Past events 2022
Vale Ray Kyle
Following the sad passing of Ray Kyle earlier this week his family have announced the details of his funeral service which is to be held on Friday 30th December 2022, 10.30am at The Lodge Chapel Woronora Memorial Park, Sutherland.
To show your support for Ray as a Mini Car Club of NSW member please wear a Club shirt and, if possible, bring your Mini.
Kind regards
Grant Freeman
Vale John McMechan

Sunday 4th December 2022
Pheasant Wood Supersprint
(run by Hills District Car Club)
Below are the supplementary regulations, self-scrutiny checklist, statement of vehicle compliance for the event.
Event documents are available to download below:
The regulations are also posted on the Motorsport Australia website .
Entry is via the Motorsport Australia portal. The only payment option seems to be by direct deposit to Hills District Car Club.
Entry fee is $240 for adults, $170 for juniors. No mention is made of timing/Dorians, etc.
Gus Staunton and Motorsport championship points
Tuesday, 6th December 2022
Oasis Run
Christmas lunch on board the “Bass & Flinders” Enjoy a 3-hour cruise on the Georges River with Morning Tea & Lunch provided.
Details: Les Watton Ph: 9838 8063 Mob: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 6th December 2022
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 9th December 2022
Christmas General Meeting
This month is our Christmas meeting.
The meeting will commence at 7:30pm. It will be an informal get together to celebrate 2022: a more relaxed affair than the usual monthly meeting.
We will gather in the general club area after dinner, which is available from 5.30pm with a main meal from $20 per person.
We can discuss Mini adventures, projects past and future and anything else which comes to mind.
We will provide some after dinner snacks and a drink voucher for each member.
There will be discounted merchandise available and a Christmas raffle.
As always, all members and friends are invited to come along to our Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation in the Bistro. or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 11th December 2022
Mini Car Club of NSW
Annual Christmas Picnic and Club Plate Inspection Day
Mini Car Club Christmas Picnic and Annual Club Plate Inspection Day, is an early morning start with BBQ breakfast being served in the picnic grounds just outside the gates of Warragamba Dam. Some discounted merchandise still available for 2022, along with a Christmas raffle will add to the fun.
For Catering requirements you Must RSVP by Friday 10th December 2022.
Meet at the venue at 8:00am or convoy from McDonalds Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road.
The convoy will leave Edmondson Park at 7:15am and travel via Camden Valley Way then Bringelly Road. If travelling along Farnsworth Ave then after passing the sport centre and tennis courts on your left veer left into the large parking area and picnic area. If travelling along Production Ave then turn right into the car park and picnic area just before the entrance into the dam grounds.
Please fill in the Online Form > RSVP Online form
For more information and to RSVP you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or email
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 25th December 2022
Christmas Day
Merry Christmas from the Mini Car Club of NSW
Tuesday, 1st November 2022
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 6th November 2022
Coffee and cars, St Ives
Sunday 6th November 2022
Silverdale Motorkhana
Run by Hills District CC
Details will be provided as we get closer to individual events.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
Gus Staunton and Motorsport championship points
Tuesday, 8th November 2022 (2nd Tuesday)
Oasis Run
Remembrance Day Run, Seven Hills RSL.
Meet at the Club before 11.00am for a small memorial service and an
inspection of their War Museum before we have lunch at the Club.
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 8th November 2022
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 11th November 2022
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person tea/coffee will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation in the Bistro. or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 12th November 2022
Central Coast drive and dinner
Saturday afternoon drive to the Central Coast via the old Pacific Highway to Peats Ridge to Wollombi then back Gosford to finish at The Settlers Tavern, West Gosford for an early dinner at 5:30pm.
Meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 11:30am for 12noon departure to head north along the B83 (Old Pacific Highway) before turning onto Peats Ridge Road at Calga to meetup with Minis on the Coast outside Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary at approx 1pm.
Our journey will take us up through Peats Ridge to Wollombi pub for a stop at 2pm and a drink before starting the journey back across to Freemans Waterhole. We will continue on the back roads to Gosford before reaching our destination at The Settlers Tavern at 5:30 for drinks and dinner.
Google Maps route details here: Google map from Thornleigh to Wollombi and back to West Gosford
Please note this is a pre booked event and I will require RSVP by Thursday 10th November 2022 so I can confirm the booking and numbers with the Tavern.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 13th November 2022
Wings over Illawarra
After lots of consideration and discussions we regret to inform you that the classic vehicle display at Wings Over Illawarra 2022 has been cancelled.
We tried every possible scenario to keep the classic vehicle display but unfortunately due to the construction delays at the airport along with all the wet weather we've been having; all of the possible options to place the classic vehicles is just not feasible as they are all dirt so with even just a small bit of rain which is entirely possible based on the forecast those areas could very likely become mud, which is not ideal for any vehicle let alone classic vehicles.
