Please note these are General rules and information which may not be applicable for ALL Show and Shines. Be sure to check the details of the event you are entering.
Show-n-Shine Judging Rules
All entries for the Show and Shine must be returned to the Officials desk before 10:00am
Judging of all classes will begin at 10.30am. No allowances will be given for cars not ready at this time (no entries after judging has commenced).
The judges are comparing cars against each other and not looking at cars as they would be straight out of the showroom.
Cars will be judged for the workmanship, detailed tidiness and cleanliness.
Please don’t leave unnecessary items in your car or in your boot, presentation is a must.
Displaying your car with merchandise, pictures etc. is encouraged to make it a whole presentation of the vehicle on the day.
You do not have to be at your car when it is judged but you must ensure that the car is unlocked and the judges have access to the engine bay. It will not be judged if there is no access.
All car entrants to the Show-n-Shine will make themselves available to judge another class, other than the class they have entered or as nominated by the organisers.
EXTERIOR: As some of these cars are driven daily. Points are not usually deducted for paint chips, and normal fair wear & tear; judges are looking more for detail to cleanliness and effort of presentation.
Pay attention for polish residue left behind, dirt on the paintwork, especially around the seams, gutters, and around hinges and handles, inspect paintwork from different angles for signs of streaking and swirl marks.
INTERIOR: Detail here should be towards cleanliness and tidiness, Judges are looking for rubbish and dirt in door pockets, and unnecessary items on the parcel shelf.
Interior can have items that would have been there when the car was delivered from the Dealer, log books, delivery receipts, are OK.
Display merchandise is encouraged if neatly presented
UNDER CARRIAGE, WHEELS and TYRES: Again remembering some cars are driven daily and will show signs of normal use, dents and scratches, etc.
Attention should be towards cleanliness, attention to effort to remove oil, dirt, and road grime and brake dust and even the extra effort to remove grass clippings if judging is close.
ENGINE BAY: Cleanliness, attention to detail, and effort in presentation are important and key factors to look out for. Look around the base of Master Cylinders for oil and dirt, check the back of the Rocker Cover, and again judges are generally looking for effort in cleaning and presentation.
Owners should note that there are no specific security personnel patrolling our show area and the care of your car is your own responsibility.
Thus we request that you keep an eye on your vehicle, or make arrangements with someone nearby to do so, should you need to move away during the day.
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