Tuesday 26th January 2021
Australia Day CARnivale Parramatta Park
Cancelled for 2021
Friday, 25th December 2020
Christmas Day
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Friday, 18th December 2020
Enthusiasts meeting
Currently Cancelled
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Saturday 12th December 2020
SMSP Skidpan Motorkhana –
To be held on the (wet) skidpan at Sydney Motor Sport Park.
Multiclub event, organised by Christian Autosports Club (CACA).
At this stage the event is going ahead. Invitation is confirmed.
Competitors must pre-enter through the CAMS On-Line Entry System.
To download the Supplementary Regulations please click here: Supp Regs 121220 Final_[1]
Download the self check vehicle compliance here: self_statement-of-vehicle-compliance[1]
Download the self check list here: self-checklist-autotest[1]
On Motorkhana and Gus Club point-scores.
Sunday 13th December 2020
Mini Car Club Christmas Picnic and Annual Club Plate Inspection Day,
Mini Car Club Christmas Picnic and Annual Club Plate Inspection Day, will be an early morning with BBQ breakfast being served in the picnic grounds at Warragamba Dam.
This year we will be serving food to members seated at the tables so we comply with the governments Covid-19 requirements. Bring your masks and sanitiser although we will have some supplies on site.
please stay home if you feel unwell.
Meet at the venue at 8:00am or convoy from McDonalds Edmondson Park, Cnr Camden Valley Way and Gellibrand Road.
The convoy will leave Edmondson Park at 7:15am to arrive at the venue by 8am.
At Warragamba if you are travelling along Farnsworth Ave then after passing the sport centre and tennis courts on your left, turn left into the large parking area and picnic area or if coming along Production Ave, turn right into the car park just before the entrance to the Dam.
To comply with Covid-19 requirements and for catering you must RSVP by the 11th December otherwise you will miss out.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 4th December 2020
General meeting
Currently Cancelled
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th December
Canberra Run
Terribly British Day
Refer to Events of Interest for details
Tuesday, 1st December 2020
Committee meeting
Held via Tele-conference
Saturday 14th November 2020
Blue Mountains cruise & Dinner
This event is currently limited to a group of 30 people due to latest Government Covid restrictions.
Saturday afternoon drive to the Blue Mountains via Bells Line of Road returning via the Great Western Highway for a meal at the Royal Cricketers Arms, 385 Reservoir Road, Prospect.
Meet at McDonalds, Marsden Park 12 noon for a 12:30pm departure. We will travel west to Richmond then the Bells Line of Road to Bell. A few stops along the way at local tourist attractions (maybe for cider and apple pie purchases) before returning to Sydney via the Great Western highway and M4 to Reservoir road where we veer left near the Caltex and follow the signs turning right onto Reservoir road and proceed to arrive at the final destination of the Royal Cricketers Arms hotel at approx. 5:30 - 6pm for drinks and dinner.
Please note: I have pre booked a table on the front balcony and will require members to RSVP by Wednesday 11th November so I can confirm the booking and numbers with the Cricketers Arms Hotel.
All members and friends are welcome to just come along for the drive if you do not wish to stay for dinner.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 20th November 2020
Enthusiasts meeting
Currently Cancelled
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Tuesday, 24th November 2020
Competition meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
(Please refer to updates on this website or Mini Club Facebook page > facebook.com
Friday, 6th November 2020
General meeting
Currently Cancelled as we are still limited with the amount of members who are permitted to gather at the Arena Sports Club
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Sunday 8th November 2020
Wings Over Illawarra - Cancelled
New date in November 2021
After consultation with NSW Health, the organisers of Wings Over Illawarra 2020, Mark and Kerry Bright, have made the heart-breaking decision to cancel the 2020 event which was due to take place in November 2020.
Originally set for May 2020, Wings Over Illawarra was postponed to November in the hope the current COVID-19 situation would have eased sufficiently for the event to take place. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
“We are now forging ahead with Wings Over Illawarra 2021 and have set the dates for the 13th and 14th November 2021 with a STEM day planned for the 12th November 2021. Having the event in May 2021 was considered, but we did not want to find ourselves in the same situation again with the pandemic not completely under control.”
All tickets that have already been purchased for the 2020 event will be re-issued in the coming weeks with the new dates for the 2021 event.
Due to our current financial position refunds will not be available at this time.
We apologise for any inconvenience and ask our ticket holders for their patience during these unprecedented times.
Tuesday, 3rd November 2020
Committee meeting
Held via Tele-conference
1st November 2020
Nirimba State Motorkhana –
Organised by Mini Car Club.
We need a minimum of 6 officials (2 per test).
Clerk of Course – Phil Boyd, Secretary – Joan Vaughan.
Bitumen surface.
Tests to be selected.
Timing equipment to be organised with Andrew Collier.
This event is being conducted under Covid-19 safety conditions which means that:
Under the public heath order relating to the current Covid-19 Virus Competitors, Officials and everyone who will be attending on the day must forward their name and contact phone number to the Secretary, Joan Vaughan at
joan.vaughan@optusnet.com.au by 8pm on the 28th October 2020
If your name is not on the list at the ‘point of entry’ on the day you will not be admitted.
Please download and fill in the Forms below.
(a) No documentation checks / sign on will be conducted on the day.
All documents will need to be downloaded by the entrant and the relevant forms are to be completed, signed and then emailed to the Event Secretary before the closing date.
Please fill out these forms and return to the Event Secretary
(b) There will be no vehicle safety checks before competition starts.
All entrants need to perform a Self-Scrutiny Vehicle Check using this form: Self Scrutiny
Please fill out this form, sign and return to the Event Secretary
(c) The Drivers Briefing will be conducted as per the Supplementary Regs.
Please click on the following links to download each document:
2020 STATE MOTORKHANA Covid-19 rules
2020 STATE KHANA Supp.Regs2 PB (002) (005) (002)
MCC Covid-19 Event and Venue Plan - State Motorkhana - 1 November 2020