Therefore, we've had to make the sad decision to cancel the classic car exhibit for this year as there is no alternative spots except for muddy ones. Although the classic vehicle display has been cancelled, we will still honour your classic vehicle ticket for entry so feel free to come along and enjoy the weekend.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thanks for understanding.
Many thanks,
Dawn Keenahan
Wings Over Illawarra Administration
Bright Events Pty Ltd
P: +61 2 4208 3997
Hangar 1/32 Airport Rd, Albion Park Rail, NSW 2527
Mini Car Club of NSW, will be attending “Wings over Illawarra” on Sunday 13th November, and invites all Mini Car Club of NSW and “Mini’s in the Gong” members to join us to be in one large display group.
Australia’s best annual airshow returns Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th November 2022, make sure you put the dates in your diaries and be sure to join us for an aviation extravaganza!
The Mini Car Club of NSW will be attending on the Sunday 13th Only
Vehicle registration will close at 5:00 pm on Friday 29th October, 2022 unless space is filled prior, in which case vehicle registration will close earlier.
As a special thank you for those displaying cars, drivers of participating vehicles will be issued with a complimentary entry ticket and admitted at no charge.
To obtain a complimentary ticket for the driver, you will need to follow the instructions on the “Wings over Illawarra” website, and register your vehicle, under the “Get Involved” box
When you “Register Your Vehicle” in the area “Club Member of”, use the drop down box, and select “Mini Car Club of NSW” as the club you are attending with. Only register 1 vehicle per email address.
- Complimentary vehicle owners tickets will ONLY be valid for entry at the vehicle entry gate, so unfortunately, should you decide not to attend with your vehicle you will need to purchase a general admission entry ticket in order to access the event.
- The 2022 classic vehicle display area is yet to be determined.
- Access to and from the event site will be communicated to all registered attendees closer to the event.
- For members of clubs wishing to have their vehicles parked together, it is recommended that you meet up somewhere along the route, such as Albion Park Showground, and arrive at the venue in a convoy.
- Vehicles MUST be parked in the display area and engines switched off by 8:45am.
- In the interest of public safety there will be NO vehicle movements during the the time the public access gates are open, 9:00am – 5:00pm.
- Similarly display vehicles will be required to remain on display until the conclusion of the show and public have exited the event site.
- Vehicle access gate will be open between 7:00am and 8:30am to allow access and will be locked at 8:30am and not re-opened until 5:00pm.
- Please ensure you can stay for the entire day before registering your vehicle as under no cirumstances will vehicles be permitted to move to and exit the gates between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
- If for some reason (eg. family emergency) you do need to leave the event site between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm your vehicle must stay on site and you must make alternative arrangements.
Before registering please ensure you are able to attend for the full duration of the show as the vehicle access gates will be closed at 8:30am and will NOT be re-opened until after the public have exited the event site at 5:00pm.
Convoy: Travel to Albion Park Airport early on Sunday morning, meeting at McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway, and leaving promptly at 7:00am, with a pickup for Minis in the Gong members at, Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay, leaving there at 8:00am sharp, to arrive by 8:15am, and in place by their 8:30am deadline.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending and joining the convoy please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 20th November 2022
NSW State Khanacross Series
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto CC
Contact: John Newton, 0423 170 259
Saturday 26th November 2022
Canterbury Mini Garage - Open Day
Canterbury MINI Garage is holding an open day and members from the Mini Car Club of NSW are invited to display a small number of Classic Minis.
If you would like join in and display your classic mini, then please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 prior to 20th November.
There is only limited space so please contact me asap to reserve your position
The cars will need to be in place by 8:15am and the event is expected to finish around mid day
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd October
Old Bar Festival
Meaghan & James Lucas are kindly inviting members of the Mini Car Club of NSW to join them at the Old Bar Beach Festival. The Festival is a large annual event at Old Bar Beach in the Mid North Coast of NSW. You’ll love the world-famous Kombi parade, classic car displays, mega markets, carnival rides and games, street food and bar, all day live music, fireworks plus all round good vibes.
The classic car display is held on the Saturday from 8am so it would be great to have your Mini attend. In the afternoon the Kombi parade along Old Bar Road goes past the Lucas property. Dinner on Saturday night is being provided by the Lucas’ at their home with Bob Holden joining in. Sunday will involve a wander around the Kombi display at the festival and an afternoon Mini run to Gloucester and back.
To accept Meg and James kind offer please contact them on 65537244.
This will help with catering numbers on Saturday night.
Accommodation needs to be booked asap to avoid disappointment.
Trailer parking is available if you prefer to trailer your Mini tor the event. Join us for a fun weekend!
For further details please contact Meaghan & James Lucas 0414 367 393,
Monday 3rd October 2022
Public Holiday
Tuesday, 4th October 2022
Oasis Run
To Be Confirmed. South Coast?
