numbers by Tuesday 30-11-2021
DETAILS: Les Watton ph: 9838 8063 m:0418 973 866 Email:
Tuesday, 7th December 2021
Committee meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Sunday 28th November 2021
Wings over Illawarra
Mini Car Club of NSW, will be attending "Wings over Illawarra" on Sunday 28th November, and invites “Mini’s in the Gong” members to join us to be in one large group.
Australia's best annual air-show returns Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th November 2021, make sure you put the dates in your diaries and be sure to join us for an aviation extravaganza!
2021 is also the centenary year for the Royal Australian Air Force and Wings Over Illawarra 2021 will be celebrating that milestone with the Australian Defence Force, and we are looking forward to presenting a magnificent flying display to mark the occasion.
Along with a flying display second to none, Wings Over Illawarra 2021 will also feature some great new attractions.
As a special thank you for those displaying cars, drivers of participating vehicles will be issued with a complimentary entry ticket and admitted at no charge.
To obtain a complimentary ticket for the driver, you will need to follow the instructions on the “Wings over Illawarra” website, and register your vehicle, under the “Get Involved” box
When you “Register Your Vehicle” in the area “Club Member of”, use the drop down box, and select “Mini Car Club of NSW” as the club you are attending with.
Before registering please ensure you are able to attend for the full duration of the show, as the vehicle access gates will be closed at 8:30am and will NOT be re-opened until the conclusion of the air display at approximately 5.00pm.
Convoy: Travel to Albion Park Airport early on Sunday morning, meeting at McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway, and leaving promptly at 7:00am, with a pickup for Minis in the Gong members at, Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay, leaving there at 8:00am sharp, to arrive by 8:15am, and in place by their 8:30am deadline.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or Phil Boye 0429-671649.
Gus Staunton points
Sunday 22nd November 2021
Meeting at 8:30am at Key Battery Service Pty Ltd., 39-41 Mount Keira Rd, West Wollongong NSW 2500, Australia
Mini Car Club of NSW members are welcome to join the Minis in the Gong for this annual event.
Refer to the website or Facebook page for further details as events may be cancelled at short notice due to COVID-19 restrictions or poor weather, road closures, lack of numbers or vehicle breakdowns,
Contact Phill Boye 0429 671 649
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 23rd November 2021
Competition meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details.
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook.
Saturday/Sunday 4/5th December 2021
State Motorkhana
New England CC
Event is subject to Covid restrictions at the time.
Sunday 5th December 2020,
Terribly British Day
10am to 2pm Where: Queanbeyan Park, Lowe and Campbell street
Terribly British Day is organised by the Triumph Car Club of the ACT, and is supported by the Council of ACT Motor Clubs.
Over 200 Cars & Bikes from the ACT and region, Bathurst, Sydney, Southern Tablelands, Snowy Region, South Coast, Newcastle and the Riverina will be on display.
For further information please contact,
Tuesday, 9th November 2021
Committee meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by the committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 12th November 2021
Annual General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s Annual General Meeting which will held at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
The meeting commences at 7:30pm
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Joan for a table in the Bistro.
Please email Joan Vaughan, or ph 9153 7635 or Rob Weir 0418161918
Plenty of under cover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th November 2021
Rylstone Classic
Over 230 minis and 400 people have now entered and will drive from the Mingara Recreation Club on the Central Coast to Rylstone for Saturday night dinner in the Rylstone/Kandos area. A great social weekend.
Event is subject to Covid restrictions at the time.