Entries will be accepted in order of receipt.
The entry fee is: $75, Juniors $35.
For payment by credit or debit card please contact Joan Vaughan 9153 7635
For Direct Debit.
National Australia Bank
Mini Car Club of NSW
BSB: 082 112
Account: 50916 1229
Reference: Surname "Khana"
Entries will close on Wednesday 28th October 2020.
Mini Car Club Motorkhana and Club point-scores
Tuesday, 27th October 2020
Competition meeting
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Saturday 31st October
Track day at the Marulan/Pheasant Wood Circuit
Christian Autosports Club (CACA) are having a track day at the Marulan/Pheasant Wood Circuit on Saturday, 31 October and have extended an invitation to any MCC members who may wish to participate.
Cost is $150.00 per driver (adults and juniors).
Interested members should contact Les Oliver from CACA on 0439 971 734.
Sunday 25th October 2020
Royal National Park to Robertson
This event will proceed unless the rainfall is torrential. A final decision will be made on Sunday morning.
Enjoy a Sunday morning drive south the Wollongong past the Royal National Park.
Sadly, we won’t be able to drive through the park as it is closed due to roadworks but we will find some great views and mini back roads including Macquarie Pass and our destination for lunch at Robertson Pie shop.
Please note this event is now limited to 30 people due to the latest NSW Covid restrictions.
Meet at McDonalds, Kirrawee, 8:30am for 9am departure. We will head south to Wollongong avoiding the main Motorway and travel to Waterfall where we will turn left and along the end of the National Park to Otford where we may have a short stop if parking is available. Next, we will drive past Stanwell tops then Lawrence Hargrave Drive /South onto Princes Highway for a stop at Sublime Point Lookout and a possible meetup with Minis in the Gong.
After a short break we will drive a short distance down the M1 motorway till Picton Rd where we will exit towards Picton before turning left onto Mt Keira Rd and our next stop at Mt Keira Lookout.
After admiring the view, we will return to Mt Keira Rd then left onto Harry Graham drive and the Princess Hwy to Albion Park.
Turn right at the roundabout before the airport then right onto Illawarra Hwy which we will follow up Macquarie pass to our destination the Robertson Pie shop
Google Map details: Map Link here
Return home at your leisure either via Mittagong or Wollongong
Please RSVP by 23rd October so I can confirm numbers and due to government Covid requirements we are now limited groups of 30 people.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 25th October 2020
Invitation to Club Members to attend the BMC-Leyland Aust Heritage Group Reunion and Car Show
Sunday 25th October 2020
Invitation to Club Members to attend the BMC-Leyland Aust Heritage Group Reunion and Car Show
We know that there haven’t been many Car Shows this year due to Covid-19 but here’s one that you might like to attend. It’s your big chance to dust off the classic and give it a run.
Sunday 25th October 2020 at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club beginning with our line-up of BMC classics – the car show will start at 10.30am – you can mingle on the rooftop carpark at Ryde Eastwood and enjoy the cars.
Then at 12 noon there will be a Luncheon in the Club’s Auditorium – cost is $50 per person for a 2 course meal including tea/coffee. Other drinks at your own expense.
Covid-19 precautions will be in place in the Auditorium so your comfort and safety will be top of the tree.
Please circulate this 2020 Reunion Flyer ,with entry form, amongst your members – we’d love to have a representation from your Club there. There’s a special trophy for the rarest car on display!!
Kay De Luca
BMC-Leyland Aust Heritage Group Inc
7 Savoy Court
West Pennant Hills NSW 2125
Phone: 0410 688 886
21st to 25th October 2020
Moke Roundup Tamworth 2020
The Tamworth Moke Roundup is on again in 2020
Please note that our event is not a Show'n'Shine or show/display type event, rather it is aimed at daily runs around the area. Three of the five days include routes on dirt roads, and these do not suit some prospective attendees. Whilst our program is not yet finalised, you can get an idea of what to expect by reading the information and program pages of previous events (there are links to previous years' websites on the home page of this year's website).
Information about the event can be found on our website www.mokeroundup.com.au .
Greg & Steve.
Friday, 16th October 2020
Mini Enthusiasts meeting
Cancelled, please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Sunday 18th October 2020
State Super Sprint Championship
Wakefield Park
Run by the Mini Car Club of NSW
Update 11th September 2020
We have now received confirmation for our event to be held on Sunday 18th October 2020
Round 5 of the 2020 Motorsport Australia Zestino Tires NSW Supersprint Championship is to be held on Sunday 20th September at Wakefield Park Raceway and is hosted by the Mini Car Club of NSW.
This is a large event for the Mini Car Club and we will require lots of officials.
No experience necessary, so come along and enjoy a day getting up close to the action.
Contact Ron Adlam (9982 3749) if you wish to be an official for the day.
This event is being conducted under Covid-19 safety conditions which means that:
(a) No documentation checks / sign on will be conducted on the day. All documents will need to be downloaded by the entrant with SSP 05C and SSP 21C to be completed, signed and then emailed to the Event Secretary before the closing date.
(b) There will be no vehicle safety checks before competition starts. All entrants need to perform a Self-Scrutiny Vehicle Check using form SSP 21C as above.
(c) There will be no Drivers Briefing, however drivers must download the Drivers Briefing Information Sheet below, then declare they have read it in in form SSP 05C as above.
Please click on the following links to download:
Supplementary Regulations Part 1
Supplementary Regulations Part 2
SSP 05C Disclaimer & Declaration Form (To be completed, signed and emailed to the Event Secretary)
SSP 21C Self Scrutineering Check List (To be completed, signed and emailed to the Event Secretary)
SSP 20 Scrutineering Reference Sheet
Drivers Briefing Information Sheet
Entry is online and will be accepted in order of receipt. Payment is by credit or debit card, please click here to enter online.
Entries will tentatively close on Sunday 4th October 2020.
Link to Motorsport Australia NSW Supersprint website: Motorsport Australia Zestino Supersprint Series
Mini Car Club Motorkhana and Club point-scores.
Thu, 15 Oct 2020 – Sun, 18 Oct 2020
2020 Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000
Sunday 4th October 2020
Mini Nationals Hay Motorkhana
Sadly now cancelled