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 4th October 2022
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Tuesday, 11th October 2022
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 14th October 2022
Annual General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s Annual General Meeting which will held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meeting will commence at 7:30pm
Presentation of Annual trophies and Service awards followed by the election of the 2023 Committee.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person tea/coffee will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation in the Bistro. or ph 0418161918. Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 15th/Sunday 16th October 2022
Bathurst Kandos weekend
Enjoy a weekend away driving on the back roads from Sydney to Bathurst with a lap around the famous track and an overnight stay at Kandos.
Meet at McDonald’s March Street, Richmond 8.00am for 8.30am departure.
Travel along the Bells Line of Road to Bell turn left onto the Causeway to Mount Victoria, Hartley then left onto Jenolan Caves Road and follow through to Oberon.
We will enjoy a stop in Oberon before continuing to Bathurst for a drive around the track and lunch. Mid afternoon we will then head to Kandos for dinner and an overnight stay.
We have a number of rooms held at the Kandos Fairways Motel.
Please note this is a pre booked event and I will require RSVP by 10th October 2022
RSVP via the Online form: Bathurst Kandos weekend 2022
For more information about the event and accommodation or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 16th October 2022
State Motorkhana
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto CC
Contact: John Newton, 0423170259
Sunday 23rd October 2022
SMSP North Circuit Supersprint
Run by Jaguar Car Club
Below are links to the supplementary regulations, self-scrutiny checklist, statement of vehicle compliance for the event.
- self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance(1)
- self-checklist-speed
- supplementary-regulations-222-2310-04-approved1663897633384
Entry is via the Motorsport Australia portal.
The only payment options seems to be by direct deposit to Jaguar Car Club, unless you have a Motorsport Australia Credit Card.
Entry fee is $240 plus $17 for the hire of a Dorian timing unit (if you need one) and $10 for a Dorian mounting bracket (if you need one).
MCCs invitation is confirmed
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
Gus Staunton and Motorsport championship points
Sunday 30th October 2022
Sydney Classic bicycle show
The Sydney Classic Bicycle Show is the premier show for vintage steel and Penny Farthing cycles in Australia.
The organisers are keen to host the Mini Car Club of NSW to have a display at this years event.
It will be held at the Lidcombe Oval on Sun 30 Oct 2022.
We encourage all cars to arrive for set up from 8.30am. The show proper, begins at 10am and will finish around 4pm.
A prominent display area will be allocated to Mini Car Club of NSW members.
If you'd like more info on the event, please feel free to see their hundreds of photos and video on their Facebook page, or our current webpage on Classic Bicycle Show.
In addition to this, they will be holding Sydney's only Penny Farthing Championship. The 2022 Sydney Penny Farthing Championships will be held at this show from 10am onwards.
We expect a minimum of about 1,500 people over the course of the day.
Entries close this Sunday night 23rd October
Please contact Michael Benton if you are interested in attending as part of our club group, or have any questions please ph 0411019112 or email:
East Hills Charity Car Show 2022
“ 3 DAYS TO GO “
Sunday August 21, 2022
PLEASE NOTE – Entrant Vehicle Pre – registration & the $25 registration fee can be paid through our website via EFT
If you wish to register & pay on the day – there will be no EFTPOS facility available – CASH ONLY PAYMENT PLEASE
We sincerely thank you all for the support
Hope to see you there ,,
We have managed to move the East Hills Charity Car Show 2022 ,
NEW DATE - Sunday August 21st
A special big THANK YOU goes out to ,,, Canterbury Bankstown City Council ,,, Shannons Insurance ,,, Transdev Australasia ,,, Panania Diggers Soccer Club &Torch Publishing
And we sincerely thank you all for the support we have been receiving
Hope to catch up on Sunday August 21
EHCCS 2022
0416 086 128
There are around 85000 Australians who are living with inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) , the collective term used for Crohns disease and ulcerative Colitis, and presently there is no cure.
The EastHills Charity Car Show is a Non for Profit organisation who supports a different charity each year.
Funds raised through the support of Vehicle entry fees , Sponsorship , Stall holder fees and the wonderful generosity of the public, go to each years event beneficiary.
2021 – “ Crohns & Colitis Australia “
Every year the Charity Car Show attracts the best classic car entries from all over NSW , it’s a family day for a great cause with stalls , live music , category winner awards and plenty of fantastic cars on show to check out.
Vehicle entries bump in from 8.00am with the event officially kicking off at 10.00am ,,, & “ All Makes & Models are welcome “
For further information on Vehicles entry forms , Stall registration applications and event Sponsorship forms please go to ,
You can join our Facebook page
Thank you for your support & we look forward to seeing you on Sunday August 21st - 2022
Glen Waud
Public Officer
EastHills Charity Car Show
M.0416 086 128.
