Past events 2023
Tuesday, 3rd January 2023
Oasis Run
Hope you are already for our first Oasis Run of 2023.
Apologies I have been slow in communicating but unfortunately it hasn't been a good past couple of months for a few of my loved one’s health and have been without a computer, not all bad!!
As Les has advised we are meeting at Maccas Groves Ave McGraths Hill 9.30-10am for a 10.30 departure.
Heading off up into the mountains and a nice lunch and catchup before we head on back towards Sydney.
Allana Flynn-O'Neile. 0417 709 470
Hope you all had a very nice Festive Season and all the best to everyone for a Happy and Healthy 2023.
Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday 3rd for all who can make it, for a great start for our 2023 Oasis Year
Best Wishes
Allana Flynn-O'Neile
0417 709 470
Welcome 2023 BBQ - UPDATE 7:30am
The Mini Car Club of NSW is welcoming 2023 with a BBQ lunch at Fagan Park, Arcadia Road Car Park, Galston from 12 noon, 22nd January for Mini Club members, friends and Mini enthusiasts.
Whilst I have not organised a convoy to Fagan Park, I can recommend a drive via Galston Gorge if you get the opportunity. This road is accessed from Hornsby and follow the signs to Galston.
(Non-members welcome but please RSVP)
You are welcome to arrive any time after 10am as we are aiming to be there to setup the picnic shelter, plus the parking is easier at this time.
We have booked Arcadia 1 picnic shelter. So if it is raining we will have cover.
There will be a BBQ sausage sandwich and drink for $5 per person. (Any profit will be donated to Make A Wish)
There will also be a raffle with some great Mini related prizes and all money raised will be donated to Make a Wish.
Some MCC merchandise will be available or for order.
Note: Parking costs $6/per motor vehicle. When parking in the Fagan Park carparks you must display a valid day pay and display ticket.
Please RSVP by 19th January by completing details in this >> ONLINE FORM
Or email to :
For more information or RSVP please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Show and Shine of Hot Rod and Historic cars @ Newcastle Harness Club, Jackson St, Broadmeadow.
Rickshaws Hot Rod and Kustom Car Club hope to be able to run their Annual MAD day in 2023.
There is one basic rule to allow your entry, that is, your vehicle must be considered by the organisers to be collectable.
Come along and be part of one of the largest gatherings of enthusiast’s vehicles in one place within the Hunter Valley. Last year’s event attracted over 400 vehicles of all shapes and sizes from far and wide.
Gates open at 8am - presentation at 1.30pm (may vary) food and drinks will be available on the day.
$10.00 entry fee per car.
Sydney members of the Mini Car Club who are attending this event will have an early start meeting at McDonalds, Thornleigh and leaving promptly at 6.15am driving up the M1 Motorway to arrive at Broadmeadows by 8am. (135 km approx. 1hr 40min and we will be travelling at 100kmh on the Motorways.)
Vehicle parking will be around the trotting track, NO VEHICLES ON THE GRASS.
There will be some space for shade gazebos on the edge of the grassed inner area, All gazebos must me firmly secured to the ground.
Event information, on the Rickshaws Hot Rod and Kustom Car Club Facebook page
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Tuesday, 7th February 2023
Oasis Run
The Mooney Mooney Workers Club are unable to fulfil our booking so this venue is cancelled.
Meeting venue remains the same at Hornsby from approximately 10-15 – 10-30am onwards.
Lunch: Will now be at Hornsby RSL Club 4 High St. Hornsby.
Bookings not required.
DETAILS: Gary Boyce m: 0424 848 909 email:
Drive to Hornsby on the Pacific Highway, at the intersection at the traffic Lights at Hornsby turn right, continue on the Pacific Hwy until you see Westfield Shopping Centre, turn Left go over the railway bridge, turn right go through shopping centre at the end of shops you will see a large yellow sign on your left Hornsby Aquatic Leisure Centre. This is the start of the Garden Park go to the northern end there are two bench seats and tables plus a toilet block.
We will meet here for BYO morning tea at approximately 10.15am.
We will depart at approximately 11. 15am. Parking on the Pacific Highway (2 hour angle parking ) you can park both sides of the road. The Mooney Mooney Workers Club are unable to fulfill our booking, so this lunch venue is now cancelled.
Lunch: Will now be at Hornsby RSL Club, 4 High St Hornsby
bookings: Not required
Phone Gary Boyce M 0424 848 909 or Email. garyjude@
Note: Pacific Hwy. through Hornsby now known as Peats Ferry Rd.
*After parking your vehicles at the club assemble outside the RSL Club cnr. Ashley Lane & High St. & I will give you a guided tour of the Hornsby Street Murals before lunch.
This is only a two minute walk from the club*
Les Watton 9838 8063
Tuesday, 7th February 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 10th February 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and have been restructured to include time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main Meal from $20 per person including tea/coffee which will be available in the Auditorium during the meeting.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation in the Bistro. Note: Please email or ph 0418161918
Plenty of under cover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
The annual Mini /Sprite Fish and Chip run is on again
The annual Mini /Sprite Fish and Chip run is on again
Joint run of the Mini Car Club and the Sprite Club.
Meet at McDonald’s Vineyard / McGrath’s Hill, Cnr Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 2.00pm for 2.30pm departure via back roads to Berowra Ferry.
Meet at Cowan Truck stop at 3pm where we will meet up with the convoy from McGraths Hill. our group will then travel up the Old Pacific Highway to Peats Ridge then turn right onto Wisemans Ferry Road for the journey to Kariong then on to Woy Woy to arrive around 4:30-5pm
Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 or
Sprite Club contact: Avis Fowler 0412051594.
Google Map Link below:
Windsor to Woy Woy via Berowra and Peats Ridge
To download an pdf of the route instructions please click Woy Woy Fish n Chip run 2023 v2
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 12th February 2023
NSW State Motorkhana Awaba - Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: John Newton 0423170259
Sunday 19th February 2023
State Khanacross
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto CC
Contact: John Newton, 0423170259
Tuesday, 21st February 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 5th March 2023
Celebrate at this Special Luncheon at Wenty Leagues
Hello to all our CMC Club Members.