Friday, 9th October 2020
Annual General Meeting - Cancelled
Bankstown Sports Club
All meetings are currently Cancelled
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club’s Annual General Meeting and annual trophy and service award presentation which will be held at the Bankstown Sports Club, 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
Presentation of Annual trophies and Service Awards
Election of the Club’s 2021 Committee
Please support the Club and help elect the new office bearers. You too could be part of the organising committee for our club.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Gus Staunton points
Friday, 18th September 2020
Mini Enthusiasts meeting
Cancelled, please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Saturday 26th September 2020
SMSP Skidpan Motorkhana
Moved to December 12th
Tuesday, 29th September 2020
Competition meeting
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Sunday 13th September 2020
All British Day
Sadly, this event is now cancelled.
As the lockdown is now ramping up I think you would agree that it is more unlikely that we can manage the extra requirements for a Covid safe event.
It is with great disappointment that I concede that the virus has beaten us.
In June, the NSW Government was aiming to allow small music festivals to
operate from August but there is no sign of this happening now. At the moment, we would fall under the Showground category which allows 1 person per 4 square metres but with a limit of 500 people per event (non-seated). With an average of two people per car that would only allow 250 cars.
We are not able hold our planning meetings in the hall at Brush Farm due restriction of numbers so rather than prolong the situation I think it is best if we cancel for 2020.
The most logical action going forward is to credit each club, whatever they have paid, against next year’s event.
Greg Kean
ABD Committee Chairman
Please refer to updates on the mini club’s website or Facebook page,
For more information please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
Gus Staunton points
Friday, 4th September 2020
General meeting
All meetings which would have been held at the Arena Sports club are currently Cancelled
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Sunday 6th September 2020
Phil Briggs Run
The annual Phil Brigg’s Memorial Run this year is to Grey Gum International Café, Putty road, Putty.
We are pleased to advise this is our first cautious return to Mini Car Club of NSW Social runs.
This event has been re-organised to comply with the current Covid-19 Government restrictions.
No more than 20 people are allowed to gather outside in a public space therefore this event will be limited to the first 20 Mini Car Club members who register.
To reserve your place please contact Michael to advise you will be attending.
Meet at McDonald’s Vineyard / McGrath’s Hill, Cnr Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 10.00pm for 10.30pm departure.
Please remember to practice physical distancing, bring a face mask and hand sanitiser.
Bring your own picnic or purchase food from the local café and don’t forget your chairs and picnic rugs.
Travel through Wilberforce and up the Putty Road to Colo and Colo Heights before reaching our destination. 88km approx. 1hour.
To download Google map details : Click Here
Please don’t forget to continue physical distancing, bring a face mask and hand sanitiser.
Please stay home if you feel unwell and get tested if you have Covid symptoms.
Keep up to date by checking our Website and Facebook pages and contact the event organiser before attending.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Gus Staunton Points
Friday 2nd October 2020
Welcome BBQ at Hay
Are you a member of the Mini Car Club NSW?
Are you making the trip to the Australian Hay Mini Nationals in October?
Would you like to enjoy a BBQ dinner after the long drive?
Then, we’d like to invite our members to the official ‘Welcome to Hay BBQ/get together’.
When? Friday, 2nd October 2020.
Where? At the Cobb Inlander Motel – 83 Lachlan St Hay NSW.
Kicks off at 5.30pm for a 6pm dinner.
Please RSVP to Julie 0419266620 by 26/9/2020
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 1st September 2020
Committee meeting
Held via Tele-conference
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Tuesday, 25th August 2020
Competition meeting
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Sunday16th August 2020
Shannons Classic – Sydney Motorsport Park
Cancelled, See you in 2021
Please refer to updates on the Mini Club’s website or Facebook page
Contact Robert Bradshaw for further info: 0418 63 614
You can keep up to date: https://www.councilofmotorclubs.org.au/ .
Friday, 21st August 2020
Mini Enthusiasts meeting
Cancelled, please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Saturday 22nd/Sunday 23rd August 2020
Rylstone Classic
It is with a heavy heart that today we announce the cancellation of the 2020 Rylstone Classic.
Please refer to updates on the website https://www.rylstoneclassic.com/ or Facebook page.
Sunday 23rd AUGUST 2020
Awaba State Motorkhana –
State Championship Event, rescheduled from 8th March.
Westlakes Automobile Club have been granted permission to run a multiclub motorkhana this weekend but with attendees (competitors and officials) being restricted to those residing in the Hunter Region.
Therefore Sydney residents (and all others who do reside in the Hunter Region) are prohibited from attending.
Consequently the event can no longer be a pointscore event for Mini Car Club.
See the Westlake’s web site (www.wac.org.au) for more information if you are interested.
These restrictions have also resulted in our Wakefield State Supersprint scheduled for 20 September being postponed, hopefully to a date in late October but that is yet to be confirmed.
Phil Boyd
Organised by Westlakes Auto Club.
Dirt surface.
Please find below the supplementary regulations and entry form for the State Motorkhana being held on Sunday 23 August.
23rd August 2020 Motorkhana Entry Form
23rd August 2020 Motorkhana Supplementary Regulations
They are also available on the Westlakes Automobile Club website (www.wac.org.au).
Prospective entrants should pay particular attention to the Covid-19 requirements detailed in Section 35 of the Supplementary Regulations.
I will also email the regs and entry form out to known MCC competitors.
NO Motorkhana and Club point-scores.
Tuesday, 4th August 2020
Committee meeting
Held via Tele-conference
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Friday, 7th August 2020
General meeting
Please refer to updates on the website or Facebook page
Tuesday, 28th July 2020
Competition Meeting
May be Cancelled?
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 26th July 2020
Hunter Region – All British Day 2020