Daffodils at Rydal
I am writing as Secretary of the Rydal Village Association to invite your car or bike club to our annual fundraising Daffodils at Rydal weekends in September.
The dates this year are 10th and 11th then 17th and 18th.
We are holding the main market up at the showground, so plenty of space to exhibit.
If you would like a day out or a weekend run, would any members like to join us? No charge, of course, but expect the bold and the curious!
It doesn't have to all be about flowers! We have music and market, plant stalls, village walk, open gardens and both sculpture and art competitions.
There is an events page on our website: or see facebook/instagram DaffodilsAtRydal
Hope to see you there!
Bye for now
Holly Davenport
Secretary, RVA
Sunday 4th September 2022
Fathers Day
Tuesday 6th September 2022
Mount Annan Botanical Gardens.
Details: Brian Jubb Ph: 9602.9591
Tuesday, 6th September 2022
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 9th September 2022
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person tea/coffee will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation in the Bistro. or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 10th September 2022
Mini Car Club of NSW 60th Anniversary Dinner
60 years young: let’s party!
Please contact Michael 0411019112 If you are interested in attending
Rosehill Bowling Club
7pm, 10th September 2022
In 1962 some enthusiastic Mini drivers in NSW formalised a tradition which is still very strong today: talking about their Minis. We are happy and proud to continue that tradition: at every opportunity groups of Mini and MINI drivers can be seen or heard sharing new and well-worn stories and information. The MCCNSW today boasts 700+ members and is one of the biggest car clubs in Australia
At Minis DownUnder 2021, held in 2022, a celebratory dinner proved to be a popular opportunity for Mini enthusiasts to share their stories and memories, so for the Mini Car Club 60th anniversary we’re doing it again!
Yes, we’re holding a birthday celebration for the Car Club and invite you all!
For $45.00 pp there will be good food, speakers (not too many!), a quiz and fun. Of course the bar will also be offering beverages of your choice.
All MCCNSW members past and present are invited.
Come along for dinner on Saturday night then stay locally to check out our Mini display at the All British Day, Kings School, Parramatta on Sunday 11th.
Please fill out the dinner entry form to confirm your entry: 60th Anniversary Dinner Entry Form
by 1st September 2022.
Please Note:
Payment is pre-paid and required by 1st September 2022
Payment Methods
- Direct Debit to Mini Car Club of NSW. BSB 082-112, Account 509161229, Reference "Surname" + Merchandise
- Credit Card via PayPal or phone Joan Vaughan - 02 91537635
- PayPal - follow this link to pay via: PayPal link
- Cheque, made payable to Mini Car Club of NSW and post to Secretary, Mini Car Club of NSW, PO Box 164, Mortdale, NSW
Or RSVP by 1st September 2022.
For further information please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Please note:
This is a pre-paid event and all payments are required by 1st September
Payment Methods
- Credit Card via PayPal or phone Joan Vaughan - 02 91537635
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 11th September 2022
All British Day 2022 - 40th Anniversary
Unfortunately we have been cancelled again.
At this stage the event is postponed till 2023
Please hold onto your tickets and put them in a safe place for next year.
Sunday 11th September 2022
NSW State Motorkhana Championship
Sydney Motorsport Park - Skidpan
MX5 Car Club
Contact: Ian Combes. ph 0433159726
The annual All British Day is held at Kings School, Pennant Hills Rd, North Parramatta.
This event will be a Show and Shine for the Mini Car club so clean and polish up your mini and come along for a great day with prizes and trophies awarded for various categories.
For entry to the event prepaid tickets costing $10 each are required.
The Mini Car Club has again purchased a block of tickets which for members are free and non-members $10.
Trailer tickets are also required if you are towing your car into the site.
This event will be our club’s main Show and Shine with prizes and trophies awarded for various categories.
Gates open at 6.30am with the aim to have all cars in place by 9.00am and entry for all competitors is only via Masons Drive.
To aid the free flow of traffic into the site all tickets must be firmly fixed to the inside of your windscreen.
For further information or to obtain your ticket please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 18th September 2022
Phil Briggs Run
The annual Phil Brigg’s Memorial Run this year is to Tarana Pub for lunch.
Meet at McDonald’s March Street, Richmond 9.00am for 9.30am departure.
Travel along the Bells Line of Road to Lithgow turn left onto the Great Western Highway then right onto Magpie Hollow Road at Bowenfels and follow the road through to Tarana. (109km 1hr 43min)
Please note this is a pre booked event and I will require RSVP by 16th September 2022
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 25th September 2022
Silverdale Motorkhana
Run by Hills District CC
Please find below links to the documentation for the upcoming Hills District Car Club for their upcoming Motorkhana.
Here are the links to:
- 2022 September Motorkhana, (Supplementary Regulations)
- self-checklist-autotest,
- self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance
for the event.
Entry is via the Motorsport Australia portal. The only payment options seems to be by direct deposit to Hills District Car Club.