We’re inviting all Clubs to gather some of their Members to celebrate with us the 60th Anniversary of the CMC. We’ve chosen the centrally-located Wentworthville Leagues where they have the fabulous Blaxland Room waiting for us to get together and enjoy a 3-course meal. Our long-term friend David Marshall-Martin has been good enough to join us as Master of Ceremonies.
As well, we’ll have a line-up of Guest Speakers who will be most informative and probably revive some memories of the past – 60 years is a long time so there’ll be lots of stories to tell.
The CMC is subsidising the cost and at only $40.00 per head it’s a real bargain, with some surprises thrown in. There’s no excuse so don’t delay – even make up a table of 10 from your Club (or more if you have the need).
Our hard-working CMC Secretary, Karen, is waiting to hear from you – she’ll give you bank details for EFT payments.
No payment on the day – bookings are essential. As they say – no money/no seat at the table.
RSVP: 10th February 2023 to Kay Symington.
Looking forward to having a full house at Wenty Leagues on 5th March 2023 – so don’t disappoint us please!!
Mini Car Club contact Robert Bradshaw 0418 463 614
Tuesday, 7th March 2023
Oasis Run
Expressions of interest required now for this run.
We will meet up at McDonald’s Cnr. Windsor Rd & Groves Ave. McGraths Hill at 9.00am. Leaving there at 9.30am to drive to the Valley Heights Rail Museum via Yarramundi and Winmalee.
Upon arrival we will have a Devonshire Tea, then a tour of the Museum and a train ride. After that we will drive (5min) to the Springwood Sports Club for lunch around 1.30pm & then drive home.
Cost for the Museum and ride on a normal open day is $18 Adult $15 Conc. As this is a special booking actual cost will be confirmed later. There will be an extra cost for the morning tea.
Please contact me with your expressions of interest for Museum booking & lunch booking. Murray Irwin mob: 0449 896 008
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 7th March 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 10th March 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meal from around $20 per person. Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. Note: email or ph 0418161918
Plenty of under cover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Hawks Nest Motorfest 2023
Saturday March 11th 2023
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Motorfest is held at Myall Park oval, off Yamba St., Hawks Nest.
The park opens from 7.30am and all vehicles must be in position by 9.45am, with the Official Opening at 10.00am.
An entrance fee of $10 per vehicle will apply (cash preferred) and all proceeds will be distributed to a range of local community organisations.
Sydney members of the Mini Car Club who are attending this event will have an early start meeting at McDonalds Thornleigh and leaving promptly at 6.15am to travel to Hawks Nest. There will be a brief stop and a pickup for the Newcastle & Hunter Valley members at 8.00am at McDonalds on the north side of Raymond Terrace.
Note, we will travel through Raymond Terrace to reach this location. After a very brief stop, we head off by 8:15am to continue our journey and arrive at approx. 9.00am at Myall Park Oval.
Note: Distance from Thornleigh to Hawkes Nest is Approx. 200km and we will be travelling at 100kmh on the Motorways..
Returning home at your leisure
The Mini Car Club of NSW has Pre Registered for this event.
Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112, for further information and for details of the early morning convoy from Sydney.
Gus Staunton Points
Should you wish to enjoy a full weekend in our beautiful area, the following accommodation may be available:
- Hawks Nest Motor lnn 4997 1166
- Yamba St Tea Gardens Club lnn - Yalinbah St 4997 0911
- Tea Gardens Hotel/Motel - Marine Dr 4997 0203
- Jimmys Beach Holiday Park 4997 0466
- Boathouse Resort - Marine Dr 1800 336 922
- Hawks Nest Holiday Park - Booner St 4997 0239
We very much look forward to the participation of your Club
Ross Anderson, President.
For information 0400 320 611
Sunday 12th March 2023
State Khanacross
Hampton Dirt
Hills District CC
Contact: Shane O'Hara 0421461112
5th March 2023
Celebrate at this Special Luncheon at Wenty Leagues
Hello to all our CMC Club Members.
We’re inviting all Clubs to gather some of their Members to celebrate with us the 60th Anniversary of the CMC. We’ve chosen the centrally-located Wentworthville Leagues where they have the fabulous Blaxland Room waiting for us to get together and enjoy a 3-course meal. Our long-term friend David Marshall-Martin has been good enough to join us as Master of Ceremonies.
As well, we’ll have a line-up of Guest Speakers who will be most informative and probably revive some memories of the past – 60 years is a long time so there’ll be lots of stories to tell.
The CMC is subsidising the cost and at only $40.00 per head it’s a real bargain, with some surprises thrown in. There’s no excuse so don’t delay – even make up a table of 10 from your Club (or more if you have the need).
Our hard-working CMC Secretary, Karen, is waiting to hear from you – she’ll give you bank details for EFT payments. No payment on the day – bookings are essential. As they say – no money/no seat at the table. RSVP: 10th February 2023
Looking forward to having a full house at Wenty Leagues on 5th March 2023 – so don’t disappoint us please!!
Saturday, 18 March,
Sydney Motorsport Park Motorkhana,
organised by Christian Autosports.
- Invitation confirmed
- Entry fee is $80 for adults, $40 juniors.
- Entry will be via the Motorsport Australia portal. The supplementary regulations are not yet up on the portal, although the CACA website says they are there.
- I will email the supplementary regulations out as soon as they become available.
Phil Boyd
Sunday 19th March 2023
HARS tour
Visit to the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society at Albion Park.
The HARS Aviation Museum is unlike many others. Admission includes a guided tour through the premises, which owing to the hangers being “working” hangars, requires an escort. The advantage of this approach is that you will not be hampered by barriers, and you will be able to experience the aircraft and other displays in a way that is just not possible elsewhere.
The tour takes at least 90 min and the museum entry fee is Adult $25, Concession $20.
Entry will include a guided tour through all displays and hangars, with limited access to the Boeing 747-438.