Saturday 13 & Sunday 14 November 2021
Rylstone Classic
This FREE 2 day event is for Mini owners and enthusiasts with other classic vehicles accepted upon application. The 2021 Rylstone Classic, to be held August 21,22, encompasses a range of novelty activities and will be conducted at a leisurely pace, befitting the vintage of our vehicles. With an overnight stay in wine country, the Rylstone Classic has grown over the past ten years to become one of Australia's marquee events for Mini enthusiasts, with numbers growing year on year. The Central Coast starting point is the Mingara Recreation Club at Tumbi Umbi. Fill in the Online entry form and find your accommodation. Register and keep up to date here: or on the Facebook page: The Rylstone Classic Gus Staunton Points
Saturday/Sunday 20th & 21st November 2021
We have now moved to 5/6 March 2022
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Sunday 31st October 2021
(organised by Minis on the Coast)
Berowra Ferry, Galston Gorge run.
Updated itinerary
Leaving Worthingtons at 10am. Let's go through Berowra Waters ferry via Old Road and the up through Galston Gorge. Stop at Galstone for a coffee.
Fagan Park 11:45am
Pani cafe , coffee van expecting us at 11:45am
Be great to see minis/people even at 12:45pm
Leaving Worthingtons at 9am. Let's go through Berowra Waters ferry via Old Road and the up through Galston Gorge. Stop at Galstone for a coffee.
Event route: Google Map link
For updates please refer to the "Minis on the Coast" Facebook group
Or call David Hemsley on 0403 913 840
Sunday 8th August 2021
Click on the below link for entry information to
State Supersprint R5
Cancelled for 2021
Tuesday 27th July to Saturday 31st July
Mini Monte Touring Assembly
Event Cancelled until 2022
Organised by Glenn Dorrenboom.
Will be run over 5 days, starting at Sydney Motorsport Park and finish at Rosehill Gardens, in conjunction with the setting up of Minis DownUnder.
“Skill tests” (Motorkhana/Khanacross tests) will be conducted on three days.
Officials needed.
Full details in the centre of this magazine or contact Glenn Dorenboom ph 02 4576 5807 or
Online entry form and all details are on the Mini Car Club’s website:
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 28th July 2021
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Cancelled due to covid restrictions
Saturday 31st July 2021
Minis DownUnder 2021 60th Anniversary Dinner
Saturday 31st July- Sunday 1st August
Minis DownUnder 2021
Tuesday, 3rd August 2021
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 8th August 2021
State Supersprint R5
Cancelled for 2021
Run by Mini Car Club of NSW
Event Secretary : Joan Vaughan
We will need lots of officials
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
Link to the Motorsport Australia website >>
Mini Car Club Gus Staunton and Motorsport points
Tuesday 10th August 2021
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Plenty of off street parking.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Friday 13th August 2021
General Meeting
Sunday 15th August 2021
Shannons Classic Car Show
Cancelled for 2021
Held at Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek, and presented by the Council of Motor Clubs, Over 1700 Veteran & Classic vehicles from 200 clubs will be on display so support your club and come along static display. Usually limited to 30 cars so tickets go fast. Please contact Rob Bradshaw and put your name on the list. For further details contact Robert Bradshaw on 0418 463 614 or (02)9973 2203 Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd August 2021
Rylstone Classic
Postponed to 13/14th November
Tuesday, 24th August 2021
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 29th August 2021
State Motorkhana
Sydney Motorsport Park
Save the date
Sunday 18th July 2021
Sydney to Robertson via Macquarie Pass
Cancelled due to covid restrictions
Sunday 25th July 2021
State Motorkhana - Nirimba
Round 6 of the NSW Motorkhana Series.
Organised by the Mini Car Club of NSW.
We need a minimum of 6 officials (2 per test).
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
COVID-19 Requirements
Under the public heath order relating to the current Covid-19 Virus
Competitors, Officials and everyone who will be attending on the day must forward their name and contact phone number to the Secretary, Joan Vaughan at by 8pm on the 21st JULY 2021
The Organising Committee is: Phil Boyd, Warwick Butt, Ron Adlam, Alan Hagarty.
The Secretary of the event to whom all entries and correspondence must be addressed is: Joan Vaughan, -
- Clerk of Course: Phil Boyd Phone: 0412 521 058
- Chief Scrutineer: Warwick Butt
- Timekeeper: – Alan Hagarty
- Covid-19 Checker – Ron Adlam
If your name is not on the list at the ‘point of entry’ on the day you will not be admitted.