Entry fee is $50 for adults and $25 for Juniors.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
Gus Staunton and Motorsport championship points
Tuesday 2nd August 2022
*to be confirmed*
Northern Beaches.
Bookings and details: Please confirm with Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
TUESDAY 2nd August 2022
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Committee meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
General Meeting
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person. Tea and coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation of a table in the Bistro.
Note: Please email Rob or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Shannons Sydney Classic Day
Held at Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek, and presented by the Council of Motor Clubs,
Over 2000 Veteran & Classic vehicles from 200 clubs will be on display so support your club and come along static display.
Usually limited to 30 cars so tickets go fast and are available on a first paid first received basis.
To reserve your tickets with Robert Bradshaw please phone 9973 2203 or 0418 463 614.
For further details contact Robert Bradshaw on 0418 463 614 or (02)9973 2203
Gates open at 7:00am with ALL cars to be in place before 9:30am
The General Public will be admitted at 10am with tickets $20 per adult with children under 18 free (must be accompanied by an adult)
The Mini Car Club has again hired 2 garages where tea and coffee will be available.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th August 2022
This FREE 2-day event is for Mini owners and enthusiasts with other classic vehicles accepted upon application. The 2022 Rylstone Classic, to be held August 21,22, encompasses a range of novelty activities and will be conducted at a leisurely pace, befitting the vintage of our vehicles. With an overnight stay in wine country, the Rylstone Classic has grown over the past ten years to become one of Australia's marquee events for Mini enthusiasts, with numbers growing year on year.
The Central Coast starting point is the Mingara Recreation Club at Tumbi Umbi.
Fill in the Online entry form and find your accommodation.
Register and keep up to date here:
or on the Facebook page: The Rylstone Classic
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 20th August 2022
State Khanacross
Note: 2pm Start
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto CC
Contact: John Newton, 0423170259
Tuesday, 30th August 2022
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
JULY 2022
Tuesday 5th July 2022
Meet: 10.30am Wiley Park corner King Georges Rd & Canterbury Rd, Wiley Park
Bring: A plate of “goodies” for a shared morning tea. Bring a chair. We will also have time to take a stroll around
the park.
Depart: 12.00 Noon
Lunch: 12.30pm “The Peakhurst” Hotel, 705 Forest Rd, Peakhurst
Details: Les Watton Ph: 9838 8063 Mob: 0418 973 866
Committee meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
General Meeting
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person. Tea and coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation of a table in the Bistro.
Note: Please email Rob or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 10th July 2022
State Khanacross
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: John Newton, 0423170259
Sunday 24th July 2022
State Motorkhana
Nirimba - Tarmac
Mini Car Club of NSW
Come along for the day and support you Club and get up close to the action!
Our club requires 6 volunteers to help on the day. No experience necessary.
Clerk of Course – Phil Boyd,
Secretary – Joan Vaughan.
Chief Scrutineer – Warwick Butt,
Chief Timekeeper – Alan Hagarty.
Event Documentation:
- Supplementary Regulations - 222-2407-02 Approved
- 2022 speed-non-speed-entry-form-fillable
- 2022 motorsport-australia_general-disclaimer_covid-19
- self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance
- self-checklist-autotest
Timing equipment organised with Andrew Collier (new equipment).
Contact: Ron Adlam, 0427043854
Gus Staunton and Motorsport championship points
SUNDAY 31st JULY 2022
Mini Car Club members will enjoy a cruise along the mini friendly back roads from Sydney to the Southern Highlands before reaching our destination for lunch at Burrawang Cafe.
Meet at McDonalds, Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road, 9:00am for 9:30am departure.
We will avoid the main Motorway and travel down Camden Valley way and the Old Hume Highway through Picton, Yerinbool, Bowral then our destination at Burrawang.
Proposed Google Map route details (Updated Saturday 30th:
Please note this is a pre booked event and places for lunch are now filled.
You are still most welcome to join the group for the drive.
We will be having lunch at Burrawang Cafe for lunch.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
JUNE 2022
FRIDAY, 3rd JUNE 2022 (**changed due to Hay)
General Meeting
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person. Tea and coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation of a table in the Bistro.
Note: Please email Rob or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 5th June 2022
State Motorkhana
Nirimba - Tarmac
Thornleigh Car Club
Contact: Andrew Chinner, 0411087558
Tuesday 7th June 2022
10.00am. Curry Reserve, Camden Valley Way, Elderslie (Camden)
National Studebaker Museum of Australia
The Oaks Hotel, 36 John St. The Oaks
Bookings: Please confirm with Les by Monday 30th May 2022
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
FRIDAY 10th JUNE 2022
Are you making the trip to Hay for the Australian Hay Mini Nationals in June? Would you like to enjoy a BBQ dinner after the long drive? Then, we would like to invite our members to the official ‘Welcome to Hay BBQ/get together’.