Bring your cameras as a photo opportunity for our Minis to park under the wings of the 747 will hopefully be arranged.
On arrival we will enjoy morning tea in Café Connie $7:50 per person and then commence a tour of the facilities and aircraft with an opportunity to park our Minis under the wings of the 747.
Lunch will be provided in Café Connie at $13:50 per person.
So for entry, morning tea and lunch the max total cost is $46, concession $41, but the meal costs are optional.
Further info is available on their website:
Travel to Albion Park Airport on Sunday morning, meeting at McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway at 8:30am to depart at 9:00am.
We will travel to Waterfall then just past the town veer to the right and take the old highway to Sublime Point where we will merge back onto the main highway to travel down Mt Ousley and continue along the motorway to Albion Park to arrive at 10am.
Please RSVP before 16th March to Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 26th March 2023
NSW State Motorkhana Awaba - Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: John Newton 0423170259
Tuesday, 28th March 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
APRIL 2023
Sunday 1-2 April 2023
State Motorkhana
2-Day event
Armidale Concrete
New England Sporting CC
Contact: Matt Carey 0437 315 635
Sunday, 2 April,
SMSP South Circuit Supersprint,
CSCA Rd1, organised by Sprite Car Club
- Invitation to be confirmed
- Round 1 of the Combined Sports Car Association Series
- Supplementary Regulations are available via the Motorsport Australia portal.
Contact: Phil Boyd (02)9804 6285
Tuesday, 4th April 2023
Oasis Run
WHERE: “THE DUTCH SHOP” ‘t Winkeltje (the little shop) 85 Market St. Smithfield. Some disabled parking on premises or plenty of on street parking available.
TIME: From 10.30am onwards
On site Coffee Shop & Café for morning tea. Good range of sweets, licorice, snack foods, spices, groceries, Dutch souvenirs, gifts, clothing, soft clogs, cookies, CDs, cassettes, LP records Etc. Anything Dutch, you name it & they will have it.
“BOOKINGS REQUIRED” for catering numbers if you wish to have apple or cherry or tart of the day with cream or ice cream for morning tea. NO BOOKING, NO TART Please book with me by Monday 27-3-2023
Come along & experience the uniqueness of a “DUTCH SHOP” in the industrial area of Smithfield. Admire the façade of the shop & view the many thousands of items for sale or just enjoy a coffee in the café.
DEPART: 11.50am
LUNCH: 12.00 for 12.30pm.
WHERE: SMITHFIELD RSL CLUB Neville Street Smithfield
Lunch specials available at the club.
BOOKINGS REQUIRED: for lunch at the club for catering purposes by Thursday 30-3-2023
DETAILS & BOOKINGS: Les Watton ph: 9838 8063 Email: mumspalace or at the next outing.
Tuesday, 4th April 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Tuesday, 3rd January 2023
Oasis Run
Hope you are already for our first Oasis Run of 2023.
Apologies I have been slow in communicating but unfortunately it hasn't been a good past couple of months for a few of my loved one’s health and have been without a computer, not all bad!!
As Les has advised we are meeting at Maccas Groves Ave McGraths Hill 9.30-10am for a 10.30 departure.
Heading off up into the mountains and a nice lunch and catchup before we head on back towards Sydney.
Allana Flynn-O'Neile. 0417 709 470
Hope you all had a very nice Festive Season and all the best to everyone for a Happy and Healthy 2023.
Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday 3rd for all who can make it, for a great start for our 2023 Oasis Year
Best Wishes
Allana Flynn-O'Neile
0417 709 470
Tuesday, 7th February 2023
Oasis Run
Destination Mooney Mooney Club ( lunch)
Drive to Hornsby on the Pacific Highway, at the intersection at the traffic Lights at Hornsby turn right, continue on the Pacific Hwy until you see Westfield Shopping Centre, turn Left go over the railway
bridge, turn right go through shopping centre at the end of shops you will see a large yellow sign on your left Hornsby Aquatic Leisure
Centre. This is the start of the Garden Park go to the northern end there are two bench seats and tables plus a toilet block. We will meet here for BYO morning tea at approximately 10.15am. We will
depart at approximately 11.15am.
Parking on the Pacific Highway ( 2 hour Angle parking ) you can park both sides of the road.
Then we continue on Old Pacific Hwy 25km to the Hawkesbury River Bridge continue straight over the bridge, approximately 850 Mts
after the Bridge you will see the Mooney Mooney Club Sign on your right ample parking some shaded.
We have asked to reserve tables for up to 30 people can you please advise if you intend coming.
Phone Gary Boyce M 0424 848 909 or
Email. garyjude@
NOTE: Pacific Hwy. through Hornsby now known as Peats Ferry Rd.
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Friday, 7 -10th April 2023
Tuesday, 11th April 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 14th April 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meal from around $20 per person. Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. Note: email or ph 0418161918
Plenty of under cover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 16th April 2023
Blue Mountains Cruise
Cruise through the back roads of Blue Mountains with lunch at Bilpin.
Meet at McDonalds, Windsor 8:30am for a 9:00am departure.
We will travel via Wilberforce and the putty road and turning right onto Bull Ridge road and our destination at Tractor 828 (828 Sackville Rd, Ebenezer) for a short stop and morning tea
Leaving at 10:15 we will travel back through Wilberforce to Terrace Road at North Richmond where we turn right onto Bells Line of Road and follow to our destination on the left. (2369 Bells Line of Rd, Bilpin.)
We are booked into Bilpin Cider to arrive at 11am. Head to the lower car park to park and walk back up the hill through the garden.
Please RSVP before 14th April
or contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 16th April,
Silverdale Khanacross,
organised by Hills District Car Club
Following are the supplementary regulations and entry form.
Scrutineering will be on the day so there are no self-scrutiny forms to complete.
Maximum number of entries is 45 and there are already 20 entries listed on the MA website so, if you want to have a run, get your entry in as soon as possible.
Entry is via the Motorsport Australia portal. The only payment options seems to be by direct deposit to Hills District Car Club.
Entry fee is $60 for adults and $30 for Juniors.
