Past Events 2024
Oasis Run
Venue and Lunch TBA
DETAILS: Allana Flynn-O’Neile ph: 0417 709 470 Email:
Welcome 2024 BBQ
The Mini Car Club of NSW is welcoming 2024 with a BBQ lunch at Fagan Park, Arcadia Road Car Park, Galston from 11:30am, 21st January for Mini Club members, friends and Mini enthusiasts.
Whilst I have not organised a convoy to Fagan Park, I can recommend a drive via Galston Gorge if you get the opportunity. This road is accessed from Hornsby and follow the signs to Galston.
(Non-members are welcome but please RSVP)
You are welcome to arrive any time after 10am as we are aiming to be there to setup the picnic shelter, plus the parking is easier at this time.
We have booked Arcadia 1 picnic shelter. So if it is raining or hot we will have cover.
There will be a BBQ sausage sandwich and drink for $5 per person.
There will be a raffle with some great prizes.
Some MCC merchandise will be available or for order.
Note: Parking costs $6/per motor vehicle. When parking in the Fagan Park carparks you must display a valid day pay and display ticket.
Please RSVP by 19th January by completing details in this Online form
or phone Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 21st January 2024
CSCA Round 1 - Sprite Car Club of Australia
Sydney Motorsport Park (Amaroo South)

Payment may be made by MA Credit Card facility within MA Event
Click on this link for > Supplementary-Regulations-224-2101-01
Click on this link for > Supersprint Invitation-Letter-2024
8am to 3pm
Show and Shine of Hot Rod and Historic cars @ Newcastle Harness Club, Jackson St, Broadmeadow. Organised by Rickshaws Hot Rod and Kustom Car Club.
Entry is for vehicles considered 'Collectable'.
Entry for Collectable vehicles will be via Jackson St, Broadmeadow.$10 per vehicle. CASH ONLY
Public entry will be via the Turton Rd entry gates. Entry $5 per person
Proceeds to a local Charity
Vehicle parking will be around the trotting track, no vehicles on the grass. There will be some space for shade gazebos on the edge of the grassed inner area, All gazebos must be firmly secured to the ground.
No unregistered vehicles.
Food and drink available on site.
For more information, please refer to Rickshaws Hot Rod and Kustom Car Club Facebook page or contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Due to the expected heat on Sunday there is no planned convoy from Sydney to Newcastle.
Flower Power Nursery Café, Frankie’s Food Factory, 277 Mona Vale Rd. between Aumuna Rd. & Cooyong Rd. Terry Hills
TIME: From 10.30am onwards for morning tea LUNCH BOOKING: 12.30 pm Terry Hills Tavern, 2 Aumuna Rd. Terry Hills.
You may arrive earlier for pre lunch drinks
NAMES REQUIRED: by Wednesday 31st January 2024 so I can confirm booking numbers for catering at both venues.
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by the Committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings.
Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and include time for Mini enthusiasts to discuss their projects or ask questions.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with main meal from approx $20 per person.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
The annual Mini /Sprite Club's Fish and Chip convoy to Woy Woy Fishermans Wharf, Brick Wharf Rd, Woy Woy.
Joint run of the Mini Car Club and the Sprite Club.
Meet at McDonald’s Thornleigh, 2:30pm. Leaving at 3pm we will travel up the Old Pacific Highway to the shops at Peats Ridge to meet Minis on The Coast at approx 4pm then continue north to Central Mangrove to turn right and return along Wisemans Ferry Road to Kariong where we turn right at the lights to Woy Woy to arrive around 4:30-5pm.
Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112
Sprite Club contact: Avis Fowler 0412051594.
Gus Staunton Points
Awaba - Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: Daryl Hadley 0423170259
Mini Enthusiasts meeting
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024.
All Club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East, from 7pm.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: John Newton, 0423170259
Awaba - Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: Daryl Hadley 0423170259
Airshows Downunder Shellharbour
Australia’s largest regional air show, is back! Held at Albion Park Airport in the Illawarra, just over an hour south of Sydney.
The Mini Car Club of NSW has registered to attend on the Sunday and invites all members and Mini enthusiasts to attend with them.
Drivers will receive a complimentary entry ticket plus be able to park up close to the action. ALL passengers must pre-purchase a ticket.
NO tickets at the gate.
To obtain the complimentary ticket for the driver, you will need to follow the instructions on the “Airshows DownUnder” website, and register your vehicle, under the “Get Involved” heading;
Registration of Vehicles and ticket purchasing will be up to each Individual.
Before registering, please ensure you are able to attend for the full duration of the show, as the vehicle access gates will be closed at 8:30am and will NOT be re-opened until the conclusion of the air display at approximately 5.00pm.
Convoy: Travel to Albion Park Airport early on Sunday morning, meeting at McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway, and leaving promptly at 7:00am, with a short stop at Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay, leaving there at 8:00am sharp, to arrive by 8:15am, and in place by their 8:30am deadline, Entry via Gate 14, off Tongara Road,
Access to the area will be from 7:30 am until 8:30 am. This is not negotiable, and gates will be closed at 8:30 am to allow access for the general public onto the Airshow site.
If you wish to be parked alongside your fellow club members, we suggest meeting up beforehand (eg Albion Park Showground).
Each vehicle owner has already been sent a complimentary ticket.
All Classic Vehicles that have agreed to display will be required to remain on the site until 5:00 pm. This is once again, not negotiable. Gates will be locked until 5:00 pm. If you need to leave prior to 5pm please make this known to staff on bump in, we will position you accordingly.
When you arrive you will need to enter, with your Classic Car Pass, through Gate 14, off Tongara Road, you will be directed where to park.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Note: Ross Freeman (0412239118) will lead the convoy as I will not be attending. Michael.