Cobb Inlander Motel – 83 Lachlan St Hay NSW. At the rear of the carpark.
Kicks off at 5.30pm for a 6pm dinner.
Please RSVP to Julie 0419 266620 by 1/6/2022
Australia’s biggest and most competitive motorkhana.
Non pointscore event.
Organised by the Mini Car Club of South Australia.
Supplementary Regulations are available on the Mini Club of SA website.
Or search for “Hay Mini Nationals 2022”.
More details on page 30. or contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058.
SUNDAY 19th JUNE 2022
Blue Mountains
Update: Saturday night 18th June
The run to Hillbilly Cider is still on for those who have RSVP'd. Bring a warm jacket and umbrella.
Possible light showers in the mountains.
If you are worried about your Classic getting a little wet then bring your other car.
See you all around 9:30am.
Sunday drive to the Blue Mountains via the Great Western Highway returning via Bells Line of Road.
Meet at McDonalds, M4 West bound 9:30am for a 10am departure. We will travel to Hydro Majestic Hotel for our first stop then onto Blackheath, Logan Brae Orchard for apples, homemade hot apple pies and apple.
We then travel west to Bell then Bells Line of Road to Bilpin and Hillbilly Cider to arrive at 1:30pm to enjoy Wood-fired pizza and cider.
Please RSVP by Thursday 16th June as we have a table booked and I need to confirm numbers.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
(Please note: Sorry, but a Facebook like is not taken as an RSVP)
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 19th June 2022
State Khanacross
Hampton Dirt
Hills District Sporting CC
Contact: Shane O’Hara, 0421461112
Tuesday, 21st June 2022
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Saturday, 25th June 2022
Pheasant Wood Supersprint
Organised by MG Car Club (Newcastle), Round 3 of the Combined Sports Car Association (CSCA) Supersprint Series.
Please find below the documentation for this event.
- 2022-06-25-CSCA-R3-Pheasent-Wood-MGCCN-Supp-Regs-222-2506-02-Approved.pdf
- 2022-06-25-CSCA-R3-Pheasent-Wood-MGCCN-Supp-Regs-222-2506-02-Approved.doc
- 2022-06-25-CSCA-R3-Pheasent-Wood-MGCCN-self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance
- 2022-06-25-CSCA-R3-Pheasent-Wood-MGCCN-self-checklist-speed
- 2022 motorsport-australia_general-disclaimer_covid-19
Phil Boyd has spoken to the Event Secretary, Wayne Mogliviatti, and Mini Car Club members are most welcome to attend.
It is a Combined Sports Car Association event and Wayne assures me that they are competitor friendly events.
Entry is via the Motorsport Australia website, with payment to MG Newcastle via direct deposit. The entry fee is $165 plus $17 for a “MyLaps” timing transponder.
The first page of the supplementary regulations contains general information about the event.
I suggest that intending competitors read the information and contact Wayne Mogliviatti, whose details are in the document, if they have any questions.
Non pointscore event.
MAY 2022
TUESDAY, 31st MAY 2022 (**changed due to Hay)
Committee meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
SUNDAY 29th MAY 2022
Sunday drive to Ellalong Hotel Cessnock/Hunter Valley
Come and join us for a drive up the Old Pacific Highway through Peats Ridge, Kulnura, Bucketty and on to Lake Macquarie/Hunter for lunch at the Ellalong Hotel.
Meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 9am for 9.30am departure to head north along the B83 (Old pacific H’way before turning onto Peats Ridge Road at Calga. We will take a few stops along the way at Peats Ridge (10:40am approx) and Wollumbi (12:00 noon approx) before reaching our destination at Ellalong.
Google Route Map:
Route instructions, pdf: Mini Car Club of NSW Social event to Ellalong Hotel
lunch at 12:30pm.
Bookings now closed.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates.
Gus Staunton Points
TUESDAY 24th MAY 2022
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person. Tea and coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation of a table in the Bistro.
Note: Please email Rob or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Central Coast Air Show
Saturday 14th May 2022
Mini Car Club of NSW, have accepted an invitation to provide a small display of minis at this years "Central Coast Air Show" on Saturday 14th May, and we invite “Mini’s on the Coast” members to join us.
The skies over the Central Coast Airport at Warnervale will roar into life with the unforgettable sights and sounds of an action-packed airshow!
Just an hours drive from Sydney or Newcastle, this event will be a great weekend out amongst the beautiful Central Coast region, with literally tonnes of entertainment on offer. No matter whether you’re a die-hard aviation enthusiast or just looking for a fun weekend out with the family and kids, there will be something for everyone at the Central Coast Airshow.
All show cars must be in before 7:30am due to guest safety.
- Gates open at 9am.
- Once gates are open there can be no car movement.
- You can drive out from the event from approximately 2:30pm (subject to change) escorted by staff only.