Open to the public 9am to 2pm
Contact Meaghan or James Lucas for further info 0428663747
Sunday 19th July 2020
Robertson Pie Run – Postponed
In the interests of the safety of our members and the wider community we reluctantly have decided to postpone the drive to Robertson scheduled for Sunday 19th July. There are growing numbers of Covid 19 cases in Victoria and NSW .. in this environment of ‘high alert’ it is better for us to not gather, even in a paddock with pies!
We hope you all can enjoy singular trips out and about but admire the scenery from inside your minis... ‘till it’s safe to meet again.
Thanks to Evan Redman for the graphic.
Due to the upgrading of Covid-19 restrictions we have reluctantly decided to postponed this event to comply with the latest NSW Government restrictions on the limits of gatherings of people.
Please keep up to date with the website and Facebook pages or contact the event organiser before attending.
Mini Car Club members will enjoy a cruise along the mini friendly back roads from Sydney to Wollongong then up the renown Macquarie Pass before reaching our destination for lunch at Robertson Pie shop. Due to Covid restrictions we will not be able to book an inside venue so come prepared with chairs and blankets.
Meet at McDonalds, Heathcote, 9:30am for 10am departure. This year we will head south to Wollongong avoiding the main Motorway and travel the Old Princes Highway to Bulli tops then merge onto the M1 for our journey down Mt Ousley and south to Albion Park Airport where we turn right at the roundabout onto the Illawarra Highway and then climb up Macquarie Pass. We will be stopping at the Robertson pie shop for lunch.
Google map link here: Route to Robertson
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email: social@miniclub.com.au
Gus Staunton Points
Robertson via Macquarie Pass
Due to the upgrading of Covid-19 restrictions this event has been re-organised to comply with the latest NSW Government restrictions.
Please keep up to date with the website and Facebook pages or contact the event organiser before attending.
Mini Car Club members will enjoy a cruise along the mini friendly back roads from Sydney to Wollongong then up the renown Macquarie Pass before reaching our destination for lunch at Robertson Pie shop. Due to Covid restrictions we will not be able to book an inside venue so come prepared with chairs and blankets.
Meet at McDonalds, Heathcote, 9:30am for 10am departure. This year we will head south to Wollongong avoiding the main Motorway and travel the Old Princes Highway to Bulli tops then merge onto the M1 for our journey down Mt Ousley and south to Albion Park Airport where we turn right at the roundabout onto the Illawarra Highway and then climb up Macquarie Pass. We will be stopping at the Robertson pie shop for lunch.
Google map link here: Route to Robertson
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email: social@miniclub.com.au
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 17th July 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Please keep up to date with the website and Facebook pages or contact the event organiser before attending.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 30th June 2020
Committee Meeting
The committee is currently meeting via Teleconference.
Conference starts at 7:30pm
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Friday, 3rd July 2020
General Meeting
Please keep up to date with the website and Facebook pages or contact the event organiser before attending.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 28th June 2020
Central Coast cruise & Lunch
Updated with new destination of Hardy’s Bay as parking at Terrigal is limited during whale watching season
This event is subject to Covid-19 restrictions. Please keep up to date with the website and Facebook pages or contact the event organiser before attending.
Due to the relaxing of Covid-19 restrictions this event has been re-organised to comply with the latest NSW Government restrictions.
Come and join us for our first event out of lock-down for a drive to the Central Coast and lunch at the Hardy’s Bay.
Mini Club Sydney members meet at Thornleigh McDonalds at 9:45 am for a 10am departure to drive up the Old Pacific Highway to arrive at Hardy’s Bay just before mid-day.
We will stop briefly to park outside the front of Worthington BMW, Kariong to meet the Minis on the Coast members. (approx. 11am)
To download Google map details click here: Route details
Please bring your own picnic or purchase food from the local café’s and don’t forget your chairs and picnic blankets.
Please remember to continue our social distancing and hand sanitiser.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 23rd June 2020
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 21st June 2020
State Motorkhana – Nirimba
Run by the Mini Car Club of NSW.
Contact: Ron Adlam ph 0427 043 854
We will need lots of officials
Further details to be provided
On Motorkhana and Club pointscores
Friday 19th June 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 26th April 2020
Mudgee Wings, Wheels and Wine
Checkout their website for further information and tickets
refer to Invited Events or Events of Interest for more information
Sunday 3rd May 2020
Wings over Illawarra
In the interests of Public Health and the directive of the Federal Government Wings Over Illawarra 2020 is being postponed. In an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19 the Federal Government has made the decision to ban non-essential gatherings of more then 500 people. At this stage we have no idea on how long this ban will be in effect, and considering the risk to public health, along with the potential of travel bans being introduced, we feel it is in the best interests of the public and the future of the event to postpone until later in the year.
We would like to emphasize that we are postponing the event and not cancelling it.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or Phil Boye 0429-671649″.
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 26th May 2020
Committee Meeting
During the current COVID 19 Social distancing requirements the committee is now meeting via Teleconference at 7:30pm
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Friday, 29th May 2020
General Meeting
Friday, 19th May 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Tuesday, 23rd May 2020
Competition Meeting
The competition team may start meetings again as some restrictions are being removed
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Contact Brian on 9602 9591 or email: peugeot505@optusnet.com.au
Now Postponed until the October long weekend. 2,3,4th October 2020
Download a copy here: Hay – Covid 19 Statement 3
Friday, 17th April 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Sunday 19th April 2020
National Park run to Jamberoo