Gus Staunton points
WHERE: PEACE PARK, WALLARAH POINT, Wallarah Rd. cnr The Corso, Gorokan. Left side of Toukley Bridge heading east. Toukley Art Gallery, Tourist Information, Art Gallery & Gift Shop. Coffee Shop & Light Snacks available.
DEVONSHIRE TEAS available if you wish, $10.00 p.p. but I need names by WEDNESDAY 28th FEBRUARY so I can pre-book the Devonshire teas with the Art Gallery
TIME: From 10.30am onwards,
LUNCH: 12.15pm
WHERE: Beachcomber Hotel, 200 Main Rd. Toukley
LEAVING: Peace Park
LEFT: Cross Toukley Bridge
PASS: Cross St & Tamar Ave (on your right)
FIRST LEFT: Beachcomber Pde
LEFT AT “T” :Yaralla Rd
LEFT: Main Rd. opposite Liquorland
WALK ACROSS: Main Rd at pedestrian refuge to Beachcomber Hotel for lunch
PEACE PARK, WALLARAH POINT, Wallarah Rd. cnr The Corso, Gorokan. Left side of Toukley Bridge heading east. Toukley Art Gallery, Tourist Information, Art Gallery & Coffee Shop
TIME: From 10.30am onwards,
LUNCH: 12.15pm
WHERE: Beachcomber Hotel, 200 Main Rd Toukley
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by the Committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings.
Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm and include time for Mini enthusiasts to discuss their projects or ask questions.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with main meal from approx $20 per person.
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Hawks Nest Motorfest 2024
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Motorfest is held at Myall Park oval, off Yamba St., Hawks Nest.
The park opens from 7.30am and all vehicles must be in position by 9.45am, with the Official Opening at 10.00am.
Sydney members of the Mini Car Club will meet at McDonalds Thornleigh and leave promptly at 6.15am to travel to Hawks Nest. A brief stop and a pickup for Hunter Valley members at 8.00am at McDonalds on the north side of Raymond Terrace.
Note, our convoy will travel through Raymond Terrace to reach this location. We head off by 8:15am to continue our journey and arrive by approx 9.00am at Myall Park Oval.
Note: Distance from Thornleigh to Hawkes Nest is Approx. 200km and we will be travelling at 100kmh on the Motorways.
Returning home at your leisure
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Hampton Dirt
Hills District CC
Contact: Shane O'Hara 0421461112
FRIDAY, 15TH March 2024
Mini Enthusiasts meeting
The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenace problem.
If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to come along and join the group.
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024.
All Club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East, from 7pm.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Blue Mountains - HillBilly Cider
Just a reminder for our Blue Mountains run on Sunday 17th March 2024.
Starting at McDonalds M4 West for a prompt 9:30am departure. We have a booking at Hillbilly Cider for 11:30am, Pizza and Cider.
If it is raining the event is still on and we will be seated in an undercover area.
If you are worried about your precious Mini getting wet then please come along in your other car.
Sunday drive to the Blue Mountains via the Great Western Highway returning via Bells Line of Road.
Meet at McDonalds, M4 West bound 9:00am for a prompt 9:30am departure. We will travel along the M4 and Great Western highway to Mt Victoria where we turn right onto Darling Causeway to Bell then right onto the Bells Line of Road and travel to Bilpin and Hillbilly Cider to arrive at 11:30am to enjoy woodfired pizza and cider while relaxing in the afternoon sun.
Please RSVP by 14th March as we have a table booked.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email:
Or fill in this > online form
(Please note: Sorry, but a Facebook like is not taken as an RSVP)
Gus Staunton Points
2 Day event
Armidale Concrete
New England Sporting Car Club
Contact: Matt Carey 0437315635
MARCH 2023
Easter Weekend
WHERE: THE HILLS DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM. Balcombe Heights Estate, “Building 10” 92 Seven Hills Rd. Baulkham Hills. No Right Hand Turn At Lights Off Seven Hills Rd. (opposite Jasper Rd,)
TIME: 10.30am for morning tea & museum visit
COST: $10.00 p.p.
BOOKINGS REQUIRED: I need to collect $10.00 p.p. cash in advance for morning tea catering by Monday 25th March 2024. Cash only & NO IOU’s as I do not want to be out of pocket $$$
LUNCH: Local Club
WHERE: THE HILLS DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM. Balcombe Heights Estate, “Building 10” 92 Seven Hills Rd. Baulkham Hills. No Right Hand Turn Off Seven Hills Rd. (opposite Jasper Rd,)
TIME: 10.30am for morning tea & museum visit COST: $10.00 p.p.
BOOKINGS REQUIRED: I need to collect $10.00 p.p. cash in advance for morning tea catering by Monday 25th March 2024.
Cash only & no IOU’s as I do not want to be out of pocket $$$ LUNCH: Local Club
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Sunday 7th April - Friday 12th April 2024
Minis over the Mountains
(Social Event no. 4,653 with Motorsport Australia)
Minis over the Mountains starts tomorrow, Sunday 7th 2024.
Do you want to go on an amazing road trip in your Classic Mini or your MINI?
Then why not join our “Minis over the Mountains” tour including Mount Ainslie, Mt Kosciusko, Mt Panorama between 7-12th April 2024.
An amazing 6 day event driving over Australia's highest mountain, Mount Kosciusko via Khancoban and Tumbarumba. We will catch the autumn colours while travelling through the mountains and country NSW. Overnight stops in Canberra, Jindabyne, Wagga Wagga, Cowra and Bathurst.
The route has been calculated to limit each day’s travel to around 250km or 3 hours driving with the round trip from Sydney to be approx. 1500km.
