Congratulations to the Mini Car Club of NSW team who again won the GBS trophy at the 2023 Hay Mini National over the long weekend. Thank you to the organisers, Mini Car Club of SA, marshals, volunteers and competitors for another successful Hay Mini Nationals.

“Well done team NSW for a fantastic and successful Hay weekend. The GBS was secured for a 7th time in a row. How good is that!!! I’d like to that everyone for their help over the weekend – from carting BBQs and wood to Hay, to helping with food prep and cooking, to hall decorating, to officiating, to driving in Hays Heroes and the khana and of course for the fantastic team company and socialising. Everyone is willing to help out anyone when needed. Thank you all so much.
Let’s pencil this in again for 2024
.” Cheers Julie Witcombe