For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 21st April 2020
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Friday, 3rd April 2020
General Meeting
Tuesday, 24th March 2020
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Sunday 29th March 2020
State Motorkhana – Nirimba

- Contact: Bob Sprague 0414 670 320
- On Motorkhana and Club pointscores
Sunday 29th March 2020
Apple Pie Run to Bilpin

Tuesday, 31st March 2020
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at the Arena Sport Club. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Cruise to Bargo -Update
Sunday 22nd March 2020.
We are still cautiously venturing out for what may be our last social outing for a while (refer to: https://www.health.gov.au/ ) which is changing every day.
We will still meet at M4 Westbound McDonalds for a 10am departure, recommending anyone buying a coffee etc. wash or sanitise your hands and consume coffee outside.
The trip will continue as previously advertised through Luddenham and Wallacia, Silverdale road to The Oaks with a brief stop at Warragamba Dam around 10:40am then a drive south through Thirlmere, Hill Top, Colo Vale before crossing the motorway and back up to Bargo. Our destination is the bush fire affected community of Bargo and the Bargo Pub for lunch where there is some outside seating, keeping in mind the Governments advise on spacing and health precautions.
Please Note: I will require numbers of people who will be attending so I can book a table, please RSVP by 19th March to Michael.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 22nd March 2020
Lunch @ Bargo Pub

Due to the recent bush fires and storms the National Park is still closed so we are now going to support some of the bush fire affected community by travelling to Bargo and cruising to the Pub for lunch.
Meet at McDonalds, M4 West bound for a 10am departure. We will travel through Luddenham and Wallacia, Silverdale road to The Oaks with a stop at Warragamba Dam around 10:40am then continue on the western back roads to eventually arrive at Bargo Pub 12:30-1pm.
Please Note: I will require numbers of people who will be attending so I can book a table, please RSVP by 19th March to Michael.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 20th March 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Sorry enthusiasts but due to the current COVID-19 issues this meeting has been cancelled.
For further information contact Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting for March will now be held at The Slot Shop slot car raceway at 293 Princes Hwy, Arncliffe, commencing around 7:30pm.
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and join in with a night of fun and nostalgia racing slot cars, (Mini‘s , available for hire).
Modest fees apply for track and car hire.
Why not join us prior to the meeting for dinner from around 6:00pm in the nearby Rocksia Hotel, at 299 Princes Hwy, Arncliffe, plenty of parking available at the hotel.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Mini Car Club of NSW, will be attending “Wings over Illawarra” on Sunday 3rd May, and invites all members and “Mini’s in the Gong” members to join us this year as one group.
Australia’s best annual airshow returns Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd May 2020, make sure you put the dates in your diaries and be sure to join us for an aviation extravaganza!
Gates open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Airshow 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Please apply for your entry tickets early for the car display and early bird discount.
As a special thank you for those displaying cars, drivers of participating vehicles will be issued with a complimentary entry ticket and admitted at no charge plus be able to park up close to the action.
To obtain a complimentary ticket for the driver, you will need to follow the instructions on the “Wings over Illawarra” website, and register your vehicle, under the “Get Involved” box http://www.wingsoverillawarra.com.au/page/classic-motor-clubs.
When you “Register Your Vehicle” in the area “Club Member of”, use the drop down box, and select “Mini Car Club of NSW” as the club you are attending with. Only register 1 vehicle per email address.
For all other people attending, including vehicle passengers, an entry ticket will need to be purchased; details are also available on “Wings over Illawarra” website, under the “Tickets box. http://www.wingsoverillawarra.com.au/page/general-admission
Purchase tickets online before 31st January, 2018 to receive a substantial “Early Bird Discount” on ticket prices.
Before registering please ensure you are able to attend for the full duration of the show, as the vehicle access gates will be closed at 8:30am and will NOT be re-opened until the conclusion of the air display at approximately 5.00pm.
Registration of Vehicles and ticket purchasing will be up to each Individual.
Convoy: Travel to Albion Park Airport early on Sunday morning, meeting at McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway, and leaving promptly at 7:00am, with a pickup for Minis in the Gong members at, Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay, leaving there at 8:00am sharp, to arrive by 8:15am, and in place by their 8:30am deadline.
Saturday, 14th March 2020

- Not a State Supersprint Championship Round.
- Organised by Club Lotus Australia.
- Round of the CSCA (Combined Sports Car Association) series.
- Supplementary Regulations are now available. Download here: Supplementary-Regulations_CLA-CSCA-R1_14-March_V5
- Invitation confirmed.
- Drivers of CAMS log booked vehicles must wear Frontal Head Restraints (FHR), commonly known as “HANS Devices”.
- On Speed and Club pointscores.
Saturday 14th March 2020
Tea Gardens Hawkes Nest Motorfest

On Saturday 14th March, Sydney members and friends of the Mini Car Club who are attending this event will have an early start meeting at McDonalds Thornleigh at 6:30am and leaving promptly at 6.45am to travel to Hawks Nest. There will be a brief stop and a pick up for the Newcastle & Hunter Valley members at 8.30am at McDonalds on the north side of Raymond Terrace. Note, we will need to travel through Raymond Terrace to reach this location. After a brief stop we head off by 8:45am to continue our journey and arrive at approx.. 9.30am for the start of the Motorfest 2019, at Myall Park Sports Oval, off Yamba St.
Note: Distance from Thornleigh to to Hawkes Nest is Approx 200km.
Returning home at your leisure after the event afternoon.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 6th March 2020
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, Yahgoona. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday, 7th March 2020

- Multi-Club event, organised by Christian Autosports Club (CACA).
- At Cataract Scout Park, Baden-Powell Drive, Appin (Cataract Dam).
- Supplementary Regulations now available to download from this link: CACA-7 March-Cataract-Khanacross-Regs-Amended
- On Khanacross and Club pointscores.
Sunday 1st March 2020
Minis on the Coast
Big Breaky at Hot Rods Garage.
It’s on again. A bit different this time as I have invited my hot rod club, Easy Street Rod & Custom Club as well. Big Breaky at Hot Rods Garage. Then a cruise to somewhere afterwards. Let me know how many coming for catering. Hope to see you all here.