During the day we will take in the views and tourist sites including Mt Ainslie, Old Parliament House, Canberra Arboretum, Temora Aircraft Museum, Cowra Japanese gardens, Mt Panorama, Bathurst and more.
Estimated cost for our adventure for two people with 5 night’s accommodation, fuel and meals is approx. $1500.
In early October we booked accommodation at each of the planned motels and will need to confirm these rooms for participants by early February 2024
A few rooms still available.
Firm confirmation and bookings MUST be made in early Feb 2024.
See article on page 10 of February magazine
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Committee Meeting
If you have any matters for discussion by Committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
FRIDAY, 12th April 2024
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
SUNDAY 13-14TH April 2024
(2-day event)
Armidale Concrete
New England Sporting Car Club
Contact: Matt Carey 0437315635
FRIDAY, 19TH April 2024
Mini Enthusiasts meeting
The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenace problem.
If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to come along and join the group.
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024.
All Club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East, from 7pm.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
SUNDAY 21st April 2024
Nirimba Tarmac
Hills District Car Club
Contact: Shane O’hara 0421 461 112
Bangers at Burragorang
(Social Event Permit No. 4,654 with Motorsport Australia)
Due to the predicted heavy rainfall and storms for Sunday 5th May, 2024 we have made the difficult decision to cancel our social outing and BBQ at Burragorang Lookout. Hope to see you at one of our future events. Happy Mini-ing Cheers Michael
Mini Car Club members enjoy a cruise along some Western Sydney back roads to Burragorong Lookout for BBQ bangers and soft drinks. Meet at McDonalds, Reservoir Road, Arndell Park 9:30am for a 10am departure. (Note: McDonalds M4 has closed) We will travel backroads through Luddenham and Wallacia, Silverdale Road to The Oaks and our destination at the Burragorong Lookout picnic area. Parking is $4 per day and the machine takes coins or credit card. Bring chairs and a picnic rugs. Picnic tables and BBQ,s are available. BBQ sausage sandwich and soft drink will cost $5 per person.
Please RSVP by Friday 3rd May to Michael or fill in the online form >> Google Form - BBQ
For more information or to advise you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
TUESDAY, 7th May 2024
WHERE: Central Gardens Nature Reserve. Merrylands Rd. Cnr. Cumberland Hwy. Merrylands West. Entry gate next to bus shelter on Merrylands Rd. “DO NOT TRY TO ENTER FROM PATON ST.”
TIME: From 10.30 am onwards
B.Y.O. Morning Tea Etc. & your walking shoes.
After morning tea I will lead a walk around the Zoo including the nocturnal house if it is open, the park & the waterfall.
Short walk also available.
Some seating available subject to other park users on the day.
DEPART: 12.00 noon LUNCH: 12.15 pm
WHERE: Guildford Leagues Club, 25-55 Tamplin Rd Guildford “NAMES REQUIRED BY TUESDAY 30th APRIL 2024 FOR CLUB LUNCH BOOKING” (I do have a list of names already from our last outing)
LEAVING: Central Gardens Car Park.
RIGHT: With extreme care. Merrylands Rd. & continue to third set of traffic lights.
RIGHT: Fowler Rd, traffic lights, playing fields & service station. 50k speed limit. Continue through roundabouts & speed humps. LEFT: Guildford Rd. at “not quite a roundabout” White dividing fence, shops & service station.
RIGHT: Tamplin Rd, First Right, Swimming pool on corner.
RIGHT: Guildford Leagues Club
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 7th May 2024
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
FRIDAY, 10th May 2024
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings. Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm and include time for Mini enthusiasts to discuss their projects or ask questions. Dinner is be available from 5.30pm Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918 Plenty of undercover parking. Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 19th May 2024
National Motoring Heritage Day
(Social Event Permit No. 4,717 with Motorsport Australia)
National Motoring Heritage Day is where the Council of Motor Clubs, asks members of all affiliated car clubs to drive their cars to pre-determined locations around NSW to celebrate the history of the motor car. This year the Mini Car Club of NSW will have a choice of convoys travelling to different venues.
Multiple locations
This year the Mini Car Club of NSW has nominated the
Hobby & Motor Show at East Kurrajong School of Arts, Stanley Park, East Kurrajong.
Open 9am till 3pm Entry $5.
Show-n-Shine trophies presented at 2pm
Convoy Details: Meet at the McDonalds, Groves Road, Mulgrave, 8am for 8:30am departure.
For more details and to RSVP please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352
Alternative destinations are:
Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum, at 86 Menangle Rd, Menangle.
"We are Back" see details on their website:
19th May 2024 Open Day.
Open 9am till 3pm Entry $15. Concession $8
For more details please contact Robert Bradshaw 0418 463 614
Museum of Fire, Penrith.
For more details please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352
Wollongong “Mini’s in the Gong” and Mini Car Club of NSW members are invited to
Berry Showground, Corner Alexandra and Victoria Streets, Berry NSW 2535
Shoalhaven Historic Vehicle Club will again host the National Motoring Heritage Day in 2023.
The theme will be “Fashion and Transport Through the Years 1900 to 1990’s”, everyone and all owners of Vintage, Historic and Classic vehicles of all years and marques, and vehicles of special interest are invited.
Vehicle entry $10, spectators $5, family $10.
Open 7:00 am - 2:00 pm
Cash only at gate
For more details, please contact Phil Boye on 0429 671 649.
Motorlife Museum, Integral Energy Recreation Park, 94 Darkes Rd, Kembla Grange.
A special discounted admission to the Museum on the day.
Adult: $15 per adult & Children: FREE with a paying Adult.