Also, please fill in all the following Forms for this event and email them the Event Secretary.
- 2020 STATE MOTORKHANA Covid-19 rules
- Entry Form state khana 2020
- motorsport-australia_general-disclaimer_covid-19
- Self Scrutiny
- 2021 State Motorkhana Supp_Regs2 PB
- MCC Covid Event and Venue Plan - State Motorkhana - 25th July 2021
Motorkhana and Club pointscores.
Monday 26th July 2021
Mini Monte briefing
Contact Glenn Dorenboom for more details ph 02 4576 5807 or
Event Cancelled
SSP 17 Drivers Briefing Notes
Entry Form: Supersprint Entry Form
SSP-11-Supplementary-Regulations-Part-2-2021-Rnd-5 (All competitors to read)
SSP-06-Disclaimer-Declaration.pdf (All competitors to complete and email to event secretary)
SSP-07-Self-Statement-of-Vehicle-Compliance.pdf Compliance (All competitors to complete and email to event secretary)
SSP-08-Self-Scrutiny-Checklist-20V2.pdf (All competitors without Log Books to complete and email to event secretary)
Download driver briefing notes: SSP 17 Drivers Briefing Notes
Entry Form: Supersprint Entry Form
SSP-11-Supplementary-Regulations-Part-2-2021-Rnd-5 (All competitors to read)
SSP-06-Disclaimer-Declaration.pdf (All competitors to complete and email to event secretary)
SSP-07-Self-Statement-of-Vehicle-Compliance.pdf Compliance (All competitors to complete and email to event secretary)
SSP-08-Self-Scrutiny-Checklist-20V2.pdf (All competitors without Log Books to complete and email to event secretary)
Friday, 9th July 2021
General Meeting
Cancelled due to covid restrictions.
Cancelled due to covid restrictions.
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm and include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP Mini Club as we book a table in the Bistro.
Note: The Event centre is providing a free meeting room if members purchase dinner.
Please email Joan Vaughan, or ph 9153 7635
or Rob Weir 0418 161 918.
Plenty of under cover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 11th July 2021
State Khanacross
Awaba Dirt Westlakes Auto Save the date
Cancelled due to covid restrictions.
Mini Monte 2021
It's Back!
Some 53 years later and the Mini Car Club of NSW will be running the MINI MONTE RALLY again.
The rally will be run as a touring assembly with a mix of competition tests thrown in each day. You will be touring some of the best NSW scenic Central West back roads for 5 days with up to 40 other teams in Minis of all variants from classic Minis to modern Minis, Moke’s to Jems and anything in-between.
The aim is to have fun. You will be matched up in buddy groups with 3 other teams and each buddy group will tour as a group and compete as a group. The rally will be starting at Sydney Motorsport Park and you will be driving around 350km a day on some of the best and smoothest dirt roads the central west has to offer, but the catch is you won’t know where you’re going till after each morning’s briefing where you will be given that days route instructions.
On the last day we will be returning to Rosehill Racecourse to be part of the Minis DownUnder 2021 ** celebrations where the winning buddy group will have a prime position in the display area.
When competing in one of the Motorkhanas or Khanacross tests, which could be on dirt or asphalt, you will be gaining points for your buddy group not individual teams.
You won’t have to worry about booking accommodation as we have organised it all for you and it forms part of your entry fee. We will be staying in motel and hotel style accommodation on the way, again grouped with your buddy group. You will have to organise your own meals, although we have booked some restaurants for a group booking.
If you have any car problems on the way, there is no need to worry as we have a number of support vehicles with trailers to get you home safely.
To try and make it a bit easier on the pocket we have divided the entry fee into two components, $400.00 for the touring assembly and competition events and $800 per team for 4 nights’ accommodation.