Saturday 29th February 2020
The annual Sprite / Mini Club Fish and Chip run

Joint run of the Mini Car Club and the Sprite Club.
This year we are to meet at McDonald’s Vineyard / McGrath’s Hill, Cnr. Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 2.00pm for 2.30pm departure
Travelling via Wiseman’s Ferry and Peats Ridge to Woy Woy Fish and Chip Co-op.
Arrive at Woy Woy (approx 4:30pm – 5pm)
Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 email social@miniclub.com.au
Avis Fowler 0412051594.. (email) social@spriteclub.com (please note the wrong phone number is in the Jan magazine)
Gus Staunton Points
Oasis run
Tuesday 3rd March 2020
Picnic Day, Bobbin Head & Apple Tree Bay
Parking fees apply (eligible concession card holders can apply to NPWS for a free yearly pass).
NOTE: Café at Apple Tree Bay & Bobbin Head Inn are both CLOSED ON TUESDAYS??
B.Y.O. everything – Food, Thermos, Chairs & Tables Etc.
More info: https://www.councilofmotorclubs.org.au/images/preserve/February-2020.pdf
Tuesday, 3rd March 2020
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at the Arena Sport Club. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Sunday 23rd February 2020
Motorist Appreciation Day
Morriset Showground – Note new location for this year

New venue New date!
Show and Shine of Hot Rod and Historic cars @ Morrisett Showground.
The 36th Motorists Appreciation Day annual event run by the Rickshaws Hotrod Club has a new location this year, Morriset Showground, 40 Ourimbah Street on the Western side of Lake Macquarie
There is one basic rule to allow your entry, that is, your vehicle must be considered by the organisers to be collectable.
Come along and be part of one of the largest gathering of enthusiast’s vehicles in one place within the Hunter Valley. Last year’s event attracted over 400 vehicles of all shapes and sizes from far and wide.
Gates open at 8am – presentation at 1.30pm (may vary) hot food and drinks will be available on the day. $5.00 entry fee per car.
Mini Club Sydney members meeting at the Cowan Rest Area Truck Stop, Berowra at 6:15 am for a 6:30am departure and driving up the M1 Motorway to arrive at Morriset for the gates opening at 8am.
For more information and to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 21st February 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
This year we are in the Mirambeena Room L2 starting at 7:45pm. (Please check the club notice boards as the room location occasionally changes)
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Tuesday, 19th February 2020
Competition Meeting
Directors and their assistants for upcoming motorsport events are asked to attend.
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058 for venue details
Gerringong Motor Fest
Saturday 15th February 2020
Gerringong Lions Club will be holding its annual Motor Fest/ Car Show on Saturday 15th February 2020 on Michael Cronin Oval Blackwood Street, Gerringong.
You must pre-enter to attend

To down load an event details pdf please click here: 2020-Gerringong-Motor-Fest
Contact Lions Club of Gerringong
Richard Barber: 0438 678 882
Email: richard@wattlerdinvestments.com.au
Jim Davidson: 0408 255 562
Email: jimdavo3158@gmail.com
Keith Watson Ph: 0401 777 130
Friday, 7th February 2020
General Meeting
All members and friends are invited to come along to Club General Meetings which are held at the Arena Sports Club, 140 Rookwood Road, Yahgoona. (The Old Greyhound & Social Club).
Arrive 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start.
The Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full Bar Facilities and Coffee making open from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Plenty of off street parking.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 8th February 2020

The annual Sprite / Mini Club Fish and Chip run is on again

Joint run of the Mini Car Club and the Sprite Club.
This year we are to meet at McDonald’s Vineyard / McGrath’s Hill, Cnr. Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 2.00pm for 2.30pm departure
Travelling via Wiseman’s Ferry and Peats Ridge to Woy Woy Fish and Chip Co-op.
Arrive at Woy Woy (approx 4:30pm – 5pm)
Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 email social@miniclub.com.au
Avis Fowler 0412051594.. (email) social@spriteclub.com (please note the wrong phone number is in the Jan magazine)
Gus Staunton Points
Meet at Bunnings, Victoria Ave, Castle Hill for
coffee & shopping. Depart 11.00am for short run through the outer Hills District for lunch at Lynwood
Country Club. Pitt Town. Details. Murray Irwin Mob. 0449 896 008
Tuesday, 4th February 2020
Committee Meeting
The committee meets at 7:30pm at the Arena Sport Club. If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Saturday 1st February
Western Sydney run to Camden

Joint run of the Mini Car Club and the Sprite Club.
Meet at McDonalds Penrith Panthers 1.30 for a 2pm departure.
Run to Camden Valley Inn for dinner after a drive through Silverdale / The Oaks etc.
Please RSVP to Avis by Tuesday 28th January as she will be making a booking at the Inn.
Contact: Michael Benton 0411019112 email social@miniclub.com.au
Avis Fowler 0412051594.. (email) social@spriteclub.com
(please note the wrong ph number is in the December 2019 magazine)
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 26th January 2020
Australia Day CARnivale
City of Parramatta, in collaboration with the Australia Day Council of NSW, invites you to register for CARnivale, to be held in Parramatta Park on Australia Day, Sunday, 26 January 2020.