Open 9:30am till 4pm
Proud to have been an approved destination for the National Motoring Heritage Day since 2008.
For more details, please contact Phil Boye on 0429 671 649.
Central Coast, Newcastle and Hunter region,
At the time of printing the latest magazine there are no details of events in these areas.
For further details please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Motoring Heritage Day is where the Council of Motor Clubs, asks members of all affiliated car clubs to drive their cars to pre-determined locations around NSW to celebrate the history of the motor car. This year the Mini Car Club of NSW will have a choice of convoys travelling to a number of venues. Multiple locations This year the Mini Car Club of NSW has nominated the Hobby & Motor Show at East Kurrajong School of Arts, Stanley Park, East Kurrajong.
Open 9am till 3pm Entry $5. CASH ONLY
Show-n-Shine trophies presented at 2pm Convoy Details: Meet at the McDonalds, Groves Road, Mulgrave, 8am for 8:30am departure. For more details and to RSVP please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352.
Alternative destinations are:
Campbelltown Steam & Machinery Museum, at 86 Menangle Rd, Menangle.
Museum of Fire, Penrith. For more details please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352.
Wollongong “Mini’s in the Gong” and Mini Car Club of NSW members are invited to the Berry Showground, Shoalhaven Historic Vehicle Club will again host the National Motoring Heritage Day in 2023. The theme will be “Fashion and Transport Through the Years 1900 to 1990’s”, everyone and all owners of Vintage, Historic and Classic vehicles of all years and marques, and vehicles of special interest are invited. Entry fee $10 For more details, please contact Phil Boye on 0429 671 649.
Central Coast, Newcastle and Hunter region, At the time of printing there is no details of events in these areas.
For further details please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
SUNDAY 19th May 2024
Nirimba Tarmac
Renault Car Club
Contact: Bob Sprague 0414 670 320
FRIDAY, 24th May 2024. (note change of date & week)
Mini Enthusiasts meeting
The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenace problem.
If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to come along and join the group.
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024.
All Club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East, from 7pm.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 26th May 2024
Club Motorkhana
The Event will be conducted by the FIAT Club of NSW at Ansell Park, a private property located at Percival St, Richmond NSW and will be a Club Event. The Event will be conducted on a grassed surface.
The Event is open to Mini Car Club of NSW members and holders of current Motorsport Australia Speed/Speed Junior licence or superior. Scheduled to start at 10am and will finish at approximately 4pm.
An ideal opportunity for some Hay practice
The Fiat Club of NSW would like to invite you to our next Motorkhana at Ansell Park
please note cost for entry has changed
Hello all,
As our next motorkhana is approaching fast so get your entry form in.
Junior clinic:
the junior clinic as we know has no cars available due to the floods.
I'm willing setup and hold a clinic on our second paddock if parents are happy to bring and be passengers in cars,
or allow our instructor to passenger with the junior in the juniors car.
COME AND TRY licences available on the day for $25
Don't forget about our early bird discount which has been introduced for entry forms that are sent in by email (save as spreadsheet format not pdf please) or postage by the Thursday before the event (no need to send money with entry form all money collected on the day). Otherwise the general entry fee can be paid on the day of the event.
Entry forms are electronic so just fill out and email back or post your form to:
Entry Forms below
- fait club motorkhana sun 26th may Supp Regs - 224-2605-05 Approved
- FIAT motorkhana Entry Form sun 26th may
- Self Statement of Vehicle Compliance (1)
For more details please refer to the "POST" on this website MOTORKHANA - FIAT Club of NSW
Or page 25 of the April East West magazine or contact Ron Adlam 0427 043 854
Sunday 26th May 2024
Central Coast Air Show
(Social Event Permit No. 4,718 with Motorsport Australia)
Central Coast Airport, Sparks Rd, Warnervale
Just an hour's drive from Sydney or Newcastle, this event will be a great weekend out amongst the beautiful Central Coast region, with literally tonnes of entertainment on offer.
Central Coast Airport, Sparks Rd, Warnervale
Driver receives free entry.
Please note it is a car display, there is no judging or prizes awarded.
Passengers need a valid pre purchased ticket to be scanned on arrival. (NO TICKET - NO ENTRY)
Link to online ticket sales here>>
Arrival is from 7am-8:30am. No entry will be permitted after 8:30am.
Mini Car Club members and Minis on the Coast members will meet on the westbound side of Sparkes Rd just before Minnesota Road for a 7:30am depareture
Departure is permitted with an escort from 3pm.
The event concludes at approx. 5pm.
You are welcome to stay until the end. If you depart before the event concludes, event staff will escort you out for safety reasons.
For safety reasons, please do not move your vehicle between 3pm-5pm without event staff or security to escort you as there will still be ticketholders walking around.
A map showing the arrival gate will be sent to you closer to the event.
For Mini Car Club of NSW to register please fill in this online form >> Driver registration form
OR contact Michael Benton 0411019112 for entry details and information.
Gus Staunton points
Sunday 26th May 2024
NSW Khanacross
Awaba - Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: Daryl Hadley 0423170259
Tuesday, 28th May 2023
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 31st May 2023
General Meeting. (early date due to Hay)
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings. Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm
Dinner is be available from 5.30pm Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918 Plenty of undercover parking. Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 2nd June 2024
NSW Motorkhana
Nirimba Tarmac
Thornleigh Car Club
Contact: Matt Rath 0415525535
Tuesday, 4th June 2024
Salvation Army Australia Museum, 32a Barnsbury Grove, Bexley North
10.30am. No morning tea available.