For more information and entry forms please email Glenn:
Come and join us on the 27th of July for an exciting 5-day tour of New South Wales’ Central West’s most scenic back roads with some driving tests thrown in to test your skills.
For more information and entry forms go to:
Sunday 27th June 2021
Hunter Valley Cruise & Lunch
Come and join us for a drive up the Old Pacific Highway to the Central Coast and on to Lake Macquarie and Caves Coastal Bar & Bungalows for lunch.
Mini Club Sydney members meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 9am for 9.30am departure to drive up the Old Pacific Highway to Calga where we will join the M1 before turning onto the Motorway Link road for our journey through Doyalson and onto Swansea. A few stops along the way before reaching our destination at Caves Beach.
Please RSVP by Thursday 24th June as we have a booking at the Hotel for lunch.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 Gus Staunton Points
Thursday 24th June
Due to the latest covid restrictions please check with the event organiser before attending and event.
Sunday 20th June 2021
State Khanacross
Hampton Dirt
Hills District Car Club Save the date
Friday, 11th June 2021
General Meeting.
Cancelled due to clash with Hay Mini Nationals.
Friday 11th June 2021
Welcome BBQ at Hay
Are you a member of the Mini Car Club NSW? Are you making the trip to the 2021 Australian Hay Mini Nationals in June? Would you like to enjoy a BBQ dinner after the long drive? Then, we would like to invite our members to the official ‘Welcome to Hay BBQ/get together’. When? Friday, 11th June 2021. Where? At the Cobb Inlander Motel – 83 Lachlan St Hay NSW. Kicks off at 5.30pm for a 6pm dinner.
Please RSVP to Julie 0419266620 by Tuesday 4th June 2021
Weekend 11th - 14th June 2021
Mini Nationals Hay Motorkhana
Organised by the Minis Car Club of SA ENTRIES ARE OPEN!! The 2021 Australian Hay Mini Nationals!!!! Supp regs and entry forms, (plus all the other information that you need) is now available on the Hay Mini Nationals website..
Hay Mini National Documentation
How to enter
2021 Supp Regs approved
2021 Entry Form
Self Scrutiny Vehicle Compliance
2021 Self Scrutiny Form

I can't wait for Hay!
Motorsport and Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 30th May 2021
Awaba Motorkhana
Multi-Club event, organised by Westlakes Auto Club
Dirt surface.
Invitation to be confirmed.
Supplementary Regulations to be obtained and publicised.
On Speed and Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 1st June 2021
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 6th June 2021
State Motorkhana
Nirimba Tarmac Thornleigh Car Club Contact
Tuesday, 8th June 2021
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Plenty of off street parking.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Friday, 21st May 2021
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
At this stage we do not have a venue for 2021.
For 2021 we are incorporating the Enthusiast meeting as part of our General meetings
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 23rd May 2021
Southern Highlands Run to Mittagong
Mini Car Club members will enjoy a cruise along the mini friendly back roads from Sydney to Mittagong before reaching our destination for lunch at the Mittagong RSL.
Convoy: Meet at McDonalds, Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road, 9:00am for 9:30am departure.
We will avoid the main Motorway and travel down Camden Valley way and the Old Hume Highway through Picton, Yerrinbool to Bowral and back to Mittagong with stops along the way.
I have booked a table at Mittagong RSL for lunch so will require RSVP by Thursday 20th May.
Bring warm jackets!
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 11th May 2021
Committee Meeting
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
The committee meets at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Plenty of off street parking.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Friday, 14th May 2021
General Meeting
Come along and check out our new venue for 2021
Please email Joan Vaughan, or ph 9153 7635 or Michael Benton 0411019112
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
We hope this new date and venue is acceptable to all members and look forward to seeing more of you.
So come along and check out our new home for 2021.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner you must RSVP to either Joan or Michael to book a table in the Bistro.
Plenty of off-street parking.
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 16th May 2021
National Motoring Heritage Day
Sydney based members will be attending the Hobby & Motor Show at East Kurrajong School of Arts, Stanley Park, East Kurrajong.