This is likely to be the only khanacross for the competition year
This will be the first khanacross that Hills have run at Silverdale, it has previously only been used for motorkhanas
Contact: Phil Boyd (02)9804 6285
On Khanacross and Club Pointscore.
Sunday 30th April 2023
State Motorkhana
Nirimba Tarmac
Hills District CC
Contact: Peter Batt 0400828911
MAY 2023
Tuesday, 2nd May 2023
Oasis Run
START: Western Sydney Parklands, Plough & Harrow East Off Elizabeth Drive, Abbotsbury. Entry opposite Windsor Rd. at traffic lights
SIGN: Treetop Adventure Park & Plough & Harrow. Enter & TURN RIGHT
PARKING: Next to toilets
TIME: From 10.30am onwards
B.Y.O. Everything for morning tea. Fair amount of covered seating available
LUNCH: Kemps Creek Sporting & Bowling Club, 1490 Elizabeth Drive, Kemps Creek
LEAVING: Plough & Harrow, Turn Right & continue for approx 6k. Pass through Mamre Road roundabout
(be aware of massive road works) & club is on your left just after exiting roundabout. Entry sign may still be obscured by road works but the club is visible to your left. TIME: 12.00 noon for 12.30pm Bistro Lunch Specials Or Order Off The Main Menu
Les: ph 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866. E:
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Tuesday, 2nd May 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 7th May 2023.
Burragorang BBQ
Enjoy a drive along the back roads of Western Sydney with a stop at Warragamba Dam then onto Burragorang Lookout for a BBQ lunch.
Meet at McDonalds, M4 West bound 9:00am for a 9:30am departure. We will travel through Luddenham and Wallacia, with a stop at Warragamba Dam then along the back roads to our destination at Burragorang. Bring chairs although picnic tables are available.
Parking is $4 per day and the machine takes coins or credit card.
BBQ sausage on a bun and soft drink will cost $5 per person.
Please RSVP by Friday 5th May.
Please fill in this ONLINE form
or call Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 9th May 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 12th May 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meal from around $20 per person. Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. Note: email or ph 0418161918
Plenty of under cover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 14th May 2023
NSW State Motorkhana Nirimba Tarmac
Renault Car Club Contact: Bob Sprague 0414 670 320
Sunday 21st May 2023
National Motoring Heritage Day
This year our club has again nominated a number of sites with the main destination being:
Hobby & Motor Show at East Kurrajong School of Arts, Stanley Park, East Kurrajong.
Open 9am till 3pm Entry $5. Show-n-Shine trophies presented at 2pm
Convoy Details: Meet at the McDonalds, Groves Road, Mulgrave, 8am for 8:30am departure.
For more details and to RSVP please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
Motorlife Museum, Integral Energy Recreation Park, 94 Darkes Rd, Kembla Grange.
For details or RSVP contact Phill Boye: 0429 671 649
Berry Showground, see separate advertisement.
Note: no convoy planned at time of print.
Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum, 86 Menangle Rd, Menangle Park.
This location will not be a destination this year. contact Rob Bradshaw 0418 463 614.
Hunter Valley - at time of April magazine print there were no location details.
For further details please keep up to date on our website or Facebook pages or contact
For further details please contact Robert Bradshaw 0418 463 614
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 23rd May 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 27-28 May 2023
State Khanacross
2-Day event Armidale Concrete New England Sporting CC Contact: Matt Carey 0437 315 635
Tuesday, 30th May 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
June 2023
Friday, 2nd June 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meal from around $20 per person. Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. Note: email or ph 0418161918
Plenty of under cover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 4th June 2023
State Motorkhana
Nirimba Tarmac Thornleigh Car Club Contact: Nicole Crowley 0409987210
Sunday 4th June 2023
Minis in the Gong Show N Shine
Show and Shine for minis with entry FREE for exhibitors and public, no registration required.
For Mini Car Club members attending this event from Sydney we will be travelling via convoy to Dapto early on Sunday morning.
There are two meeting locations, first you can join the Sydney Mini’s group, along with Mini Car Club Members at Padstow Maccas 7.15 to leave at 7.45, second location is McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway meeting at 8am for coffee and breakfast, leaving at 8.30am to cruise to Motorlife Museum via the old highway to arrive around 9:30am.
All Minis, Mokes, MINIs and Mini variants (Elf, Hornet, Buckle, Marcos, Sports Racing etc)
Sausage sandwiches and soft drinks available. Coffee van and hot drinks.
Awards: Car of the Year (voted by exhibitors only) + People's Choice (public and exhibitors)
Awards presentation: 12.30pm - 1.00pm.
Don’t be fussy about the condition of your car. If it’s drivable then bring it.
For more details contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Australian Motorlife Museum Exhibition Lawn, Integral Energy Recreation Park, 94 Darkes Road, Kembla Grange.
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 6th June 2023
Oasis Run
MEET: Sydney Olympic Park Archery Centre Car Park, Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park
TIME: 10.00am. Make your own arrangements if you wish to have morning tea.
*If you arrive early you may wish to walk up the driveway & check out the Archery Centre. Toilets are at the rear of the building*
CROSS: Bennelong Parkway from car park with care & walk towards Haslams Creek Bridge.
TURN LEFT: Beside Mariners Cove Complex, No 29, into an unnamed, unmarked & unsignposted walking track. *DO NOT CROSS BRIDGE* & continue around the foreshore until you come to the “SS Ayrfield Floating Forest” & the “Mortlake Bank” shipwrecks in Homebush Bay. These are two of the five shipwrecks in Homebush Bay. After viewing the shipwrecks return to the carpark.
Leaving the car park:
RIGHT: carefully into Bennelong Parkway & continue to “T” intersection.
RIGHT: Marjorie Jackson Parkway (no sign) & Brickpit Ring Walk.( More toilets in Wentworth Common Carpark on your right) PASS: the small car park on your left next to the brick building, pass the next car park & enter the next car park, Brickpit Ring Walk Car Park Sign. Park & secure your vehicle.