Generous donation in donation box please
PARKING On street outside or side streets
DEPART: 12.00 noon
LUNCH: 12.30pm
Earlwood Bardwell Park R.S.L. Club. 18 Hartil–Law Ave, Bardwell Park
DETAILS & BOOKINGS: Les Watton. Ph: 9838 8063 Email:
Friday, 7th June 2024
Hay Welcome BBQ
Are you a member of the Mini Car Club NSW? Are you making the trip to Hay for the Australian Hay Mini Nationals in June?
Would you like to enjoy a BBQ dinner after the long drive?
Then, we would like to invite our members to the official ‘Welcome to Hay BBQ/get together’.
Note new location this year.
The Mini Club of SA has kindly offered the use of the garden/BBQ area at the Bidgee Motor Inn.
74 Lachlan St, Hay, NSW. Kicks off from 5.30pm.
Please RSVP to Julie 0419 266620 by 1/6/2024
Friday, 7th June to Sunday, 9th June 2024
57th Hay Mini Nationals
The event consists of a welcome party on the Friday night, a parade down the main street on Saturday morning followed by one of the most spectacular Show and Shines in the country.
Then on the Saturday night the action really starts with adrenaline charged side by side Hay Heros under stadium lights. Sunday morning, the main event kicks off with the Hay Mini Nationals Motorkhana. At one end of the field, some of the finest drivers in the country will be vying for hundreths of seconds, and at the other end, juniors as young as 12 will competing for their own bragging rights in Australia's biggest and most competitive Motorkhana.
This is all capped off with a massive fancy dress presentation party held at the hay memorial hall on the Sunday evening. Each club attends in their own fancy dress theme with a DJ keeping the crowd
This year NSW members theme is "Book week" dress as a character from a book, bring book if it is not obvious.
Awards are presented for the winners of all the weekend's events, and then the party moves into full swing with some of the die hards kicking on till well into the next day. Hay is an event that must be attended at least once in a mini enthusiasts lifetime!
For more details please contact Ron Adlam or Phil Boyd
Sunday, 16th June 2024
Stagger to the Hunter
(Social Event Permit No. 4822 with Motorsport Australia)
Sunday drive to Kearsly Hotel, Cessnock/Hunter region.
Come and join us for a drive along the Old Pacific Highway through Peats Ridge, Kulnura, Bucketty, Wolumbi and on to Cessnock/Hunter for lunch at the Stagger Inn Bistro, Kearsley Hotel.
Meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 8am for 8.30am departure to head north along the B83 (Old Pacific Highway) before turning onto Peats Ridge Road at Calga. We will meetup with Mini on the Coast members at Peats Ridge then follow George Downes Drive to Wollumbi for a short stop. Leaving Wollumbi at 11am for the drive through the outskirts of Cessnock and onto our destination the Kearsly Hotel, 120 Caledonia Street, Kearsley.
Please RSVP by Thursday 13th June 2024 as I have booked a table for lunch at 12:00 noon.
Please fill in this online form -->> Online form
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 16th June 2024
NSW Motorkhana
Hampton Dirt
Hills District Car Club
Contact: Shane Ohara 0421461112
Friday, 21st June 2024
Mini Enthusiast Meeting
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024.
All Club members and visitors are invited. Meeting starts at 7pm.
The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenance problem. If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to join our informal group.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday, 30th June 2024
NSW Motorkhana
Nirimba Tarmac
MX5 Car Club
Contact: Ian Combes 0433159726
Tuesday, 2nd July 2024
Mountain High Pies 293 Great Western hwy. Wentworth falls
bookings: not required
*note* we will not be meeting at Wentworth falls lake for morning tea as I had suggested. This is now a major construction site & is very congested including temporary traffic lights on Sinclair cres.
“the council has now introduced paid parking at the lakes. Electronic payments by phone or card only” that rules me out.
Meet: from 10.30 am at McDonalds, Penrith Leagues, Mulgoa Rd. Cnr Panthers Place, Penrith or you may wish to go directly to the pie shop
depart Penrith: 11.30am
right: Mulgoa rd. Right: M4 & continue on Great Western hwy. to Wentworth falls right at Mitchell St. at the lights. (TAFE & pie shop are on your right just before lights)
Right: through large gates into carpark
You may wish to read about the history of the pie shop & what they are doing for the environment. Well worth reading. What’s new?
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Bookings Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Sunday 7th July 2024
NSW Khanacross
Awaba - Dirt
Westlakes Auto Club
Contact: Daryl Hadley 0423170259
Tuesday, 9th July 2024
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 12th July 2024
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings. Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW. Meetings commence at 7:30pm Dinner is be available from 5.30pm Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918 Plenty of undercover parking. Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 14th July 2024
Southern Highlands
(Social Event Permit No. 4,720 with Motorsport Australia) Mini Car Club members will enjoy a cruise along the mini friendly back roads from Sydney to Mittagong before reaching our destination for lunch at Mittagong RSL. Convoy: Meet at McDonalds, Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road, 9:00am for 9:30am departure.
We will avoid the main Motorway and travel down Camden Valley way and the Old Hume Highway through Picton, Bargo to Mittagong.
Route details via Google Maps: Google map
Please note this is a pre booked event and I will require RSVP by 10th July.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 19th July 2024
Mini Enthusiast Meeting
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024. All Club members and visitors are invited. Meeting starts at 7pm. The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenance problem. If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to join our informal group. Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East. For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352 Gus Staunton Points
Sunday August 4th
Minis in the Gong Annual Show N Shine
Australian Motorlife Museum, Integral Energy Park
94 Darkes rd, Kembla Grange NSW 2526
Exhibitors to arrive 9:30am – 10:30am,
Show open from 9:30 – 1:30
The museum is once again allowing Minis in the Gong to hold the show in their carpark and surrounds.