Open 9am till 3pm Entry $5.
Show n Shine trophies presented at 2pm
Convoy Details: Meet at the Ettamogah Pub carpark, Kellyville 7:30am for an 8am departure.
For more details and to RSVP please contact Robert Bradshaw 0418 463 614. (Refer to add on page 9 of the April magazine)
Mini’s in the Gong and Wollongong based members will be going to Berry Showground.
Contact Phill Boye 0429 671 649
We are not aware of any events at Toukley and Newcastle this year.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 1st May 2021
Sydney Classic Car Restoration
Mini Car Club members and friends are invited to an open day to enjoy a guided tour of Sydney Classic Car Restorations which uses old school techniques to restore classic cars.
Sunday 2nd May 2021
State Motorkhana
Nirimba Tarmac
Hills District Car Club
Sunday 11th April 2021
Central Coast BBQ
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
Sunday drive to the Central Coast area to meet up with Minis on the Coast and finish at Jilliby for a social BBQ.
Mini Club Sydney members meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 9:30 am for a prompt 10am departure to drive up the Old Pacific Highway to Peats Ridge, Kulnura and Yarramalong to arrive at Jilliby by 12:30. We will meet up with Minis on the Coast members along the way at The Old Road Café, Mt White, where we will slow while they join our convoy.
BBQ will be catered by the Mini Car Club.
Bring chairs and picnic blankets
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Gus Staunton Points
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 9th April 2021
General Meeting
Come along and check out our new venue for 2021
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
Please email Joan Vaughan, or ph 9153 7635 or Michael Benton 0411019112
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
We hope this new date and venue is acceptable to all members and look forward to seeing more of you.
So come along and check out our new home for 2021.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner you must RSVP to either Joan or Michael to book a table in the Bistro.
Plenty of off-street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 6th April 2021
Committee Meeting
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
The committee meets at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Plenty of off street parking.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Sunday 28th March 2021
Blue Mountains Apple Run
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
Please note: Due to the increased traffic in the Blue Mountains we have changed the start location, time and route.
Sunday drive to the Blue Mountains via the Great Western Highway.
Sadly we have cancelled the planned lunch at Hillbilly Cider as the highways and roads are still closed due to floods and erosion. We will schedule another attempt to visit this location when the Bells Line of Road is repaired and the flood damage around Richmond has been cleaned up.
Meet at McDonalds, M4 West bound 9:30am for a 10am departure. We will travel to Hydro Majestic Hotel (arrive 11am) for 30-45-minute stop at the café and gift shop while taking in the magnificent views over the valley.
Return to the highway and travel further west to Blackheath and Logan Brae Orchard for freshly picked apples, apple juice, apple jelly, seasonal homemade jams, homemade hot apple pies, apple and cinnamon muffins, and toffee apples while taking in the views over the Megalong Valley (30-minute stop). A short dirt driveway here and drive into the carpark on the left.
Our journey then continues at 12:30 when we will travel back to Blackheath for lunch and wander around the galleries and shops.
Please RSVP by Saturday 27th
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112. (Please note: Sorry, but a Facebook like is not taken as an RSVP)
(If it is raining please check for updates on this website and/or facebook page or contact Michael)
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 30th March 2021
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Friday, 19th March 2021
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
At this stage we sadly do not have a venue for 2021.
For 2021 we are incorporating the Enthusiast meeting as part of our General meetings
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 14th March 2021
State Khanacross
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact John Newton 0423 170 259
Tuesday, 9th March 2021
Committee Meeting
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
The committee meets at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Plenty of off street parking.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Friday, 12th March 2021
General Meeting
Come along and check out our new venue for 2021
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
Please email Joan Vaughan, or ph 9153 7635 or Michael Benton 0411019112
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
We hope this new date and venue is acceptable to all members and look forward to seeing more of you.