ENTER: The Brickpit Ring Walk & admire the views of the old brickpit & wildlife from the overhead walkway.
*CAUTION* If you suffer from vertigo or have a fear of heights you may just wish to take in the views from the entrance & not partake in the 550 metre ring walk. The water in the brickpit is almost pristine with about 95% of the Algae removed in the past few days.
Leaving the car park:
RIGHT: Marjorie Jackson Parkway.
LEFT: Bennelong Parkway.
LEFT: Hill Rd.
RIGHT: Holker St. at lights.
RIGHT: Silverwater Rd. at lights. Either lane & continue. Keep in either of the two right lanes on the Victoria Rd. overpass & continue to traffic lights at Kissing Point Rd. LEFT: Kissing Point Rd. (Opposite B.P.)
IMMEDIATE RIGHT: Quarry Rd. (Beside B.P.)
CONTINUE: To Vikings Sports Club, on your left, 35 Quarry Rd. Dundas Valley
Enjoy your day out & your lunch, Les, ph: 9838 8063
Wednesday 7th June 2023
Vale John Smidt – The Mini King
It is with extreme sadness that we advise that Mini enthusiast’s good friend and stalwart of the Mini world John Smidt, the original and only Mini King, passed away on Thursday 25th May 2023 after a long battle with cancer.
The funeral for John will be held on Wednesday 7th June at 1pm, followed by a wake at the same location.
John’s son Harrison has asked us to pass on to those who knew John and who wished to pay their respects that they are most welcome to join his family and friends on this day.
Wanda Surf Club
2 Marine Esplanade
Wanda Beach
Cronulla, 2230
Convoy of Minis
The Mini Car Club of NSW, President, Rob Weir, is co-ordinating a convoy of Mini’s to drive from Todd Park, Blakehurst to Wanda Surf Club. Meet at 11:30am in the Carss Bush Park parking area, off Bunyala Street, Blakehurst for a 12:00 noon departure. Wear your favourite Mini shirt and bring your Mini.
Friday, 9 -12th June 2023
All the documentation including Entry Forms
An existing MA speed licence or higher
Purchase an MA speed licence or higher prior to the event via the MA website
Or purchase an MA single event speed licence for $35 at the event. (We will have hard copies available)
Down load a pdf version here: Hay 2023 Licence release 2
Friday, 9 June 2023
Are you a member of the Mini Car Club of NSW and making the trip to Hay for the Australian Hay Mini Nationals in June?
Then, we would like to invite our members to the official ‘Welcome to Hay BBQ/get together’. on Friday, 9th June 2023.
At the rear of Cobb Inlander Motel – 83 Lachlan St Hay NSW.
Kicks off at 5.30pm for a 6pm dinner.
Please RSVP to Julie 0419 266 620 by 1/6/2023
Saturday 17th June 2023
Pheasant Wood Supersprint
Round 2 of the Combined Sports Car Association (CSCA) Series (i.e. not a State Supersprint).
organised by MG Newcastle
Please find attached the supplementary regulations and other relevant documentation for this event.
Click on the below links to download the documents
Entry Fee is $175 plus $17 for the hire of a Dorian timer, if you need one.
Entries close on 15 June.
Payment is by direct deposit to MG Car Club Newcastle.
You need to completed the Self-Scrutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance and the Self Scrutiny Check List and email them to secretary two days prior to the event.
MCC of NSW Contact: Phil Boyd (02)9804 6285
Sunday 18th June 2023
Royal Federal Hotel, Branxton, Hunter Valley
Sunday drive to Royal Federal Hotel, Branxton/Hunter region. Come and join us for a drive along the Old Pacific Highway through Peats Ridge, Kulnura, Bucketty, Wollombi and on to Cessnock for lunch at the Royal Federal Hotel, 50 Maitland Road, Branxton. Meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 8:30am for a 9am departure to head north along the M1 until the Berowra exit where we will slow at the Cowan Rest area (9:20am) Continue along B83 (Old Pacific Highway) then turning onto Peats Ridge Road at Calga. A brief stop at Peats Ridge (10:00am) just before the Ampol then continue along George Downes Drive to Wollombi where we will stop for 50minutes. (10:50 - 11:30am) 11:30am resume along the Great North Rd to Cessnock, turn left on Allandale Rd and continue to Branxton to arrive at 12:30pm and our destination at Royal Federal Hotel for lunch.
Google maps route details:
Please RSVP by Thursday 15th June 2023 as I have booked a table
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 18th June 2023
State Motorkhana
Hampton Dirt Hills District Car Club Contact: Shane O'Hara 0421 461 112
Tuesday, 4th July 2023
Oasis Run - Garrison Point Reserve
MEET: McDonalds, Woodville Rd, Cnr. Tangerine St. Villawood. Car Park entrance in Tangerine St. Shared entry with Bunnings. Parking on your left.
TIME: From 10.30 am onwards
DEPART: 11.45 am
LUNCH: Garrison Point Reserve. Lot 77 Beatty Parade, Off Henry Lawson Drive, Georges Hall
B.Y.O. Picnic lunch Etc. Some covered seating available or you may wish to bring your own tables & chairs & sit by the river.
RIGHT: Woodville Rd. & continue to the Meccano Set. Stay in either of the left two lanes.
CROSS: Hume Hwy. & continue into Henry Lawson Drive. Pass Mirambeena Regional Park & Lake Gillawarna.
PASS: Flinders Rd, Georges Cres & Hervey St. on your left
NEXT RIGHT WITH CARE: Beatty Parade, Garrison Point, from right hand turn lane. Veer left in car park & park near toilets.
You may wish to try out your musical skills on the large xylophone or on the Tom Tom drums located near the playground.
Refer to CMC website for the latest details: Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 4th July 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 9th July 2023
State Khanacross
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Car Club
Contact: John Newton 0423 170 259
Tuesday, 11th July 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Sunday 9th July 2023
State Khanacross
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Car Club
Contact: John Newton 0423 170 259
Tuesday, 11th July 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 14th July 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meals from around $20 per person.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 16th July 2023
National Park to Burrawang Cafe
Travel along the edge of the Royal National Park, Stanwell Tops, Seacliff bridge, Austinmeer and Wollongong Lighthouse before a blast up Macquarie Pass to reach our destination at Burrawang Cafe for lunch.