The museum has one of the largest collections of motoring memorabilia and motor vehicles in Australia and well worth a visit on the day.
Exhibits: all Minis, Mokes, BMW Minis, and Mini variants (Elf, Hornet, Buckle, Marcos, Sports racing etc)
Don’t be fussy about the condition of your car, if it’s a mini and you can get it there, we want to see it!
Free entry for public and exhibitors, NO registration required.
Dapto lions sausage sizzle inc. bacon and eggs, sausage sandwiches and cold drinks. coffee van with hot drinks. ..or BYO picnic lunch
For Mini Car Club members attending this event from Sydney we will be travelling via convoy to Dapto early on Sunday morning.
Meeting at McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway at 8am and leaving at 8.20am to cruise to Motorlife Museum via the old highway and Mt Ousley to arrive around 9:20 – 9:30am.
Gus Staunton points
Tuesday, 6th August 2024
Meet McDonalds Narellan. Camden Valley Way Cnr. Narellan Rd.
I do have some names from our last outing, let me know if you can’t make it on the day.
From 10.30am onwards. (or you may wish to go straight to the Bowling Club)
DEPART: 11.45am
LUNCH: 12.15pm PICTON BOWLING CLUB 10 Cliffe St. Picton
Leaving McDonald’s
LEFT: Camden Valley Way & proceed towards Camden. (or you may wish to take the Camden bypass)
CONTINUE: Through Narellan Town Centre, cross Nepean River, pass Camden Petroleum, cheap petrol, (new pedestrian refuge & 50k zone) & continue through a very busy Camden Shopping Centre admiring the street gardens & the Historic buildings/ shops. Continue straight ahead through all the roundabouts into Cawdor Rd. at Sheather’s Lane roundabout to traffic lights.
LEFT: Burragorang Rd.
RIGHT: At lights. Old Hume Hwy/Remembrance Driveway & continue through very large roundabout at Finns Rd. pass Razorback Mountain & the Razorback Inn & continue to Picton *50k ZONE*
RIGHT: Cliffe St. traffic lights at McDonald’s
RIGHT: Into Bowling Club Car Park behind McDonalds
Refer to CMC website for the latest details: Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 6th August 2024
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 9th August 2024
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings. Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm Dinner is be available from 5.30pm
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 11th August 2024
After 7 long years the Club now has access to use NEW grounds on the banks of the Colo River at 370 Lower Colo Road, Lower Portland.
- Gates open 8am,
- Scrutineering from 8.30am,
- Drivers briefing 9.45am
- Event starts 10am
Clerk of the Course Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
Secretary Glynis Heydon 0408 865 955
Motorsport Australia Permit has been approved and Supp Regs are available from Glynis.
Check and Mini Car Club of NSW Facebook pages for any updates.
To find us: Travel through Windsor onto the Putty Road for 20 kms. Turn Left off Putty Road, before the Colo River Bridge and down the hill turn right onto Lower Colo Road. Travel 4kms on a dirt road to the new grounds.
The event will be run on a grass surface. No rally, hand cuts, mud and snow tyres etc.
There are no shops nearby, so a sausage sizzle & drinks will be available to purchase.
Please, SMS Glynis with approximate numbers to assist with catering.
*This is the first event of the 2025 Club Championship! So, from now the winner will be leading the Club Championship & Motorkhana Championship!
Motorsport points
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 16th August 2024
Mini Enthusiast Meeting
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024.
All Club members and visitors are invited.
Meeting starts at 7pm.
The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenance problem.
If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to join our informal group.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday- Sunday 17-18th August 2024
Rylstone Classic
(Social Event Permit No. 4,823 with Motorsport Australia) This FREE two-day event is for Mini owners and enthusiasts with other classic vehicles accepted upon application.
The 2024 Rylstone Classic encompasses a range of novelty activities and will be conducted at a leisurely pace, befitting the vintage of our vehicles. With an overnight stay in wine country, the Rylstone Classic has grown over the past decade to become one of Australia's marquee events for Mini enthusiasts, and one of the largest gatherings of Classic Minis in the Southern Hemisphere.
The field should arrive at Worthington MINI Garage Kangoo Road, Kariong from 8am, with the briefing commencing at 10am.
Departing Worthington MINI Garage at Kariong we head south via the Old Pacific Highway to kick off our twisty roads adventure.
Registrations now closed.
Keep up to date here: or on their Facebook page.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 17th August 2024
NSW Khanacross
Awaba Dirt
Westlakes Auto Car Club
Note 2pm start
Contact: Daryl Hadley 0423170259
Sunday 25th August 2024
Shannons Sydney Classic
Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek Presented by the Council of Motor Clubs. Over 1600 Veteran & Classic vehicles from over 200 Clubs will be on display.
This year is the 60th Anniversary of the Moke and we will have a couple of Mokes on display.
Gates open at 7am and we would like all of our cars in position by 8:30am. Our group has been advised we will be the first out for the parade lap at 9:30am.
Please ensure your entry sticker is on the windscreen.
Please wear your Mini Car Club of NSW shirts and jackets.
A limited number of 20 tickets are now all allocated (refer to East West magazine)
For more info please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 1st September 2024
Fathers Day 2024
Tuesday, 3rd September 2024
Meet Mcdonalds, Penrith Leagues 10.30am onwards.
Lunch: Mulgoa
*bookings required by 27.8.2024*
Refer to CMC website for the latest details: Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Monday 26th August 2024
The Mighty Mini is 65
The Mini was officially announced to the public on 26 August 1959.
Some 2,000 cars had already been sent abroad and were displayed that day in almost 100 countries.
The Mini was the work of Alec Issigonis who had designed the Morris Minor and it was destined to be the greatest British popular car of all time with well over 5 million being made until the last one rolled off the line in October 2000.