This will be the fifth year CARnivale has been held in Parramatta Park and it will again showcase a magnificent collection of vehicles including cars, motorbikes, fire engines, speedway cars and racing cars plus trucks, coaches and military vehicles.
Based on information gathered from entrants and visitors each year, the organisers continue to improve the display. For 2020 vehicles of all ages will be allowed to enter and the display time will be from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. There will be more shade areas provided and a large marquee will be placed in the centre of the display area with food and drink stalls, chairs and a stage for entertainment. Clubs will be able to have their own tents which can be used to display and sell club memorabilia. The public will be able to vote for the Best in Show using a phone or tablet app.
In addition to CARnivale, other activities in the Park will include a hot air balloon display from 6am and a family zone with kids’ rides and other entertainment. There will be a shuttle bus from the Park to the Ferry Wharf, train station and shopping centre in the Parramatta central business district, which offers many restaurants and cafes.
Australia Day in Parramatta celebrations will conclude with a concert on the main stage in The Crescent followed by a fireworks spectacular at 9.00pm.
2020 CARnivale registration is now open at: https://www.discoverparramatta.com/form/carnivale
The closing date for all entries is Friday 29 November 2019 or earlier if the total allocation of space has been filled. If your registration is accepted, you will receive a confirmation pack in mid-December containing a windscreen sticker designating your time of arrival at Parramatta Park, where you will be parked in the display, a map of the location and details about the day.
For further information about CARnivale please contact:
John Flower
Vehicle Coordinator
2020 Australia Day CARnivale
City of Parramatta Council
Box 32, PARRAMATTA 2124
Phone: 02 9806 5221
If you are intending to go please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 to confirm your attendance.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 19th January 2020
Minis in the Gong Show & Shine

by PhillB » Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:54 pm Just an update for everyone on the Show tomorrow.
The show will be going ahead tomorrow!
We will only be cancelling if there is very heavy rain or severe weather and this seems unlikely at this stage.
Keep checking our Facebook page and our webpage for any updates. We will try and post live in the morning from the site on the local weather.
Please remember that the weather situation in Wollongong is often quite different to conditions in Sydney. Apparently there was heavy rain in Sydney and Southern Highlands today but we had almost none in the Wollongong Region just overcast and cloudy.
We have inspected the grounds and they are in excellent condition despite the rain over the past days as the grounds have a slight slope and drain well.
If you are concerned about rain we will allow the use of 3m x 3m Gazebos. If you wish to erect one please let us know on arrival so we can direct you to a suitable area. They need to be able to be pegged down.
Bring an umbrella or rain jacket just in case, Don’t forget the Museum is open all day and well worth a visit if there is a need to escape from the weather.
Fencing is all up and we are ready to go!!
We look forward to seeing everyone in the morning!