Meeting from 8:30am at McDonalds Heathcote, leaving at 9am to travel south and following the signs to Waterfall where we will turn left at the railway station and take the exit to Stanwell Pk, McKell Ave. Turn right onto Lady Wakehurst Drive and follow through Otford then our first stop at Bald Hill Lookout, Stanwell Tops 9:30am (Stop 20mins) We then continue down Lawrence Hargrave Drive, over the Seacliff Bridge (sorry but there is very limited parking, so we won’t be stopping).
We continue through Austimeer to Bulli where we will merge onto the M65, Princes Motorway to continue south to Wollongong Lighthouse (10:30am) then onto Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay McDonalds Albion Park for a brief stop to meet up with Minis in the Gong (11:15am)
We will then travel up Macquarie pass to Robertson and to our destination at Burrawang.
Please RSVP by Thurs 13th July 2023. as I have booked a table for lunch at 12:00pm.
Google maps route:
OR contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 23rd July 2023
State Motorkhana
Nirimba Tarmac -- Mini Car Club of NSW
Come along and support our Club
The Event will be Round 7 of the 2023 NSW Motorkhana Championship to be conducted at Nirimba TAFE, Eastern Road, Quakers Hill, on 23rd July 2023, on a sealed surface.
Download the Supplementary Regulations below:
Supplementary Regulations - 223-2307-04 Approved
The entry form must be completed in full (available on Motorsport Australia Website – Permits- Speed/Non-Speed – Pre-event forms – Entry form, Speed/Non-Speed events) and accompanied by the entry fee and lodged with the event secretary.
Contact: Ron Adlam 0427 043 854
Tuesday, 1st August 2023
Oasis Run - Castle Hill Heritage Park,
MEET: Castle Hill Heritage Park, 22 Heritage Park Drive, Off Old Castle Hill Rd. Castle Hill
TIME: From 10.30 am onwards
B.Y.O. Morning Tea Etc. Some seating available
This site was one of the earliest & potentially least known Government Farms dating back to 1801.
The farm was the staging point for the first ever convict rebellion on Australian soil in 1804.
Castle Hill Convict Rebellion, dubbed Australia’s Vinegar Hill.
You may wish to Google the history or you may read about it in the park.
DEPART: 11.40 am
LUNCH: 12.00 noon
WHERE: We will have lunch in this Hidden Gem in the Hills District. Great atmosphere, friendly staff, amazingly clean & well presented café.
Bring your money with you. Gifts for sale, plus cakes, biscuits, jams, chilli paste, baked goods etc. etc. in this Alladin’s Cave. Plenty of parking.
DETAILS & BOOKINGS: Les, Email. Ph: 9838 8063
Tuesday, 1st August 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Tuesday, 8th August 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 11th August 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meals from around $20 per person.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 19th August 2023 - 2pm start
NSW State Khanacross Series
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Car Club.
Contact John Newton ph 0423 170 259
Saturday, 19 August
SMSP Grand Prix Circuit Supersprint -
Saturday Event
Club Lotus Australia has advised that MCC members are most welcome to participate in this event.
Please find attached the supplementary regulations and other relevant documentation for the event.
It is Round 4 of the Combined Sports Car Association (CSCA) Series (i.e. not a State Supersprint).
Entry Fee is $280 plus $20 for the hire of a Dorian timer, if you need one.
Entries close on 15 August and must be lodged through the Motorsport Australia event entry portal.
The only payment option is to pay by credit card through the Motorsport Australia event entry portal.
You will need to complete, sign and scan the following documents and email them to
- CLA_CSCA_Round_4_Invitation
- csca-2023-round-4-supp-regs
- motorsport-australia_risk-warning-and-disclaimer_competitor_multi-events
- self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance(4)
- motorsport-australia_self-scrutiny-checklist-speed
Gus Staunton and Speed Pointscores
Sunday 20th August
Shannons Classic
Sydney Motorsport Park
With over 1800 Veteran & Classic vehicles from 230 clubs on display at Sydney Motorsport Park this is the premier event presented by the Council of Motor Clubs each year.
This year the tickets have been reduced to 20 due to building works at SMSP so please contact Rob to order and pay for your entry ticket.
We will again have 3 Pit Lane Garages which will have a display of Minis,
We will also a special 3 car display on Pit lane to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Cooper S.
Contact Rob if you would like to display your Austin or Morris Cooper S.
MCC merchandise will be for sale and members and friends are welcome to join us in the Pit garage for coffee/tea and a chat.
In 2022 our club won best "Club display" so come along and support your Club and be part of our award winning display in 2023.
There are still a few tickets available on a first paid first received basis at $25 per car.
Please contact Robert Bradshaw on 0418 463 614
This is a great day out – so don’t miss out!
Gus Staunton points
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th August 2023
Rylstone Classic
Welcome to the 12th running of the Rylstone Classic.
This FREE two-day event is for Mini owners and enthusiasts with other classic vehicles accepted upon application.
The 2023 Rylstone Classic encompasses a range of novelty activities and will be conducted at a leisurely pace, befitting the vintage of our vehicles.
With an overnight stay in wine country, the Rylstone Classic has grown over the past decade to become one of Australia's marquee events for Mini enthusiasts, and one of the largest gatherings of Classic Minis in the Southern Hemisphere.
Register now at
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 29th August 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
September 2023
Sunday 3rd September
Fathers Day
Tuesday, 5th September 2023
Oasis Run - Garrison Point Reserve
MEET: McDonald’s, 224 Sunnyholt Rd. (Garling Rd.) Kings Park
TIME: From 10.30am onwards
DEPART: 11.30am
LUNCH: 12.00noon
WHERE: Pitt Town & District Sports Club, 139 Old Pitt Town Rd. Scheyville
LEFT: Sunnyholt Rd & continue to Old Windsor Rd.
