To read and print the MCC NSW Historic Conditional Registration Eligibility and Rules Click HERE

To Print the Road & Maritime Services Conditional Registration Historic Declaration (Form RMS 1259) Click HERE. ( 2 x Copies Needed)

To Print the Roads & Maritime Services Application for Conditional Registration ( Form RMS 1246) Please Click HERE

To print the Mini Car Club of NSW’s CP Inspection & Eligibility Checklist (Form CPO1) Click HERE

To print the Mini Car Club of NSW CP Historic Plated Vehicles Log Sheet, (Form CP03)Please Click HERE 

Transport for NSW has created a new historic and classic vehicle log book and club runs Fact sheet - 2023

Link to the Transport for NSW, Historic Vehicle Scheme period options, accessories and safety items. historic-vehicles-registration/period-options-accessories-and-safety-items


For any Further Information regarding the Historic Registration please contact

Rob Burns our Club Plate Registrar by email at or call Rob on 0414 193 798 or

Warwick Butt our Assistant Club Plate Registrar by email at or Call  0425 304 154

To arrange for an inspection of your Historic Car please contact one of the Club Plate Examiners

Graham Hepworth (Wyong/Central Coast) 0405 151 751

Michael Benton ( Gordon)  M:0411 019 112, H: 02 9498 5375

Warwick Butt ( Kirrawee) M: 0425 304 154

Wayne Witcombe ( Picton) M: 0412 110 919

Rob Weir ( Belmore) M: 0418 161 918

David Wheatley (Roseville) 02 9416 2751

Brock Heydon (Eastwood) 0421 043 842

Ian Thompson (Windsor) 02 4575 1776

Phil Boye  (Wollongong) 0429 671 649

Rob Diamante (Blue Mountains) 0412 916 099

James Lucas (Taree) 0428 663 747


Fact Sheet

Transport for NSW has created a new historic and classic vehicle log book and club runs fact sheet.

Please share the fact sheet with your members and relevant contacts via copying and pasting this link: historic and classic vehicle log book and club runs fact sheet

The fact sheet is now available on Transport for NSW website, however the webpage is currently undergoing some edits to align with new NSW Government branding and to enhance customer usability. This is due to be completed in the new year, 2023.

Please also encourage your colleagues and contacts to sign up to receive DRIVE, our quarterly newsletter for road safety and regulation updates. The latest edition of DRIVE features an article about the Shannons Sydney Classic at Eastern Creek NSW, where many historic and classic vehicles were on display (use the links in this sentence to share as you see fit).


Kind regards,

Matthew Cafe

Transport for NSW