- In the case of bad weather, staff will escort you out of the event safely.
- The driver of the car will receive a free ticket into the event. Any passengers must purchase a ticket.
Entries close Friday 6th May 2022.
For more details and to RSVP please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
SUNDAY 15th MAY 2022
CMC National Motoring Heritage Day,
National Motoring Heritage Day is where the Council of Motor Clubs, asks members of all affiliated car clubs to drive their cars to pre-determined locations around NSW to celebrate the history of the motor car, this year the Mini Car Club of NSW will be attending the Hobby & Motor Show at East Kurrajong School of Arts, Stanley Park, East Kurrajong.
Open 9am till 3pm Entry $5. Show n Shine trophies presented at 2pm
Convoy Details: Meet at the McDonalds, Groves Road, Mulgrave, 8am for 8:30am departure.
For more details and to RSVP please contact Robert Bradshaw 0418 463 614. (Refer to add on page 9 April 2022 East West)
Gus Staunton Points
TUESDAY 3rd MAY 2022
*to be confirmed*
Lunch: Lynwood Country Golf Club, 4 Pitt Town Bottoms Rd. Pitt Town
Details: Murray Irwin. m: 0449 896 008
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Sunday 1st May 2022
Coffee & Cars – Northern beaches
Update: Thursday 28th April, this event has been confirmed by North Shore Sporting Car Club to proceed.
Come and join us at the St Ives Coffee & Cars followed by a drive to the Northern Beaches.
Meet from 8am at the St Ives Showground, Mona Vale road, St Ives. This event, Autobrunch, is organised by the North Shore Sporting Car Club and Collecting Cars.
Lots of interesting cars to wander around as you enjoy Bacon and Egg rolls sold by the local Lines club and coffee from the coffee vans.
At approx. 10:30am we will leave and head to the Northern Beaches. Please bring your own picnic or purchase food from the local café’s and don’t forget your chairs and picnic blankets.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Gus Staunton Points
APRIL 2022
Just a reminder that if you want to enter for the Hills District Car Club Silverdale Motorkhana next Sunday, entries close this Thursday, 21 April, and must be made through Motorsport Australia website.
HDCC are now saying that this is the rescheduled 27 March event and the link on their website for the 24 April event takes you the documentation for the 27 March. However, the MA website has the correct details for the event.
TUESDAY, 19th APRIL 2022
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Saturday 23rd April 2022
CSCA Round 2, SMSP South Circuit
Hosted by the Sprite Car Club of Australia.
Please note, this is not a State Supersprint and MCC members won’t have to compete amongst people vying for a State Championship, the Combined Sports Car Association are the traditional marques that Mini Car Club of NSW used to compete amongst, I believe the Mini Car Club was a member of the CSCA at some point in the past.
The South Circuit is short and twisty, which should suit a Mini, but members are free to run any vehicle of their choice; it doesn’t have to be a Mini.
Below are the supplementary regulations and other documents for the Sprite SMSP Supersprint on Saturday, 23 April.
Entries are now open for CSCA Round 2 hosted by SCCA on Saturday 23rd April. Please find the invitation letter attached.
Entry is via the MA Event Entry system and is now operational.
Please note the following:
- Minimum License Requirements, remain as L2S. I noticed that when I did a dummy entry, the MA Event Entry System says that a Non Speed license is ok, this is incorrect. Apparently these licenses have been discontinued by MA – they are investigating the glitch in the system.
- Self Statement of Vehicle compliance. Please complete and send to the Event Secretary at time of entry by email
- Self Checklist speed. Please complete and send to the Event Secretary at time of entry by email to
- Invitation Letter 2022
- Supplementary Regulations 2022
- self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance
- self-checklist-speed
For any questions please contact the Sprite club Competition captain or Phil Boyd (Mini Car Club) 0412 521 058
David Baigent
SCCA Competition Captain
m: 0407 137 776
MONDAY 25th APRIL 2022
MEET: City Of Canada Bay Museum, 1 Bent St. Cnr. Wellbank St. Concord. Plenty of street parking in adjoining streets
TIME: 10.30am
ADMISSION: Free. Generous donations will be gratefully received
LUNCH: Powell’s Creek Reserve, Victoria Ave. Concord West. Some seating available
B.Y.O. Everything picnic lunch & a chair
BOOKINGS: Not required but I would like an idea of how many are coming
DETAILS: Les Watton ph: 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person. Tea and coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation of a table in the Bistro.
Note: Please email Rob or ph 0418161918.
Plenty of undercover parking.
Gus Staunton Points
SUNDAY 10th APRIL 2022
Please note the change of date.
Travel through the Royal National Park, Stanwell Tops, Bulli beach and Wollongong before reaching our destination at Jamberoo Pub for lunch.