Show and Shine for minis with entry FREE for exhibitors and public, no registration required.
Mini Car Club members attending this event we will be travelling to Dapto early on Sunday morning to convoy down.
There are two meeting locations, first you can join the Sydney Mini’s group, along with Mini Car Club Members at Padstow Maccas 7.15 to leave at 7.30 sharp, second location is McDonalds Heathcote, corner of Heathcote Rd and Princes Highway meeting at 8am and leaving promptly at 8.15am to cruise to Motorlife Museum to arrive around 9:15 – 9:30am.
All Minis, Mokes, MINIs and Mini variants (Elf, Hornet, Buckle, Marcos, Sports Racing etc)
Entry FREE for exhibitors and public, no registration required.
Sausage sandwiches and Soft drinks available
Awards: Car of the Year (voted by exhibitors only) + People’s Choice (public and exhibitors)
Awards presentation: 12.30pm – 1.00pm.
Don’t be fussy about the condition of your car. If it’s driveable then bring it.
For more details contact Michael Benton 0411019112.
Australian Motorlife Museum Exhibition Lawn, Integral Energy Recreation Park, Darkes Road, Dapto. http://www.minisinthegong.com.au
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 17th January 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Bankstown Sports Club. 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown.
This year we are in the Mirambeena Room L2 starting at 7:45pm. (Please check the club notice boards as the room location occasionally changes)
All club members and visitors are invited to come long and discuss all aspects of the Mini.
You are welcome to come along early and join the group for dinner and informal discussion in the clubs Greenfield restaurant prior to the meeting.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Good Wishes
The Mini Car Club of NSW wishes everyone a safe Christmas break and happy 2020.
We are sad to see many of our favourite ‘mini run’ roads and other environs impacted by the fires and know that people who live in those areas are struggling. We thank the RFS for their amazing work.
Stay safe, drive mindfully and to the conditions. We will together enjoy our cars, look after each other and continue to visit regional NSW whenever we can.
A reminder that double demerit points apply until midnight January 1.
Keep on mini-ing
Tuesday, 4th August 2020
Committee Meeting
The committee is currently meeting via Teleconference.
Conference starts at 7:30pm
If you have any matters for discussion by committee, forward your request to the Club Secretary or call your favourite committee member
Friday, 7th August 2020
General Meeting
Please keep up to date with the website and Facebook pages or contact the event organiser before attending.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 16th August 2020
Shannon's Classic Car Show
Cancelled due to Covid restrictions
For further details contact Robert Bradshaw on 0418 463 614 or (02)9973 2203
Gus Staunton Points
Friday, 21st August 2020
Mini Enthusiasts Meeting
Please keep up to date with the website and Facebook pages or contact the event organiser before attending.
For further information contact the Chairman Robert Weir on 0418 161 918.
Gus Staunton Points
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd August 2020
Rylstone Classic
Please keep up to date with any changes due to Covid restrictions: https://www.rylstoneclassic.com/covid19
As of 14th July, the 2020 Rylstone Classic is still planned to proceed. Please monitor this page for future updates.
A key enabling component of the 2020 Rylstone Classic will be the capture of critical entrant information.
As a requirement of the COVID Safety Plan, we will need all entrants to update their information at check-in.
For both drivers and navigators will record your name, email and intended overnight location (if an overnight stay is applicable).
Tracking entries and people movements is one of our biggest challenges in delivering a COVID Safe event.
If your plans or details have changed, please let us know.
If you have decided not to attend in 2020 or perhaps only attend a portion of the event, please let us know.
We ask that all entrants provide their information which we will append to your entry.
Please visit the website and update your details now https://www.rylstoneclassic.com/covid19
Update 12th June
BREAKING: In response to today’s Federal Government announcement which scraps the 100 person cap in favour of the 4 square metre rule, we’re delighted to announce that our 10th anniversary event WILL go ahead!
With the changes likely to come into effect in July and our plans to involve all local clubs, pubs and restaurants we believe we can safely execute the event.
Of course, we will have a special focus on social distancing, hygiene controls and all measures required to keep us safe and compliant during registration and any points where the field will gather.
We will proceed as if the event is on, only postponing should the situation change.
Evan Redman
Event Director
This FREE 2 day event is for Mini owners and enthusiasts with other classic vehicles accepted upon application. The 2019 Rylstone Classic, to be held August 22,23, encompasses a range of novelty activities and will be conducted at a leisurely pace, befitting the vintage of our vehicles. With an overnight stay in wine country, the Rylstone Classic has grown over the past eight years to become one of Australia's marquee events for Mini enthusiasts, with numbers growing year on year.
There are a few changes this year with the most important being we have made the decision to move our Central Coast starting point from the Gosford Classic Car Museum to the Mingara Recreation Club at Tumbi Umbi.
It may be a few extra kilometres for our Sydney folk to travel, but the venue provides everything we need for a safe and ordered departure on the big day.
Plus, with a range of cafes on site, pre-fuelling will be a breeze!
Our entry form has been updated online, with all existing entries also corrected.
Register and keep up to date here: http://www.rylstoneclassic.com/
or on the Facebook page: The Rylstone Classic
Gus Staunton Points
Update May 26th
With state-based restrictions updated almost daily and our 2020 plans to involve more pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants across Rylstone and Kandos for a Saturday evening Festival of Food, we're looking more and more likely that we can hold our event.
Our event's popularity - now with over 340 competitors - is our biggest challenge at the moment so stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks as we navigate the restrictions to put this puzzle together safely.
Sunday 6th September 2020
Phil Briggs Mini Run
The annual Phil Brigg’s Memorial Run this year is to Grey Gum International Café.
Meet at McDonald’s Vineyard / McGrath’s Hill, Cnr Groves Ave and Windsor Rd, McGrath’s Hill 10.00pm for 10.30pm departure.
Travel through Wilberforce and up the Putty Road to Colo and Colo Heights before reaching our destination. 88km approx. 1hour.
For more information please call Tammy or Ian Thompson 45 751776.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 13th September 2020
All British Day 2020
Cancelled due to Covid restrictions
Mini Car Club of NSW Annual Show and Shine
Update on All British Day.
Sadly we have to announce that this years All British Day has now been cancelled
For more information or to arrange for your entry ticket please contact Michael Benton 0411 019 112.
Gus Staunton Points
Sunday 20th September 2020
State Supersprint Championship
Wakefield Park
Run by the Mini Car Club of NSW
Save the date as lots of officials needed
Testing of Entry Form Here
Contact Phil Boyd 0412 521 058
Further details to be provided
Friday 2nd October 2020
Welcome BBQ at Hay
Are you a member of the Mini Car Club NSW?
Are you making the trip to the Australian Hay Mini Nationals in October?
Would you like to enjoy a BBQ dinner after the long drive?
Then, we’d like to invite our members to the official ‘Welcome to Hay BBQ/get together’.
When? Friday, 2nd October 2020.
Where? At the Cobb Inlander Motel – 83 Lachlan St Hay NSW.
Kicks off at 5.30pm for a 6pm dinner.
Please RSVP to Julie 0419266620 by 26/9/2020
Gus Staunton Points
2nd October to 5th October 2020
Hay Mini Nationals
Saturday 17th Sunday 18th October 2020
Western NSW – Weekend away
Members and mini enthusiasts are invited to join in for a great mini drive and weekend in the mid-west of NSW where our destination will be Bathurst.
We will check out the circuit on Saturday afternoon followed by a great feed on Saturday night.
Sunday morning breakfast will be at a local café, visits to local attractions then travel home on Sunday afternoon.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email: social@miniclub.com.au
Gus Staunton Points
21st to 25th October 2020
Moke Roundup Tamworth 2020
Information about the event can be found at: www.mokeroundup.com.au .
Or in our Events of Interest
Sunday 8th November 2020
Wings over Illawarra 2020
New Dates for Wings Over Illawarra 2020
As you are all aware, we had to postpone our event in May due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
The new dates are 7th and 8th November 2020 and we are really looking forward to presenting the best show that we have ever been involved in. I am sure by November, everyone, like us, will be looking forward to getting out and about and what better way to celebrate than at Australia’s largest and best airshow annual!!
We have been watching with great interest as the country slowly starts to open up and with borders now open and restrictions easing, we are very confident that Wings Over Illawarra will be a great success.
All tickets that have already been purchased for the May event are still valid!! Simply print them out or show them on your phone to be scanned at the gate.
For those of you that need tickets head over to the website. All the information is there. Tickets for Saturday VIP’s are sold out but there are still tickets available for the Sunday. There are still quite a few great options for gold pass and general admission ticket are always available.
For more information or to confirm you will be attending please contact Michael Benton 0411019112 or email: social@miniclub.com.au
Gus Staunton Points
Recent News
Reminder MCC – Come and Try – Motorkhana March 8, 2025
Memberships and Renewals February 21, 2025
Updated Calendar of Events January 29, 2025
Minis on Safari October 21, 2024
AGM Committee Results October 21, 2024