Hi Mini enthusiasts.
A big thank-you to all who supported, entered, volunteered and attended Minis DownUnder 2022 and celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Mini in Australia.
Some of you will have read most of my wrap up report in our Club’s April magazine but following is a link to my final report and wrap-up of Minis DownUnder.
Minis DownUnder 2021 Wrap up
Here is a link to download a copy of the April edition of the East West magazine which has a number of articles and results from Minis Down Under.
MINIMAG_April 2022 v1b sm
A big thank you to Christopher Flex Thomason for this brilliant video of Minis DownUnder 2021/2
Please find below a link to a youtube video of “Minis Downunder” held at Rosehill Gardens on Sunday 6th March 2022.
Minis DownUnder video
Here are our event photos taken by Neil Blackbourn
MDU Event photos
Thanks to Noel Rowsell from Nepean News / Western News for coming to Minis DownUnder and spending the time to photograph and interview a number of the Entrants for the following article.
This week’s Nepean News, 17th March 2022, has a double-page lift-out covering the Minis Down Under 2022 Show.
The digital edition is online now and the print edition will be available at your regular locations tomorrow.
Please pass along the link to whomever you feel may be interested in the edition.
Smartphones and Tablets Link
PC’s / Laptops Link
Noel Rowsell’s photos are available at:
Minis Down Under 2022 – PhotoExcellence