Sunday 8th September 2024
Annual Phil Briggs run
Motorsport Australia Social Permit No. 5152
This year our annual run is to The Pickled Wombat, St Albans for lunch.
Meet at McDonald’s McGrath’s Hill, Cnr Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 10.00pm for 10.30pm departure.
Travel through Cattai, Maroota, Wisemans Ferry and turn left for the Webb Creek ferry.
Follow St Albans Road along the side of the river until reaching our destination in Bulga Street, St Albans. 62km approx. 1hr 30mins.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Please note this is a pre booked event and we will require RSVP by Friday 6th September 2024
Gus Staunton Points
Google Map route: Google Map to Pickled Wombat
Tuesday, 10th September 2024
Committee Meeting
The Committee meets at 7:00pm at Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weerona Road, Strathfield, NSW. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 13th September 2024
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings. Strathfield Golf Club, 52-70 Weeroona Road, Strathfield, NSW.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm
Dinner is be available from 5.30pm
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918
Plenty of undercover parking.
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday September 15th 2024
Annual All British Day - MCC Show N Shine
** New Location**
Hawkesbury Show ground
Display only cars are very welcome
Gates open at 7:30am with the aim to have all cars in place by 9.00am with entry for all competitors via Racecourse Road.
This event will be the Annual Show and Shine for the Mini Car Club of NSW so clean and polish up your Mini or MINI and come along for a great day with prizes and trophies awarded for various categories.
- Morris 850, Mini Minor, Mini Deluxe, Mini Matic, Mini K
- Cooper, Cooper S
- Clubman all models, including GT
- Commercials, Vans, Pick-ups & Variants
- Mokes,
- Best Modified, Competition
- Post 1980 – 2000 Minis, including Rover and JDM
- Most Original and Unrestored
- BMW Minis
Free entry for Mini Car Club of NSW members. Our Club has again purchased a block of $10 enrtry tickets which for members are free. Free entry for spectators
- All entries for the Show and Shine must be returned to the Officials desk before 10:00am.
- Judging of all classes will begin at 10.30am. No allowances will be given for cars not ready at this time (entries after judging has commenced will be at the organisers discretion).
- Cars will be judged for the workmanship, detailed tidiness and cleanliness. (This is not a concourse event) For example, a Cooper S or Mini K that is driven every day or built to the owners requirements and is presented well, will have the same chance as a Cooper S or Mini K that has been fully restored to original specifications.
- Please don't leave unnecessary items in your Car or in your boot, Presentation is a must.
- Displaying your car with merchandise, pictures etc. is encouraged to make it a whole presentation of the vehicle on the day.
- You do not have to be at your car when it is judged but please ensure that the car is un-locked, and the judges have access to the boot and engine bay. It will not be judged if there is no access.
- All car entrants to the Show-n-Shine may be requested to judge another class, other than the class they have entered or as nominated by the organisers.
- Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place in each class.
- Car of the Show for MCCNSW members only
- Display only cars are very welcome
- Gates open at 7:30am with the aim to have all cars in place by 9.00am with entry for all competitors via Racecourse Road.
- To aid the free flow of traffic into the site all tickets must be firmly fixed to the inside of your windscreen. If you lose your ticket or don’t have a ticket then you will be directed to a separate parking area until traffic marshals can attend and provide a ticket at a cost of $15.
- Food and trade stands will be onsite and this year marquees can be pegged as there is no underground water system to worry about.
- Spectator entry and parking is free.
Please Note: The Association of British Car Clubs has requested for all non-car club members to contact one of the associated clubs for the purchase of tickets, although for this year there will be an area for non members cars who enter on the day.
For more information or to arrange for your entry ticket please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
Or register online via our website: All British Day Ticket request form
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 20th September 2024
Mini Enthusiast Meeting
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024. All Club members and visitors are invited. Meeting starts at 7pm.
The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenance problem.
If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to join our informal group.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 1st October 2024
*bookings required by 24.9.2024*
Meet: McDonald’s Garling Rd. Off 224 Sunnyholt Rd. Kings Park
From 10.30am onwards. Or meet at venue.
Depart: 11.15am
Lunch: 12.15pm
The Butlers Pantry, 41b Yobarnie Ave North Richmond
LEFT: Sunnyholt Rd.
LEFT: Old Windsor Rd. at lights
CONTINUE AHEAD: into Windsor Rd. to McGrath’s Hill
LEFT: Groves Ave. (McDonalds corner) & continue into Hawkesbury Valley Way & Windsor St. to Richmond
LEFT: at lights East Market St.
RIGHT: at lights March St. (McDonalds on the left) & continue into Kurrajong Rd. & Bells Line of Road
CROSS: Richmond Bridge, Pass North Richmond Shopping Village, Aldi & Ray White
NEXT LEFT AT LIGHTS: Grose Vale Rd. Continue through school roundabout
RIGHT: at next roundabout, Yobarnie Ave. REDBANK on wall. & continue through flat roundabout (or over it) at lake
LEFT: Village Lane (private rd) Opposite Caring 4 Kids. Venue & parking area on your left or on street parking
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
Les. 9838 8063 m: 0418 973 866
Tuesday, 8th October 2024
Committee Meeting
Due to changes at Strathfield Golf Club the Committee is currently planning to meet 7:00pm at Silverwater Hotel, 214 Silverwater Road, Silverwater
Please confirm with Rob Weir
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 11th October 2024
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Note: New meeting location
Viking Sports Club , 35 Quarry Road, Dundas Valley.
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s Annual General Meeting which will held at the Viking Sports Club , 35 Quarry Road, Dundas Valley.