Meeting from 8:30am at McDonalds Kirrawee, 559 Princes Highway, leaving at 9am to travel south and following the signs to the Royal National Park. Continue along Sir Bertram Stevens Drive, Lady Wakehurst Drive with a possible short stop at Bald Hill Lookout, Stanwell Tops before we continue down Lawrence Hargrave Drive, over the Seacliff Bridge (sorry but there is very limited parking, so we won’t be stopping). We continue through Austimeer to Bulli where we will turn left into Park rd and head to the beach for a stop at the beach café for morning tea. (30mins)
Head back to Memorial Drive and Princes Motorway to continue south to Albion Park where we will veer off the Motorway and onto Terry St/Illawarra highway (A45) just past the airport. This road then becomes Jamberoo Rd which we follow until Jamberoo and the Pub @ 14 Allowrie Street (98km) arrive around 12:30-1pm.
Please RSVP by Tues 5th April 2022 as I have booked a table for lunch at 12:30pm.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or
Gus Staunton Points
15th APRIL 2022. Easter Friday
17th APRIL 2022 Easter Monday
SUNDAY 27th MARCH 2022
305 Taylors Road, Silverdale (see map @
Drivers briefing: 9.45am, Starts: 10.00am, Finishes: 4.00pm.
Entry: $50 Adults | $25 Juniors.
Rally tyres are allowed on all wheels
At last, an event for you to compete in!
It’s not on the competition pointscore, as it clashes with a State Motorkhana at Awaba, but you will get Gus Staunton points.
So, if you feel like doing a dirt motorkhana, the details are:
Supplementary Regulations - 222-2703-07 Approved
This is a pre-entry event only.
All entries close on Thursday 25th March, 2022
All entries must be completed via the Motorsport Australia website
Payment is to be made via direct deposit with your Name as the reference or Cheque or money order to be made out to Hills District Car Club and posted to PO Box 37 St Marys NSW 1790.
Payment Details: Hills District Car Club, BSB: 032 371, ACC: 705 663
Payments and entries cannot be accepted on the day due to Covid-19 Safe Plan
Please supply a picture of your Motorsport Australia license in an email as well as your filled-out entry form and self-assessed scrutineering form to
BBQ will be available on the day
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend. Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 6th March 2022
Minis DownUnder 2021
Setup on Saturday 5th
Show N Shine on Sunday 6th
The pavilion is now Full!
Thanks to over 135 people who have entered almost 150 Minis to help make this event the biggest collection of Minis in the one room in Sydney for over a decade. There may be bigger gatherings of minis in Australia, but not on display in a high-profile venue. Entries received now that the pavilion is full will have their names added to a wait list in case anyone cancels their entry.
We do continue to encourage registrations of interest but will not take any more prepayments unless there are cancellations.
As the weather is currently so unpredictable we have now arranged for an Mini only Undercover parking area.
This is only for All day parking. Enter before 9:30am and leave after 4pm
This area is available for Mini Only parking and mini parts swap meet entries with entry and setup only on Sunday 6th and for cars which plan to be in place all day.
Entry is on Sunday morning 7:30 to 9:30am and the cars cannot be moved until after 4pm.
There is a small entry fee of $20 per car to cover costs and participants will still be required to purchase an entry ticket to the Grand Pavilion.
To fill out details for Mini only parking please click on this link: Mini Only Parking Entry Form
To pay $20 for Under cover Mini parking
We still have Free Mini Only Parking. No limit, Long term or Short term Sunday only.
This Mini Only parking will be in the close-by ATC Members car park
Hope to see all mini enthusiasts and friends there!
For more details please refer to the Minis DownUnder 2021 webpage
or contact Michael 0411019112 Gus Staunton points
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Despite the typical English weather I think we will proceed with todays run. Bring an umbrella and rain coat and don't forget the WD40 and clean rags.
The annual Mini /Sprite Fish and Chip run is on again Joint run of the Mini Car Club and the Sprite Club. Meet at McDonald’s Vineyard / McGrath’s Hill, Cnr Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 2.00pm for 2.30pm departure Travelling via Wiseman’s Ferry and Peats Ridge to Woy Woy Fish and Chip Co-op. Arrive at Woy Woy (approx 4:30pm – 5pm) Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 email: or Sprite Club contact: Avis Fowler 0412051594. (email) Gus Staunton Points
The committee meets at 7:30pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion. Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting. Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for reservation of a table in the Bistro. Note: Please email Rob or ph 0418161918. Plenty of undercover parking. Gus Staunton Points
Show and Shine of Hot Rod and Historic cars @ Morrisett Showground. Rickshaws Hot Rod and Kustom Car Club Annual MAD day
Cancelled for 2022
Reminder MCC – Come and Try – Motorkhana March 8, 2025
Memberships and Renewals February 21, 2025
Updated Calendar of Events January 29, 2025
Minis on Safari October 21, 2024
AGM Committee Results October 21, 2024