So come along and check out our new home for 2021.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner you must RSVP to either Joan or Michael to book a table in the Bistro.
Plenty of off-street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 7th March 2021
State Motorkhana
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact John Newton 0423 170 259
Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th March 2021
State Motorkhana – Armidale Concrete
New England Sporting CC
Contact Matt Carey 0437 315 635
Friday, 19th February 2021
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Location to be advised
At this stage we sadly do not have a venue for 2021.
For 2021 we are incorporating the Enthusiast meeting as part of our General meetings
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
For further information please contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 28th February 2021.
Burragorang Lookout
Enjoy a drive along the back roads of Western Sydney with a stop at Warragamba Dam then onto Burragorang Lookout for a BBQ or picnic lunch.
Meet at McDonalds, M4 West bound 9:30am for a 10am departure. We will travel through Luddenham and Wallacia, with a stop at Warragamba Dam then along the back roads to our destination at Burragorang.
Parking is $4 per day and the machine takes coins or credit card.
Bring chairs and a picnic lunch. Picnic tables and BBQ,s are available.
BBQ sausage on a bun and soft drink will be provided $5 each per adult.
Please note for catering I will require RSVP by Friday 26th February.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 21st February 2021
State Khanacross
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact John Newton 0423 170 259
Tuesday, 23rd February 2021
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Friday, 12th February 2021
General Meeting
Come along and check out our new venue for 2021
Please email Joan Vaughan, or ph 9153 7635 or Michael Benton 0411019112
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
We hope this new date and venue is acceptable to all members and look forward to seeing more of you.
So come along and check out our new home for 2021.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner you must RSVP to either Joan or Michael to book a table in the Bistro.
Plenty of off-street parking.
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 14th February 2021
State Motorkhana
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact John Newton 0423 170 259
Tuesday, 9th February 2021
Committee Meeting
With current COVID limitations on group sizes you must RSVP before attending any meeting or event.
The committee meets at the Strathfield Event Centre, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings now commence at 7:30pm.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm Main Meal for $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the Meeting.
Plenty of off street parking.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Australia Day CARnivale Parramatta Park
Cancelled for 2021
Saturday 30th January 2021
Fish and Chip Run
Saturday Update
The Google Map route from Sydney: The route
Please stay home if you feel unwell.
Covid restriction update
The following measures will be effective from 12:01am Friday, 29 January for the Greater Sydney region (including Wollongong, Central Coast and Blue Mountains):
- Outdoor gatherings will be increased to 50 people in total.
What you can do under the latest rules
The annual Sprite / Mini Club Fish and Chip run is on again
Joint run of the Mini Car Club and the Sprite Club.
Meet at McDonald’s Mount Colah, 513-517 Pacific Hwy, (Cnr Lady St)2.00pm for 2.30pm departure.
Alternatively meet at Mt Cowan Truck Rest area to join the convoy as we pass at approx. 2.45pm.
Travelling via the Old Pacific Hway to Central Mangrove then turn back to Kariong and down to Woy Woy Fishermans wharf.
Arrive at Woy Woy (approx 4:30pm – 5pm)
Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 email
Sprite Club contact: Avis Fowler 0412051594. (email)"
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 31st January 2021
Minis in the Gong Show & Shine
Cancelled due to Covid restrictions
Show and Shine for minis with entry FREE for exhibitors and public, no registration required.
Mini Car Club members attending this event will be convoying from Heathcote McDonalds to Dapto early on Saturday morning. Leaving promptly at 8.15am to arrive at the Motorlife Museum around 9:15 – 9:30am.
For more details contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Australian Motorlife Museum Exhibition Lawn, Integral Energy Recreation Park, Darkes Road, Dapto.
Gus Staunton Points
Reminder MCC – Come and Try – Motorkhana March 8, 2025
Memberships and Renewals February 21, 2025
Updated Calendar of Events January 29, 2025
Minis on Safari October 21, 2024
AGM Committee Results October 21, 2024