Meeting will commence at 7:30pm
Presentation of Annual trophies and Service awards.
2024 Annual General Meeting Agenda AGM Agenda 2024
Election of the Club’s 2024 Committee
Download a copy of the Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting v3
Please support your Club and help elect the new office bearers.
You too could be part of the organising committee for our club.
If you would like to become more involved with our Club then please contact Joan for a nomination form prior to the meeting.
Note: Form and details in the October 2024 East West magazine
OR download a copy of the Nomination form here: Committee Nomination Form 2024 v3
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs restaurant prior to the meeting.
Dinner will be available from 5.30pm with Main meals from $20 per person.
If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a table reservation.
email or ph 0418161918
Please check the website and Facebook pages for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 13th October 2024
Davistown Putt Putt Regatta and Wooden Boat Festival
The Davistown Putt Putt Regatta & Wooden Boat Festival is not only a great event but also an opportunity for the people to celebrate the Central Coast, Australia and the culture that is a part of our history, heritage and local character.
To promote an annual event to showcase Putt Putt engineering and timber boat skills in a family friendly, free to the public Festival, promoting and drawing on the camaraderie among Putt Putt enthusiasts and timber boat owners generally.”
In addition, the aims of the Wooden Boat Association – “To promote an active interest in all matters relating to the history, development, building, restoration and preservation of Wooden Boats” has been adopted. While the heart of our charter is to display and promote the wooden boat community, we also look to provide a family focussed day where the local community and visitors can have an enjoyable day in a safe and family friendly environment. Along with the water focussed activities there will be on-shore entertainment and activities to appeal to all ages.
The Regatta has the reputation of being one of the largest event of its kind on the eastern seaboard.
The Mini Car Club of NSW will have a display of a maximum of 10 Minis as part of this event. (Event no. 4,721 with Motorsport Australia)
Note: Access will be made available on the day from 6:00am with all stallholder installations to be complete and operational from 8:00am.
All stallholders must be set up and operational by 8:00am.
Vehicles will not be permitted to exit the reserve before 4:00pm (or until crowds dissipate to the satisfaction of the Organising Committee).
If you are interested please fill in the expressions of interest Form or contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton points
Friday, 18th October 2024
Mini Enthusiast Meeting
Joe Zulian has revived the Mini Enthusiast group for 2024.
All Club members and visitors are invited.
Meeting starts at 7pm.
The Mini Car Club of NSW is full of enthusiastic members with restoration projects at various stages of completion or seeking assistance with a Mini maintenance problem.
If you have a specific issue or would just like to come along and talk about Minis in general then you are welcome to join our informal group.
Meet at Joe's house, 29 Birdwood Street, Denistone East.
For further information Contact Joe 0439 485 352
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday/Sunday 19th/20th October 2024
Kandos/Bathurst weekend
Enjoy a weekend away driving on the back roads from Sydney to Bathurst with a lap around the famous track and an overnight stay at Kandos. Meet at McDonald’s March Street, Richmond 8.00am for 8.30am departure.
Travel along the Bells Line of Road to Bell turn left onto the Causeway to Mount Victoria, Hartley then left onto Jenolan Caves Road and follow through to Oberon.
We will enjoy a stop in Oberon before continuing to Bathurst for a drive around the track and lunch. Mid afternoon we will then head to Kandos for dinner and an overnight stay.
We have all the rooms held at the Kandos Hotel/Motel.
Please note this is a pre booked event and we will require RSVP by 11th October 2024 RSVP via the Online form: Bathurst Kandos weekend 2024
For more information about the event and accommodation or to confirm you will be attending please contact Joe Zulian 0439 485 352 or email:
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 5th November 2024
Committee Meeting
Due to changes at Strathfield Golf Club the Committee is planning to meet 7:00pm
Viking Sports Club , 35 Quarry Road, Dundas Valley.
Meetings commence at 7:00pm
Dinner is be available from 5.30pm
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member.
Friday, 8th November 2024
General Meeting
Note: New meeting location
All members and friends are invited to come along to our Club's General Meetings.
Viking Sports Club , 35 Quarry Road, Dundas Valley.
Meetings commence at 7:30pm
Dinner is be available from 5.30pm
Please note: If you intend to come along for dinner please RSVP to Rob Weir for a reservation at our table in the Bistro. email: or ph 0418161918
Please check the website and Facebook page for any updates
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 10th November 2024
Mountain High Pies & Campbell Rhododendron Gardens
Come and join us for a drive up through the Blue Mountains and take in the views, enjoy a pie at the renowned Mountain High Pie shop, a walk through the renown Campbell Rhododendron Gardens then a journey home via Bells Line of Road.
Meet at McDonalds, Arndell Park, 9:30am for 10:00am departure.
We will travel west via M4 then turning off at Penrith. North along Castlereagh Road before turning left onto Springwood Road which we will follow through Yarramundi, Hawkesbury Heights for a stop at the Lookout. Onto Springwood and the Great Western Highway to Wentworth Falls. Lunch will be at the Mountain High pie shop, Wentworth Falls for 12noon.
After lunch we will continue along the Great Western Highway to Blackheath and Campbell Rhododendron Gardens. After a walk around the gardens a convoy will leave for the home journey via Bell and the Bells Line of Road to home.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112,
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday 12th November 2024
Remembrance Day Run
LUNCH: Local Club
Refer to CMC website for the latest details:
DETAILS & BOOKINGS: Les Watton ph: 9838 8063 Email:
Recent News
Reminder MCC – Come and Try – Motorkhana March 8, 2025
Memberships and Renewals February 21, 2025
Updated Calendar of Events January 29, 2025
Minis on Safari October 21, 2024
AGM Committee Results October 21, 2024