LEFT: At lights, Old Windsor Rd. & continue into Windsor Rd.
PASS: The Ettamogah Hotel, Rouse Hill Town Centre, Metro Rail, Fiddler Hotel, Bunnings, Rouse Hill Estate & Carmel Village
OBSERVE: On your Left, cnr Junction Rd. the former *Castrol Globe Of The World* which used to be on the top of Razorback Mountain. It is on a stand above Butchery sign on the corner
RIGHT: Boundary Rd. Vineyard Hotel. Two turn lanes
PASS: Menin Rd.
LEFT: Old Pitt Town Rd. at roundabout. At number 631 on your right, behind steel security gate, observe Frank Pace’s massive collection of trucks waiting to be restored.
CONTINUE: To “T” Scheyville Rd.
LEFT: Into Scheyville Rd. & IMMEDIATE FIRST RIGHT back into Old Pitt Town Rd, & continue to the Pitt Town & District Sports Club on your
RIGHT. ENTRY is second driveway.
DETAILS & BOOKINGS: Les, Email. Ph: 9838 8063
Tuesday, 5th September 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 8th September 2023
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meals from around $20 per person.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 10th September 2023
Phil Briggs Run
The annual Phil Briggs Memorial Run this year is to Colo Riverside cafe for lunch.
Meet at Ettamogah pub, Windsor Rd, Kellyville Ridge, 10.00am for 10.30am departure.
Colo Riverside Cafe to arrive 12-12:30 for lunch
Convoy to be led by Ian Thompson
Windsor markets are an option after lunch.
Note: For Club plate cars, If attending the markets after lunch I suggest you fill out your log book.
Please note this is a pre booked event for the Pub and I will require RSVP by 9th September 2022
Please fill out this online form: Google Form
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 10th September 2023
NSW State Motorkhana Championships
Nirimba tarmac
MX5 Car Club
Contact Ian Combes. 0433 159 726
Sunday 17th September 2023
40th All British Day
The annual All British Day is held at Kings School, Pennant Hills Rd, North Parramatta. Open to the public from 9:30am till 3:00pm, entry is free.
This event will be a Show and Shine for the Mini Car Club of NSW
so clean and polish up your mini and come along for a great day with prizes and trophies awarded for various categories.
For vehicle entry to the event prepaid tickets at $10 each are required.
Please Note: If you have already received your 40th anniversary ticket in 2021/2 this is still valid. If you have lost your ticket another will be required.
The Mini Car Club has again purchased a block of tickets which for members are free and non-members $10. Trailer tickets are also required if you are towing your car into the site.
This event will be our club’s main Show and Shine with prizes and trophies awarded for various categories.
- Morris 850, Mini Minor, Mini Deluxe, Mini Matic, Mini K
- Cooper, Cooper S
- Clubman all models, including GT
- Commercials, Vans, Pick-ups & Variants
- Mokes,
- Best Modified, Competition
- Post 1980 – 2000 Minis, including Rover and JDM
- Most Original and Unrestored
- BMW Minis
- All entries for the Show and Shine must be returned to the Officials desk before 10:00am
- Judging of all classes will begin at 10.30am. No allowances will be given for cars not ready at this time (no entries after judging has commenced).
- Cars will be judged for the workmanship, detailed tidiness and cleanliness. For example, a Cooper S or Mini K that is driven every day or built to the owners requirements and is presented well, will have the same chance as a Cooper S or Mini K that has been fully restored to original specifications.
- Please don't leave unnecessary items in your Car or in your boot, Presentation is a must.
- Displaying your car with merchandise, pictures etc. is encouraged to make it a whole presentation of the vehicle on the day.
- You do not have to be at your car when it is judged but you must ensure that the car is un-locked, and the judges have access to the boot and engine bay. It will not be judged if there is no access.
- All car entrants to the Show-n-Shine may be requested to judge another class, other than the class they have entered or as nominated by the organisers.
- Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place in each class
- Car of the Show for MCCNSW members only
- Display only cars are very welcome
Gates open at 6.30am with the aim to have all cars in place by 9.00am and entry for all competitors is only via Masons Drive.
To aid the free flow of traffic into the site all tickets must be firmly fixed to the inside of your windscreen. If you lose your ticket or don’t have a ticket then you will be directed to a separate parking area until traffic marshals can attend and provide a ticket at a cost of $15.
Please Note: The Association of British Car Clubs has this requested for all non-car club members who wish to display their cars to please contact one of the associated clubs for the purchase of tickets.
For more information or to arrange for your entry ticket please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 30th September and Sunday 1st October
Australian Motorkhana Championships
Nirimba Tarmac
2 day event
Nirimba Tarmac
October 2023
Sunday 1st October
Daylight Savings starts
Monday 2nd October 2023
Public holiday
Tuesday, 3rd October 2023
Oasis Run
MEET: McDonalds, Woodville Rd, Cnr. Tangerine St. Villawood. Car Park entrance in Tangerine St. Shared entry with Bunnings. Parking on your left.
TIME: From 10.30 am onwards
DEPART: 11.45 am
LUNCH: Garrison Point Reserve. Lot 77 Beatty Parade, Off Henry Lawson Drive, Georges Hall
B.Y.O. Picnic lunch Etc. Some covered seating available or you may wish to bring your own tables & chairs & sit by the river.
DETAILS & BOOKINGS: Les, Email. Ph: 9838 8063
Tuesday, 3rd October 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Tuesday, 10th October 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 13th October 2023
Annual General Meeting. (AGM)
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s Annual General Meeting which will held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meeting will commence at 7:30pm
Presentation of Annual trophies and Service awards.
Election of the Club’s 2024 Committee and acceptance of the Clubs new Constitution.
Download a copy of the new MCC of NSW constitution 2023 v1b
Please support the Club and help elect the new office bearers.
You too could be part of the organising committee for our club.
If you would like to become more involved with our Club then please contact Joan for a nomination form prior to the meeting.
Note: Form and details on pages 19-21 of the October East West magazine
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs restaurant prior to the meeting.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main meals from $20 per person.
If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation.
email or ph 0418161918
Plenty of under cover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook pages for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 14th October 2023
Kandos Bathurst weekend
Enjoy a weekend away driving on the back roads from Sydney to Bathurst with a lap around the famous track and an overnight stay at Kandos.
Meet at McDonald’s March Street, Richmond 8.00am for 8.30am departure.
Travel along the Bells Line of Road to Bell turn left onto the Causeway to Mount Victoria, Hartley then left onto Jenolan Caves Road and follow through to Oberon.
We will enjoy a stop in Oberon before continuing to Bathurst for a drive around the track and lunch.
Mid afternoon we will then head to Kandos for dinner and an overnight stay.
We have all the rooms held at the Kandos Hotel/Motel.
Dinner is booked at the Kandos pub from 6:30pm
Please note this is a pre booked event and I will require RSVP by 10th October 2022
RSVP via the Online form: Bathurst Kandos weekend 2023
For more information about the event and accommodation or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Sunday 15th October 2023
NSW State Supersprint
Round 5 of the NSW State Supersprint Championship 2023 Series.
Pheasants Wood Circuit, Marulan
Organised by the Mini Car Club of NSW
Priority entries are now open for Round 5 through the Supersprint NSW website as per the below link:
To ALL entrants: for more information and to enter please click here.
An email will be sent to all registrants next Monday after R4.
Officials needed to assist on the day.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 or Ron Adlam 0427 043 854
On speed and club pointscores.
Sunday 29th October 2023
Windsor Marketplace Car display
Tuesday, 31st October 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
November 2023
Tuesday, 7th November 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 10th November 2023
General Meeting.
All members and friends are invited to come along to General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and includes time at the end for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meals from around $20 per person.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking. Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 14th November 2023 (second Tuesday)
Oasis Run - Remembrance Day Run, Wisemans Ferry
MEET: At War Memorial, Public Reserve, Old Northern Rd. Wisemans Ferry.
The Memorial is located on the river side of the Bowling Club. You may wish to park at the club & walk to the Memorial or otherwise parking is available near the Memorial
WHERE: Wisemans Ferry Bowling Club, 5565 Old Northern Rd. Wisemans Ferry
TIME: Arrive before 11.30am at the Memorial for our Remembrance Day Service. If anyone wishes to say a few words or a prayer at the service please let me know
LUNCH: From 12.15pm at the Bowling Club
DETAILS & BOOKINGS: Les, Email. Ph: 9838 8063
Sunday 19th November -
Hardys Bay, Central Coast
Come and join us for a drive to the Central Coast and lunch at the Hardy’s Bay Club on the Central Coast.
Mini Club Sydney members meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 9:30 am for a 10am departure to drive up the Old Pacific Highway to arrive at Hardy’s Bay just before mid-day.
We will stop briefly to park outside the front of Worthington BMW, Kariong to meet the Minis on the Coast members. (approx. 11am)
I have made a booking at the club so I will require RSVP by Friday 17th November 2023.
Contact Michael or fill out the online form to confirm your attendance >> Hardys Bay attendance form
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 28th November 2023
Competition Meeting
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 3rd December 2023
Pheasant Wood Supersprint
Run by Hills District CC
Details will be provided as we get closer to individual events.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
Gus Staunton and Motorsport championship points
Tuesday, 5th December 2023
Oasis Run
Christmas Lunch, Sutherland Shire
MEET: Joseph Banks Native Plants Reserve, Manooka Place, Kareela (Kirrawee)
TIME: From 10.30am onwards B.Y.O. Morning Tea. Some seating & tables available
This reserve specialises in Australian Native Plants & is well laid out & landscaped.
Accessible pathways to upper parts of the gardens.
Suggest adequate footwear if you wish to do the longer walks.
DEPART: 12.00 noon
LUNCH: 12.15pm
WHERE: SHARKS at KAREELA, 1 Bates Drive, Kareela
DETAILS Click here-> Download a pdf of the event details including Map & BOOKINGS: Les, Email. Ph: 9838 8063
Tuesday, 5th December 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 8th December 2023
General Meeting - Christmas special and guest speaker.
We hope to see you at our last meeting for the 2023.
We will have a guest speaker, Stewart Nicholls, who will give a presentation on driving safety and driver training: especially topical as our roads accommodate Christmas and holiday travellers.
We will also have drinks vouchers and Christmas nibbles for all attendees.
The meeting will commence at 7:30pm and includes time for a Mini Enthusiasts discussion.
Don’t forget to pick up a 60th anniversary Cooper S T-shirt from our merchandise stall on the night, which would make a great Christmas present.
All members and friends are invited to come along to all of our Club's General Meetings which are held at the Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Dinner is available from 5.30pm with main meals from around $20 per person.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation. or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
10th December 2023
Annual Xmas Picnic/Club Plate Inspection
The Mini Car Club Christmas Picnic and Annual Club Plate Inspection Day is an early morning start with BBQ breakfast being served in the picnic grounds just outside the gates of Warragamba Dam.
Discounted merchandise along with a Christmas raffle will add to the fun.
For Catering requirements you Must RSVP by Friday 8th December 2023.
Meet at the venue at 8:00am or convoy from McDonalds Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road.
The convoy will leave Edmondson Park at 7:15am and travel via Camden Valley Way then Bringelly Road. If travelling along Farnsworth Ave then after passing the sport centre and tennis courts on your left veer left into the large parking area and picnic area. If travelling along Production Ave then turn right into the car park and picnic area just before the entrance into the dam grounds.
For more information and to RSVP you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112 or email
Please fill in the Online Form > RSVP Online form
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 25th December 2022
Christmas Day
Merry Christmas from the Mini Car Club of NSW
Reminder MCC – Come and Try – Motorkhana March 8, 2025
Memberships and Renewals February 21, 2025
Updated Calendar of Events January 29, 2025
Minis on Safari October 21, 2024
AGM Committee Results October 21, 2024